12 research outputs found

    A method for identification of the methylation level of CpG islands from NGS data

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    In the course of sample preparation for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), DNA is fragmented by various methods. Fragmentation shows a persistent bias with regard to the cleavage rates of various dinucleotides. With the exception of CpG dinucleotides the previously described biases were consistent with results of the DNA cleavage in solution. Here we computed cleavage rates of all dinucleotides including the methylated CpG and unmethylated CpG dinucleotides using data of the Whole Genome Sequencing datasets of the 1000 Genomes project. We found that the cleavage rate of CpG is significantly higher for the methylated CpG dinucleotides. Using this information, we developed a classifier for distinguishing cancer and healthy tissues based on their CpG islands statuses of the fragmentation. A simple Support Vector Machine classifier based on this algorithm shows an accuracy of 84%. The proposed method allows the detection of epigenetic markers purely based on mechanochemical DNA fragmentation, which can be detected by a simple analysis of the NGS sequencing data

    The Use of the Statistical Entropy in Some New Approaches for the Description of Biosystems

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    Some problems of describing biological systems with the use of entropy as a measure of the complexity of these systems are considered. Entropy is studied both for the organism as a whole and for its parts down to the molecular level. Correlation of actions of various parts of the whole organism, intercellular interactions and control, as well as cooperativity on the microlevel lead to a more complex structure and lower statistical entropy. For a multicellular organism, entropy is much lower than entropy for the same mass of a colony of unicellular organisms. Cooperativity always reduces the entropy of the system; a simple example of ligand binding to a macromolecule carrying two reaction centers shows how entropy is consistent with the ambiguity of the result in the Bernoulli test scheme. Particular attention is paid to the qualitative and quantitative relationship between the entropy of the system and the cooperativity of ligand binding to macromolecules. A kinetic model of metabolism. corresponding to Schrödinger’s concept of the maintenance biosystems by “negentropy feeding”, is proposed. This model allows calculating the nonequilibrium local entropy and comparing it with the local equilibrium entropy inherent in non-living matter

    Theoretical Explanation for the Rarity of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Infection (ADE) in COVID-19

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    Global vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has proved to be highly effective. However, the possibility of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADE) upon vaccination remains underinvestigated. Here, we aimed to theoretically determine conditions for the occurrence of ADE in COVID-19. We developed a series of mathematical models of antibody response: model Ab—a model of antibody formation; model Cv—a model of infection spread in the body; and a complete model, which combines the two others. The models describe experimental data on SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infections in humans and cell cultures, including viral load dynamics, seroconversion times and antibody concentration kinetics. The modelling revealed that a significant proportion of macrophages can become infected only if they bind antibodies with high probability. Thus, a high probability of macrophage infection and a sufficient amount of pre-existing antibodies are necessary for the development of ADE in SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, from the point of view of the dynamics of pneumocyte infection, the two cases where the body has a high concentration of preexisting antibodies and a high probability of macrophage infection and where there is a low concentration of antibodies in the body and no macrophage infection are indistinguishable. This conclusion could explain the lack of confirmed ADE cases for COVID-19

    A New Model of Hemoglobin Oxygenation

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    The study of hemoglobin oxygenation, starting from the classical works of Hill, has laid the foundation for molecular biophysics. The cooperative nature of oxygen binding to hemoglobin has been variously described in different models. In the Adair model, which better fits the experimental data, the constants of oxygen binding at various stages differ. However, the physical meaning of the parameters in this model remains unclear. In this work, we applied Hill’s approach, extending its interpretation; we obtained a good agreement between the theory and the experiment. The equation in which the Hill coefficient is modulated by the Lorentz distribution for oxygen partial pressure approximates the experimental data better than not only the classical Hill equation, but also the Adair equation

