3 research outputs found

    Efforts to increase public knowledge about first aid in burns in Tanjung Mulieng, Syamtalira Aron District

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    People's habits in providing first aid for burns still need to be reviewed. Wrong habits can worsen the patient's condition and prolong the wound healing process. Preventing the risk of infection and the occurrence of further complications which can increase the risk of death and disability. The aim of carrying out activities is to increase people's knowledge and skills in helping themselves and their families in cases of burns. The activity method is education, demonstration and simulation of first aid for burns. The target audience for this community service activity is the residents of Tanjong Mulieng Village, Syamtalira Aron District, North Aceh Regency, totaling 29 subjects. Evaluate the success of education using knowledge instruments that are measured before and after the activity is carried out and increase skills using a first aid checklist for burns. The results obtained were a good increase in knowledge of 76%, and participants were able to correctly demonstrate first aid steps for minor burns. Increasing the community's ability to help themselves and their families can be achieved by providing education and demonstrating first aid for burns

    Edukasi Perawatan Kaki pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Syamtalira Aron

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    A serious complication that is often found in people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is diabetic foot ulcers. One of the primary prevention efforts for complications of diabetes mellitus such as the risk of neuropathy and foot ulcers is to provide health education about foot care for people with diabetes mellitus to increase knowledge and skills in performing routine and independent foot care. The target of this community service program is people with diabetes mellitus in the working area of the Syamtalira Aron Health Center, Syamtalira Aron District, totaling 25 people. The problem encountered is that DM sufferers still lack information about how to properly and correctly treat diabetic feet. There is no health team that provides direct education to DM sufferers about diabetic foot care techniques. The method used in this activity is to provide education and simulation/practice of diabetic foot exercises using power point media and distributing leaflets about the management and care of feet in people with DM. After educational activities and foot care simulations were carried out on November 14 and 15 2022 there was an 80% increase in knowledge in the good category and after the foot exercise simulation/exercise there was an increase in skills in doing foot care, namely 96%. This shows the target achievement in accordance with the expected results. The output that is expected to be achieved from this activity is that this program can provide benefits to the community, especially the target audience, thereby increasing the quality of human resources and the results can be published nationally with the ISSN and e-ISSN.Komplikasi serius yang sering dijumpai pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus (DM) adalah ulkus kaki diabetic. Salah satu upaya pencegahan primer terjadinya komplikasi diabetes mellitus seperti resiko neuropathi dan ulkus kaki adalah dengan memberikan edukasi kesehatan tentang perawatan kaki pada penderita diabetes mellitus untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam melakukan perawatan kaki secara rutin dan mandiri. Sasaran program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah penderita diabetes mellitus di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Syamtalira Aron Kecamatan Syamtalira Aron yang berjumlah 25 orang. Permasalahan yang dijumpai adalah penderita DM masih minim informasi tentang cara perawatan kaki diabetes secara tepat dan benar. Belum adanya tim kesehatan yang memberikan edukasi langsung kepada penderita DM tentang tehnik perawatan kaki diabetik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah memberikan edukasi dan simulasi/ latihan senam kaki diabetes dengan media power point dan membagikan leaflet tentang pengelolaan dan perawatan kaki pada penderita DM. Setelah dilakukan kegiatan edukasi dan simulasi perawatan kaki pada tanggal 14 dan 15 November 2022 terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan sebanyak 80% pada kategori baik dan setelah dilakukan simulasi/latihan senam kaki terdapat peningkatan keterampilan dalam melakukan perawatan kaki yaitu sebnayak 96%. Hal ini menunjukkan target capaian sesuai dengan hasil yang diharapkan. Luaran yang diharapkan dapat dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah program ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat khususnya khalayak sasaran, sehingga meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan hasilnya dapat terpublikasi secara nasional ber-ISSN dan e-ISSN

    Kecemasan Pandemi COVID-19 dengan Produksi dan Kelancaran Pengeluaran ASI Ibu Post Partum

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic with the production, expenditure, and smoothness of postpartum mothers' milk at the Syamtalira Aron Health Center. The research method is an analytic survey using a cross-sectional design. The results showed no significant relationship between the anxiety of the COVID-19 pandemic and postpartum mothers' milk production. Also, there is no meaningful relationship between pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic and the release of breast milk. However, there is a relationship between anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic with breastfeeding for mothers in the working area of the Syamtalira Aron Health Center. Conclusion: Anxiety in the postpartum period must be overcome so that breastfeeding is smooth.   Keywords: Breastfeeding, Anxiety, COVID-19 Pandemic, Post Partu