28 research outputs found

    Analisis Dampak Paparan Medan Magnet Extremely Low Frequency (Elf) Intensitas >100 Terhadap Kelainan Kongenital Bayi Tikus Putih Stain Wistar

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    Using by electric toolsasPC, handphone, television, et alradiate ofradiation ofelectryand magnetic fieldthats extrim low frequencyusuallythe mean is Extremely Low Frequency (ELF). Near all objectthat characteristic of metal can be pull by magnit. The part of magnetic fieldcan penetratebuild, trees dan the other object. Undirectly the magnetic fieldgaveeffect for body. Many experimentshowed thatmagnetic fieldhave givenbad effectfor health.The objectivesof this research are inspectthe effectof magnetic field ELF with intensity of150, 300, and450for the mass of bodybaby ofwhite mouse, forunnormalypart of body baby of white mouse, and forendure of live baby of white mouse.Design of this research used post test control design.Result of this researchshowedthatthere are not different of significantfor all of groupfor the mass of bodybaby ofwhite mouse and unnormalypart of body baby of white mouse.So,forendure of live baby of white mousethere are different of significant forcontrol and experiment group.The declarationconclusingthatthe radiation of magnetic field ELF intensity of150, 300, and450didn\u27t give effectthe mass of bodybaby ofwhite mouse and unnormalypart of body baby of white mouse.. But forendure of live baby of white mouse, for mother usthat be radiated by magnetic fieldare exposed to 50% untilday to 15. Conclusion of this reseach are radiation of magnetic field ELF intensity150 , 300and450 gave effectfor the mass of bodybaby ofwhite mouse.Radiation of magnetic field ELF intensity150 , 300and450 gave effect for endure of live baby of white mouse.Radiation of magnetic field ELF intensity150 , 300and450 didn\u27t give effect for endure of live baby of white mous

    Implementasi Model Group Investigation (Gi) Berbasis Masalah Kontekstual Dipadu Penilaian Proyek Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Di Ma

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    The aims of the reseach are: 1) study the differences of learning achievement between student that learning by the GI model based on contextual problem with project assessment and conventional learning; 2) describe student's science process skill during learning process; 3) study relation between science process skill and learning achievement using the GI model. This is experimental research with posttest-only control design.The population are all of XI degree student at MAN 1 Jember in 2013/2014 academic year with the sample 2 class as experiment class and control class.The techniques of data collection areobservation, documentation, test and interview. Technique of analyze data are independent sample t-test SPSS 16 programe study the differences of learning achievement, precentage analyses describe science process skills, and bivariate correlate SPSS 16 programestudy relations between science process skills and learning achievement. The study conclude that: 1) there is significant differences of learning achievement between experiment class and control class with sig. 0,003; 2) percentage of science process skills are good citeria with percentage 81,12%; 3) there is significant relation between science process skills and learning achievement with sig. 0,039

    Model Gi-gi (Group Investigation-guided Inquiry) Dalam Pembelajaran Elastisitas Di SMA (Studi Pada Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa)

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    This research focuses on the implementation of GI-GI (Group Investigation-Guided Inquiry) model in elasticity learning at senior high school. This research aimed to describe student's science process skills during using the model and to study affect the model on student's physics learning achievement. This type of research is experiment research by post-test only control design. The population of this research is students of class XI IPA in SMAN Kalisat and the sample is two classes, XI IPA 3 as an experiment group and XI IPA 3 as a control group. Data collection techniques are observation, documentation, interview, and test. Data analysis techniques to describe student's science process skills use descriptive analysis, to study affect the model on student's physics learning achievement use independent sample t-test on SPSS 22. Finding this research are: (1)  The average percentage of student's basic science process skills is 69.14% included fairly good criteria, while the average percentage of student's integrated science process skills is 81.96% included  good criteria. (2) The significance value is 0,000 or <0.05 and it show that the model has a significant affect on student's physics learning achievement. The research can be concluded that student's basic and integrated science process skills during using GI-GI model are in fairly good criteria and good criteria. GI-GI model has a significant affect on student's physics learning achievement.   Key word: elasticity, GI-GI model, student's learning achievement, student's science process skill

    Pengaruh Jenis Atap Rumah Terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Medan Magnet Di Bawah Sutt 150 Kv

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    The current study is based on the needs of human life that cannot be separated from the role of electricity. This is why the demand for electricity is getting increased, so it requires the construction of transmission channels, one of them is SUTT. Without realizing it, the channel emits magnetic field. The exposure to magnetic field generated by SUTT has extremely low frequency since the rate commonly used in Indonesia is 50 Hz. The purpose of the current study was to find out the distribution pattern of magnetic field radiation intensity below SUTT 150 kV and the influence of roof types to the decrease of ELF magnetic field intensity by SUTT 150 kV. The study design was field experiment using measuring devices of magnetic field with EMF-827. The results confirmed that the area under the phase wires had the greatest magnetic field intensity, that was almost 70 times bigger than that of the natural magnetic field intensity. Based on the data collection, the use of roof barrier did not effect to the decrease of the magnetic field intensity because the decrease had segnificantly occured at farther distance from the phase wires without using roof barriers. All the results of magnetic field intensity measurements was still below the limit allowed by WHO. The results of the current study can be used as new understanding for Indonesians, especially those who still live under the transmission lin

