12 research outputs found

    Makanan Hantaran pada Upacara Perkawinan di Desa Sungai Abu Kecamatan Hiliran Gumanti Kabupaten Solok Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    The background of this research is the lack knowledge of sungai Abu citizen about the a series of delivery events, which brought indigenous food, the tools used to carry food customs and customary meaning of food brought to the delivery and implementation of events that play a role in treating food only mothers aged 60 years. The purposes of this study are (1) to describe the implementation of a series of ceremonial delivery, (2) describe the type of custom foods delivery, (3) describe the equipment used to carry the customary food delivery (4) expresses the meaning of food delivery at the ceremony. The research is a qualitative research, the research object is the customary food that is brought in delivery event in the village of sungai Abu. The instrument used in this study is the observation, interview and documentation. Data are analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that the delivery event in Sungai abu village be held in the second day of marriage ceremony, conducting a series of delivery events in the village of sungai abu has two stages: preparation before the event and conducting a series of traditional ceremonies, the type of food served at the delivery ceremony are 23 species and which as a symbol of niniak mamak and interest to both families

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Hygiene Sanitasi Dengan Sikap Siswa Pada Praktek Mengolah Kue Indonesia Di Workshop Smk N 3 Muara Bungo

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    This study was motivated by problem about the student's attitudes has not noticed to aspects of sanitation hygiene during pratice in the workshop. The purpose of this study was to describe about student's knowledge of sanitation hygiene and to analyze about correlation between student knowledge and attitude in the workshop.This study is a correlational study with Ex Post Facto design. Sample in this study are student of SMK N 3 Muara Bungo as many as 50 people. The instrument used are multiple choice and questionnaire likert scale. Data analyze technique used is determine the level of attainment percentage of respondent and correlation technique to know about correlation level between two variabel studied.Based on the result founded : (1) student's knowledge is in category less well with the percentage achieved by 55,7 % (2) student's attitude is in category well with the percentage achieved by 70 % . (3) T count in this study was 10.643. if T count greater than T table ( 10.643 > 2.000 ) indicates student's knowledge and student's attitude have a positive and significant correlation

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Gizi Ibu dengan Penerapan Menu 3b pada Anak Balita di Jorong Sungai Salak Kenagarian Koto Tangah Kecamatan Tanjung Emas Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    The problem in this study is still low maternal nutritional knowledge, there are many mothers who have not applied for a toddler menu 3B, the relationship with the mothers nutritional knowledge application menu 3B in children under five. The purpose of this study was to describe maternal nutrition knowladge on food toddler, identify the application menu 3B for toddler, maternal, nutritional knowladge to analyze the reletionship with the application menu 3B in children under five. The reseach is ex post facto correlational nature. The population in this study were all housewives who have children under the age of 1-5 years districts in jorong sungai salak kenagarian koto tangah kecamatan tanjung emas kabupaten tanah datar 85 people. Samples numbered 50 persons obtained by simple random sampling. Data processed by descriptive and correlation with maternal nutrition knowledge application menu 3B in children under five. Result of research on maternal nutrition knowledge suggests that as many as 34% of mothers have the nutritional knowledge in the unfavorable category. The results of research on the application menu 3B show that as much as 32% application menu 3B in children under five in the unfavorable category. There is a significant correlation between maternal nutrition knowledge with the application menu 3B with correlation coefficient 0.287 and a significance value of 0.043

    Persepsi Siswa terhadap Kompetensi Profesionalisme Guru Keahlian Jasa Boga Smk Negeri 1 Painan

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    The purpose of this for study was to identify and describe how students perceptionts of teacher professional competence skills catering services SMK Negeri 1 Painan. This resereach is quantitative descriptive. The populations consist 0f 90 people namely grate students X, XI, and XII SMK Negeri 1 Painan. Based on the result of this study concluded that: 35% of respondents had the perception that the teacher is good mastery of the material, 33% of respondents had the perception that the teacher is good management of teaching and learning, 42% of respondents had the perception that the teacher is good classroom management and workshop, 43% of respondents had the perception that the teacher use of media to learn good teacher, 45% of respondents had the perception that the teacher the management of teaching and learnings interactions, and 43% of respondents had the perception that the teacher is good evaluation of learning achievement. The result showed that overall 43% of respondents students perceptions of teacher professional competence is very good category

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gizi dengan Status Gizi Anak Balita di Perumnas Belimbing Kelurahan Kuranji Padang

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    This study aimed to describe the mother's level of knowledge about nutrition , describe the nutritional status of children under five , and maternal knowledge about the relationship of nutrition and nutritional status of children under five in Housing Belimbing.Jenis this research is quantitative descriptive correlational form . The population in this study were mothers of children under five who have poor nutritional status and malnutrition , amounting to 38 orang.Analisis using the Pearson correlation coefficient Product Moment Correlation and continued with the t test for the significance analysis korelasi.Berdasarkan coefficient description of the data analysis results , that percentage the level of achievement of the respondents on the variables of maternal nutrition knowledge was highest in the percentage of 58 % with the low category , nutritional status of children under five variables obtained results from 38 infants who have nutritional problems are 11 % who suffer from malnutrition , and the remaining 89 % are children under five nutritional status less . The results of the correlation analysis suggests that there is a positive and significant relationship between mothers' knowledge of nutrition with nutritional status of children in the Housing Carambola

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Pembentuk Gel Terhadap Kualitas Permen Jeli Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus Polyrhizhus)

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    Glucomannan and CMC are gelling material whice is expected to replace gelatin. The safety and halal of Gelatin is it still doubt because it is much imported from outside. Red dragon fruit peel can be used as natural dyes to jelly candy. This study aims to analyze the quality (texture, color, shape, aroma, flavor) jelly candy red dragon fruit peel by using gelling materia, that are glucomannan and CMC. The type of this research is experimental by using a completely randomized design of three time exsperiments with the number 30 panelists. The result of Hypothesis test indicate that there is an influence of the using gelatin, glucomannan and CMC. Glucomannan (X1) have a significant effect, on red color, identical form, less flavorful aroma of red dragon fruit peel. CMC (X2) have a significant effect, very red colors, less identical form less flavorful aroma of red dragon fruit peel. On the hedonik test, the indicators texsture, shape, aroma and tast are preferred by panelists of using glucomannan.. While indicator color using CM