3 research outputs found

    The Relation of Prostate Tissue Protein Content, Nd : YAG Laser Transmissibility and Thermal Effect on Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    As our society ages, safe and minimally invasive treatment for the frequent occurrence of prostatic hyperplasia have been sought. We have performed prostatic hightemperature treatment for prostatic hyperplasia with the Prostalase using neodymium : yattriumaluminum garnet (Nd : YAG) laser for patients suffering from a bladder outlet obstruction secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). We used agars which included various densities of protein and skim milk as test materials to determine whether the exothermic mechanism of the Nd : YAG laser irradiation has an effect on protein molecules. By measuring the temperature inside the test materials and the irradiation transmissibility, we verified that in tissues with the same degree of color, the higher the protein content, the stronger the exothermic action of the Nd : YAG laser. In addition, in three human prostates obtained through pathological autopsy, the measurement of the protein content and the temperature inside the prostatic tissue in which prostatic thermal treatment had been performed showed that the exothermic action of the Nd : YAG laser varied according to the protein content: the higher the protein content, the stronger was the exothermic action. The present findings suggest that the temperature inside prostatic tissue reaches at least 60-65邃・with intissues with a protein content more than 23g/100g


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    A case of non-specific granulomatous prostatitis is reported. The patient, who had a history of sudden onset of high fever and acute urinary retention, had a hard prostate on digital rectal examination that gave us an impression of prostatic cancer. Since repeated biopsy specimens from the prostate showed granuloma formation with fibrinoid necrosis, the case was diagnosed as non-specific granulomatous prostatitis. Steroid therapy promptly resolved clinical symptoms along with marked histopathologic improvement


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    内分泌非活性副腎腫瘍は比較的稀な疾患であるが, 今回われわれはその組織所見がoncocytoma様所見を呈した内分泌非活性型副腎皮質腺腫を経験したので報告する.症例は41歳女性, 軽度な甲状腺機能充進症で本院内科で精査中であったが腹部エコー.腹部CTスキャンにて偶然, 左副腎腫瘍を発見され, 当科へ紹介された.内分泌検査, RI検査などで, 内分泌非活性副腎腫瘍と診断し, 1983年12月21日全身麻酔下に左副腎摘出術を施行した.摘出重量は5×4.5×3.Ocm, 30gであった.組織所見は光顕および電顕上, 副腎のoncocytomaと考えられたが, 副腎皮質腺腫にはoncocytomaの概念がないのでadrenal, corticaladenoma, compactcelltypeと診断した,We report a case of non-hormonal adrenocortical adenoma. The tumor was removed en block with the adrenal gland. The specimen was 5.0 X 4.5 X 3.0 cm, weighed 30 g and was solid. Histologically, this tumor had an oncocytoma-like appearance. However, as there is no concept of oncocytoma in connection with adrenocortical adenoma, this case was diagnosed as adrenocortical adenoma. A case with such histological findings has never been reported