27 research outputs found

    Sifat Kimia, Mikrobiologi dan Organoleptik Yogurt yang Menggunakan Persentase Lactobacillus casei dan Kadar Gula yang Berbeda

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    Chemical, microbiological and organoleptical of yogurt using the different of percentage lactobacillus casei and sugar level ABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to know quality of yogurt with variant of percentage Lactobacillus casei and sugar level. The parameter of this study were the crude protein applying the Kjeldhal method, the crude fat applying the Gerber method, the sum of amount of alive of micro-organism applying the plate count method and the organoleptic applying the square of. The result of this study showed that the different of sugar level is significant (P 0,05) on all parameter. The interaction is only found between two factors on crude fat. The highest of the rate amount of alive microorganism, crude protein and acetic acid are found in yogurt using 10% L. casei and 15% sugar level. From organoleptic test, it’s found that yogurt using 10% L. casei and 15% sugar level is the most prevered kind of yogurt

    Pengaruh Jenis Susu dan Persentase Starter yang Berbeda terhadap Kualitas Kefir

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    Effect of different milk and starter percentage on kefir quality ABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to study the quality of kefir with different amount of starter added and different kind of milk. The quality of kefir was evaluated by measuring lactic acid level, syneresis, crude protein, crude fat and amount of active microorganism. The result showed that the different percentage of starter and kind of milk has a high significant on syneresis and Lactic Acid level (P < 0,01). The best interaction was resulted from the combination of 10% starter and UHT milk. The result also indicated that the different percentage of starter and kind of milk has no effect on crude protein, crude fat and the amount of active microorganism. The combination of 10% Starter and UHT milk, produces the best quality of kefi

    Sifat Kimia, Mikrobiologi dan Organoleptik Yogurt yang Menggunakan Persentase Lactobacillus casei dan Kadar Gula yang Berbeda

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    Chemical, microbiological and organoleptical of yogurt using the different of percentage lactobacillus casei and sugar levelABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to know quality of yogurt with variant of percentage Lactobacillus casei and sugar level. The parameter of this study were the crude protein applying the Kjeldhal method, the crude fat applying the Gerber method, the sum of amount of alive of micro-organism applying the plate count method and the organoleptic applying the square of. The result of this study showed that the different of sugar level is significant (P0.05) on crude protein and crude fat, however the different of percentage L casei not significant (P 0,05) on all parameter. The interaction is only found between two factors on crude fat. The highest of the rate amount of alive microorganism, crude protein and acetic acid are found in yogurt using 10% L. casei and 15% sugar level. From organoleptic test, it’s found that yogurt using 10% L. casei and 15% sugar level is the most prevered kind of yogurt

    Pengaruh Jenis Susu dan Persentase Starter yang Berbeda terhadap Kualitas Kefir

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    Effect of different milk and starter percentage on kefir qualityABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to study the quality of kefir with different amount of starter added and different kind of milk. The quality of kefir was evaluated by measuring lactic acid level, syneresis, crude protein, crude fat and amount of active microorganism. The result showed that the different percentage of starter and kind of milk has a high significant on syneresis and Lactic Acid level (P 0,01). The best interaction was resulted from the combination of 10% starter and UHT milk. The result also indicated that the different percentage of starter and kind of milk has no effect on crude protein, crude fat and the amount of active microorganism. The combination of 10% Starter and UHT milk, produces the best quality of kefir