    Pembelajaran Materi Elastisitas Dan Hukum Hooke Dengan Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery Di SMA Negeri 1 Jenggawah

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    The aim of this research is to study the effect of guided discovery learning model on critical thinking skills and motivation of students on learning materials elasticity and Hooke law. Learning physics in the classroom tends to be monotonous and less attractive where students are not involved directly in the find a concept, so that the students have not been motivated to active in learning. The effect critical thinking skills  of students is low, because students did not experience their own facts that happened. This research is an experimental research. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Jenggawah. The data are collected by test, questionnaire, interview, and documentation. To examine the hypothesis, this research used independent sample t-test with SPSS 22 version. According to independent sample t-test analysis in the critical thinking skills showed sig value (2-tailed) is 0,000 or < 0,05 then Ho is rejected, and for the motivation of student's showed sig value (2-tailed) is 0,000 or < 0,05 then Ho is rejected. In conclusion, the guided discovery learning model has a significance influential to critical thinking skills and motivation of students on learning materials elasticity and Hooke law in Senior High School 1 Jenggawa

    Tugas Analisis Wacana Dalam Bentuk Gambar Proses Kejadian Lingkungan Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA

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    An assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event on physics studies is a learning assignment which serve a problem in the form of a process picture on an environmental event which is connected to physics conception and must be finished by a student by analyzing the event using the logic and realitic physics cocepts. The objectives of this research are to describe the effective physics learning using an assignment of a review analysis in the form of a process picture on an environmental event, to study the students\u27 learning activenes, the students\u27 physics test results and the retention of the physics test results of the high school students after using this assignment of a review analysis in the form of a process picture on an environmental event. The type of this research is the actions research with a research design using hopkins cycle. The samples of this research are the students of classes X MIA 1, X MIA 4, and X MIA 5 of SMA Negeri Arjasa Kabupaten Jember of the academic year 2014/2015. The method of data collection includes documentation, tests, observation, and interview. The data analysis uses an effectivity test of physics learning, activeness percentage to study the students\u27 activeness during learning, t-test using t-test paired samples with the help of SPSS statistic v16. in order to study the learning results, a retention test to study the strength of the assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event on cycle III which is considered to be the most effective, the students\u27 learning activeness can be conidered highly active, especially the component of the students\u27 activeness in being attentive on the teacer\u27s explanation and group discussion, whereas the component of asking questions is considered less active. The students\u27 physics study results after learning using an assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event are higher than the students\u27 physics study results before learning with the analysis of t-test > ttable, retention of physics study results for the three classes on every cycle using the assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event is considered strong and more motivating for the students with the study result retention can show an improvement if being compared to the post test scores

    Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Berbantuan Media Kartu Bergambar Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Smk Negeri Di Kabupaten Jember

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    Problem Based Learning Model assisted visual card media is learning model that based on problems in daily life that presented in visual card media, and need of an authentic investigation in accordance with the problem on visual card. This study purpose is to assess critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes that given problem based learning model assisted visual cards media and were not given the problem based learning model assisted visual cards media, and to know the response of the students in the application of problem based learning model assisted visual cards media. This research is a purely experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design. The result of data collection was Analyzed by descriptive presentation and statistics (t test). Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that 1) the critical thinking skills of students were given a problem based learning model assisted visual cards media are generally the same as students who were not given problem based learning model assisted visual cards media. 2) there is a significant difference on the learning outcomes of students who were given a problem based learning model assisted visual cards media and are not given the problem based learning model assisted visual cards media. 3) The problem based learning model assisted visual cards media received good response from students

    Analisis Sarana Prasarana Laboratorium Fisika Dan Intensitas Kegiatan Praktikum Fisika Dalam Mendukung Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Fisika SMA Negeri Di Kabupaten Jember

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    The research focused to analyze and then describe the results of data analysis has taken on physics laboratory infrastructure and intensity of high school physics practicum State in Jember. This research is a descriptive study in which the researchers used samples is SMA Negeri 1 Jember, SMAN 4 Jember, SMA Negeri 1 Pakusari, SMA Negeri Rambipuji and SMA Negeri 2 Tanggul. Instruments used by researchers is the observation, interviews, and questionnaires. This thesis using statistical tests.. The results of the observation data shows that SMA Negeri 1 Jember 90.51%, SMAN 4 Jember 77.38%, SMA Negeri 1 Pakusari 85.17%, 76.78% SMA Negeri Rambipuji , SMA Negeri 2 Tanggul 93.05% and the questionnaire results to determine the intensity of the practicum are SMA Negeri 1 Jember 53.33%, SMAN 4 Jember 70%, SMA Negeri 1 Pakusari 48.15%, SMA Negeri Rambipuji 62 , 96%, and SMAN 2 Tanggul 56.67%. The intensity of the physics lab at 5 SMA Negeri Jember obtained an average category quite well with an average score of 16.8 with a percentage of 58.22%. This thesis using percentation questionnaires result equetion. Based on the data that has been obtained it can be concluded that the use of tools in support of learning physics laboratory in good enough category, where the category was included in the category of less than the maximum that should be maximized return, given the importance of practice in favor of a lesson, especially physics