    Optimization of signal-to-noise ratio for efficient microarray probe design

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    Motivation: Target-specific hybridization depends on oligo-probe characteristics that improve hybridization specificity and minimize genome-wide cross-hybridization. Interplay between specific hybridization and genome-wide cross-hybridization has been insufficiently studied, despite its crucial role in efficient probe design and in data analysis. Results: In this study, we defined hybridization specificity as a ratio between oligo target-specific hybridization and oligo genome-wide cross-hybridization. A microarray database, derived from the Genomic Comparison Hybridization (GCH) experiment and performed using the Affymetrix platform, contains two different types of probes. The first type of oligo-probes does not have a specific target on the genome and their hybridization signals are derived from genome-wide cross-hybridization alone. The second type includes oligonucleotides that have a specific target on the genomic DNA and their signals are derived from specific and cross-hybridization components combined together in a total signal. A comparative analysis of hybridization specificity of oligo-probes, as well as their nucleotide sequences and thermodynamic features was performed on the database. The comparison has revealed that hybridization specificity was negatively affected by low stability of the fully-paired oligo-target duplex, stable probe self-folding, G-rich content, including GGG motifs, low sequence complexity and nucleotide composition symmetry. Conclusion: Filtering out the probes with defined 'negative' characteristics significantly increases specific hybridization and dramatically decreasing genome-wide cross-hybridization. Selected oligo-probes have two times higher hybridization specificity on average, compared to the probes that were filtered from the analysis by applying suggested cutoff thresholds to the described parameters. A new approach for efficient oligo-probe design is described in our study

    The Role of Acidosis in the Pathogenesis of Severe Forms of COVID-19

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    COVID-19 has specific characteristics that distinguish this disease from many other infections. We suggest that the pathogenesis of severe forms of COVID-19 can be associated with acidosis. This review article discusses several mechanisms potentially linking the damaging effects of COVID-19 with acidosis and shows the existence of a vicious cycle between the development of hypoxia and acidosis in COVID-19 patients. At the early stages of the disease, inflammation, difficulty in gas exchange in the lungs and thrombosis collectively contribute to the onset of acidosis. In accordance with the Verigo-Bohr effect, a decrease in blood pH leads to a decrease in oxygen saturation, which contributes to the exacerbation of acidosis and results in a deterioration of the patient’s condition. A decrease in pH can also cause conformational changes in the S-protein of the virus and thus lead to a decrease in the affinity and avidity of protective antibodies. Hypoxia and acidosis lead to dysregulation of the immune system and multidirectional pro- and anti-inflammatory reactions, resulting in the development of a “cytokine storm”. In this review, we highlight the potential importance of supporting normal blood pH as an approach to COVID-19 therapy

    Optimization of Duplex Stability and Terminal Asymmetry for shRNA Design

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    Prediction of efficient oligonucleotides for RNA interference presents a serious challenge, especially for the development of genome-wide RNAi libraries which encounter difficulties and limitations due to ambiguities in the results and the requirement for significant computational resources. Here we present a fast and practical algorithm for shRNA design based on the thermodynamic parameters. In order to identify shRNA and siRNA features universally associated with high silencing efficiency, we analyzed structure-activity relationships in thousands of individual RNAi experiments from publicly available databases (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/shabalin/​siRNA/si_shRNA_selector/ ). Using this statistical analysis, we found free energy ranges for the terminal duplex asymmetry and for fully paired duplex stability, such that shRNAs or siRNAs falling in both ranges have a high probability of being efficient. When combined, these two parameters yield a ~72% success rate on shRNAs from the siRecords database, with the target RNA levels reduced to below 20% of the control. Two other parameters correlate well with silencing efficiency: the stability of target RNA and the antisense strand secondary structure. Both parameters also correlate with the short RNA duplex stability; as a consequence, adding these parameters to our prediction scheme did not substantially improve classification accuracy. To test the validity of our predictions, we designed 83 shRNAs with optimal terminal asymmetry, and experimentally verified that small shifts in duplex stability strongly affected silencing efficiency. We showed that shRNAs with short fully paired stems could be successfully selected by optimizing only two parameters: terminal duplex asymmetry and duplex stability of the hypothetical cleavage product, which also relates to the specificity of mRNA target recognition. Our approach performs at the level of the best currently utilized algorithms that take into account prediction of the secondary structure of the target and antisense RNAs, but at significantly lower computational costs. Based on this study, we created the si-shRNA Selector program that predicts both highly efficient shRNAs and functional siRNAs (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/shabalin/​siRNA/si_shRNA_selector/ ).National Institutes of HealthNational Library of Medicin