    Nilai Nutrisi Dadih yang ditambahkan Khamir Asal Dadih

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    (Nutritive value of  dadih added with yeast of dadih origin) ABSTRACT. Dadih is traditionally fermented buffalo milk product which is along with lactic acid bacteria (LAB), a diversity of yeast species involved in fermentation process. The existence of yeast in dadih gives positive contribution either in aroma or their role in securing a good product. There were three different dadih origin yeasts involved in this experiment  (Candida curiosa, Brettanomyces custersii and Kluyveromyces lactis.) The objective of this research is   to study more about growth and yeasts role  on dadih fermentation in order to find positive value of yeast to keep  nutritive value of dadih. Completely Randomized Designed used with four treatments. The treatments given was percentage of combined yeast culture which were P0 (buffalo milk + LAB), P1 (buffalo milk + LAB + 0,5% yeast culture), P2 (buffalo milk + LAB + 1,0% yeast culture), and P3 (buffalo milk + LAB + 1,5% yeast culture), by seven replication. The difference effect between treatment was tested by using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The Results showed that addition of yeast culture in dadih effect the pH, total of microorganism, degree of  lactic acid, protein and dadih fat significantly. Overall dadih  added with 1% yeast culture (P2) increase 14% degree of protein and decrease 2,7% degree of dadih fat

    Keamanan Susu Fermentasi Yang Beredar Di Banda Aceh Berdasarkan Nilai Gizi dan Jumlah Bakteri Pathogen

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    Safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in banda aceh based on nutritive value and pathogenic bacteria ABSTRACT. Fermented milk has much value primarily for the health of digestive system. However without hygienically and sterilized treatment it can become toxic to consumers. This research was conducted to observe nutritive value, the present of pathogenic bacteria, and the safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in Banda Aceh. Samples of commercial fermented milk tested were obtained from recognized retailers in Banda Aceh. Factorial completely randomized design with six replications was applied in this research. Variety of fermented milk products (yoghurt and drink yoghurt) was the first factor to be analyzed, and the second one was expired date of the products (the date of production and the date of by expired). The amount of crude protein and lipid, pH level, and the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus were the parameter determined. The variety and the expired date of the products influenced the amount of crude protein and lipid, the pH level, the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus in the level of highly significant different (P0,01). There was also found in highly significant interaction (P0,01) between factors that influenced the amount of lactic acid bacteria and Staphilococcus aureus. On the other hand, the amount of Coliform was not influenced by those factors. The study also results in decreasing of the amount of crude protein and lipid as well as lactic acid bacteria caused by the ongoing time of storing. The longer fermented milk was stored, the lower the level of crude protein, lipid and lactic acid bacteria presented. The lipid level of fermented milk products those put on the market in Banda Aceh have been complied with the requirement standard of SNI 01-2981-1992. However, crude protein level has not achieved the requirement standard yet. Due to the amount of Staphylococcus aureus present, the fermented milk products tested, in fact, were not saved to be consumed. On the contrary, although Coliform was also present, the products were in the category of saved to be consumed

    Nilai Nutrisi Dadih yang ditambahkan Khamir Asal Dadih

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    (Nutritive value of  dadih added with yeast of dadih origin)ABSTRACT. Dadih is traditionally fermented buffalo milk product which is along with lactic acid bacteria (LAB), a diversity of yeast species involved in fermentation process. The existence of yeast in dadih gives positive contribution either in aroma or their role in securing a good product. There were three different dadih origin yeasts involved in this experiment  (Candida curiosa, Brettanomyces custersii and Kluyveromyces lactis.) The objective of this research is   to study more about growth and yeasts role  on dadih fermentation in order to find positive value of yeast to keep  nutritive value of dadih. Completely Randomized Designed used with four treatments. The treatments given was percentage of combined yeast culture which were P0 (buffalo milk + LAB), P1 (buffalo milk + LAB + 0,5% yeast culture), P2 (buffalo milk + LAB + 1,0% yeast culture), and P3 (buffalo milk + LAB + 1,5% yeast culture), by seven replication. The difference effect between treatment was tested by using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The Results showed that addition of yeast culture in dadih effect the pH, total of microorganism, degree of  lactic acid, protein and dadih fat significantly. Overall dadih  added with 1% yeast culture (P2) increase 14% degree of protein and decrease 2,7% degree of dadih fat

    Analisa Kualitas Susu Kambing Peranakan Etawah yang Disterilkan pada Suhu dan Waktu yang Berbeda

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    Analyze of Etawa’s milk goat quality sterilized at the Different Temperature and TimeABSTRACT. The objective of this experiment is to study the quality of sterilization of etawa’s goat milk at different temperature (110oC and 120oC) and different time (3 second and 6 second). The quality of sterilization of etawa’s goat milk was evaluated by measuring crude protein, crude fat, pH value and amount of microorganism. The study used a factorial completely randomizes design. The result showed that the different temperature and time of sterilized goat milk have not significant (P0,05) on crude protein, crude fat, pH value and amount of microorganism. The result also showed that no interaction between temperature and time. The conclusion of the research indicated that all the experiment have the same quality

    Efek Suhu dan Masa Simpan Terhadap Aktivitas Antimikroba Susu Fermentasi dengan Lactobacillus casei

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    ABSTRAK. Susu fermentasi merupakan susu hasil pengasaman melalui aktivitas bakteri asam laktat yang menyebabkan perubahan kimia, sensorik dan mikrobiologi dalam produk susu fermentasi. Lactobacillus casei merupakan bakteri yang mampu menghasilkan senyawa organik dan hydrogen peroksida yang bersifat antibakteri. Senyawa antibakteri ini adalah senyawa kimiawi atau biologis yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan aktivitas bakteri patogen yang dapat merusak kualitas susu fermentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan lama penyimpanan terhadap kualitas susu fermentasi dengan Lactobacillus casei. Suhu dan lama penyimpanan pada susu fermentasi Lactobacillus casei pengaruh sangat nyata (P0,01) dan dapat menekan pertumbuhan terhadap bakteri E.coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. Aktivitas antimikroba susu fermentasi Lactobacillus casei pada suhu penyimpanan 5⁰C dengan lama penyimpanan 30 hari dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus.  (Effects of temperature and storage time on the antimicrobial activity fermented milk with Lactobacillus casei) ABSTRACT. Fermented milk is milk acidification results through the activity of lactic acid bacteria that causes chemical changes, sensory and microbiological in fermented milk products. Lactobacillus casei is a bacteria that can produce organic compounds and hydrogen peroxide which is antibacterial. The antibacterial compound is a chemical or biological compound that can inhibit the growth and activity of pathogenic bacteria that can damage the quality of fermented milk. The study has been conducted to determine the effect of temperature and storage time on the quality of fermented milk with Lactobacillus casei. the temperature and duration of storage time of fermented milk with Lactobacillus casei highly significant (P 0.01) affected and can suppress the growth of bacteria E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus casei fermented milk at the storage temperature of 5⁰C with a storage time of 30 days can suppress the growth of Staphylococcus aureus

    Keamanan Susu Fermentasi Yang Beredar Di Banda Aceh Berdasarkan Nilai Gizi dan Jumlah Bakteri Pathogen

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    Safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in banda aceh based on nutritive value and pathogenic bacteriaABSTRACT. Fermented milk has much value primarily for the health of digestive system. However without hygienically and sterilized treatment it can become toxic to consumers. This research was conducted to observe nutritive value, the present of pathogenic bacteria, and the safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in Banda Aceh. Samples of commercial fermented milk tested were obtained from recognized retailers in Banda Aceh. Factorial completely randomized design with six replications was applied in this research. Variety of fermented milk products (yoghurt and drink yoghurt) was the first factor to be analyzed, and the second one was expired date of the products (the date of production and the date of by expired). The amount of crude protein and lipid, pH level, and the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus were the parameter determined. The variety and the expired date of the products influenced the amount of crude protein and lipid, the pH level, the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus in the level of highly significant different (P0,01). There was also found in highly significant interaction (P0,01) between factors that influenced the amount of lactic acid bacteria and Staphilococcus aureus. On the other hand, the amount of Coliform was not influenced by those factors. The study also results in decreasing of the amount of crude protein and lipid as well as lactic acid bacteria caused by the ongoing time of storing. The longer fermented milk was stored, the lower the level of crude protein, lipid and lactic acid bacteria presented. The lipid level of fermented milk products those put on the market in Banda Aceh have been complied with the requirement standard of SNI 01-2981-1992. However, crude protein level has not achieved the requirement standard yet. Due to the amount of Staphylococcus aureus present, the fermented milk products tested, in fact, were not saved to be consumed. On the contrary, although Coliform was also present, the products were in the category of saved to be consumed