6 research outputs found

    Lifespan extension and delay of age-related functional decline caused by Rhodiola rosea depends on dietary macronutrient balance

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    Abstract Background This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of rhizome powder from the herb Rhodiola rosea, a traditional Western Ukraine medicinal adaptogen, on lifespan and age-related physiological functions of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Results Flies fed food supplemented with 5.0 mg/ml and 10.0 mg/ml of R. rosea rhizome powder had a 14% to 17% higher median lifespan, whereas at 30.0 mg/ml lifespan was decreased by 9% to 12%. The preparation did not decrease fly fecundity.The effect of R. rosea supplement on lifespan was dependent on diet composition. Lifespan extension by 15% to 21% was observed only for diets with protein-to-carbohydrate ratios less than 1. Lifespan extension was also dependent on total concentration of macronutrients. Thus, for the diet with 15% yeast and 15% sucrose there was no lifespan extension, while for the diet with protein-to-carbohydrate ratio 20:1 R. rosea decreased lifespan by about 10%.Flies fed Rhodiola preparation were physically more active, less sensitive to the redox-cycling compound menadione and had a longer time of heat coma onset compared with controls. Positive effects of Rhodiola rhizome on stress resistance and locomotor activity were highest at the ‘middle age’. Conclusions The present data show that long-term food supplementation with R. rosea rhizome not only increases D. melanogaster lifespan, but also delays age-related decline of physical activity and increases stress resistance, what depends on protein-to-carbohydrate ratio of the diet

    Implications of amino acid sensing and dietary protein to the aging process

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    Every organism must adapt and respond appropriately to the source of nutrients available in its environment. Different mechanisms and pathways are involved in detecting the intracellular and extracellular levels of macronutrients including amino acids. Detection of amino acids in food sources is provided by taste cells expressing T1R1 and T1R3 type receptors. Additionally, cells of the intestine, pancreas or heart sense amino acids extracellularly. Neuronal and hormonal regulation integrates and coordinates the signals at the organismal level. Amino acid-sensitive mechanisms including GCN2 protein, mTOR and LYNUS machinery adjust cellular process according to the availability of specific amino acids. Triggering these mechanisms by genetic manipulations or by external manipulations with diet

    Restriction of glucose and fructose causes mild oxidative stress independently of mitochondrial activity and reactive oxygen species in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Our recent study showed different effects of glucose and fructose overconsumption on the development of obese phenotypes in Drosophila. Glucose induced glucose toxicity due to the increase in circulating glucose, whereas fructose was more prone to induce obesity promoting accumulation of reserve lipids and carbohydrates (Rovenko et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 2015, 180, 75–85). Searching for mechanisms responsible for these phenotypes in this study, we analyzed mitochondrial activity, mitochondrial density, mtROS production, oxidative stress markers and antioxidant defense in fruit flies fed 0.25%, 4% and 10% glucose or fructose. It is shown that there is a complex interaction between dietary monosaccharide concentrations, mitochondrial activity and oxidative modifications to proteins and lipids. Glucose at high concentration (10%) reduced mitochondrial protein density and consequently respiration in flies, while fructose did not affect these parameters. The production of ROS by mitochondria did not reflect activities of mitochondrial complexes. Moreover, there was no clear connection between mtROS production and antioxidant defense or between antioxidant defense and developmental survival, shown in our previous study (Rovenko et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 2015, 180, 75–85). Instead, mtROS and antioxidant machinery cooperated to maintain a redox state that determined survival rates, and paradoxically, pro-oxidant conditions facilitated larva survival independently of the type of carbohydrate. It seems that in this complex system glucose controls the amount of oxidative modification regulating mitochondrial activity, while fructose regulates steady-state mRNA levels of antioxidant enzymes

    High sucrose consumption promotes obesity whereas its low consumption induces oxidative stress in Drosophila melanogaster

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    The effects of sucrose in varied concentrations (0.25–20%) with constant amount of yeasts in larval diet on development and metabolic parameters of adult fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster were studied. Larvae consumed more food at low sucrose diet, overeating with yeast. On high sucrose diet, larvae ingested more carbohydrates, despite consuming less food and obtaining less protein derived from yeast. High sucrose diet slowed down pupation and increased pupa mortality, enhanced levels of lipids and glycogen, increased dry body mass, decreased water content, i.e. resulted in obese phenotype. Furthermore, it suppressed reactive oxygen species-induced oxidation of lipids and proteins as well as the activity of superoxide dismutase. The activity of catalase was gender-related. In males, at all sucrose concentrations used catalase activity was higher than at its concentration of 0.25%, whereas in females sucrose concentration virtually did not influence the activity. High sucrose diet increased content of protein thiols and the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The increase in sucrose concentration also enhanced uric acid level in females, but caused opposite effects in males. Development on high sucrose diets was accompanied by elevated steady-state insulin-like peptide 3 mRNA level. Finally, carbohydrate starvation at yeast overfeeding on low sucrose diets resulted in oxidative stress reflected by higher levels of oxidized lipids and proteins accompanied by increased superoxide dismutase activity. Potential mechanisms involved in regulation of redox processes by carbohydrates are discussed

    Nanodelivery of phytobioactive compounds for treating aging-associated disorders

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    Aging population presents a major challenge for many countries in the world and has made the development of efficient means for healthspan extension a priority task for researchers and clinicians worldwide. Anti-aging properties including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and cardioprotective activities have been reported for various phytobioactive compounds (PBCs) including resveratrol, quercetin, curcumin, catechin, etc. However, the therapeutic potential of orally administered PBCs is limited by their poor stability, bioavailability, and solubility in the gastrointestinal tract. Recently, innovative nanotechnology-based approaches have been developed to improve the bioactivity of PBCs and enhance their potential in preventing and/or treating age-associated disorders, primarily those caused by aging-related chronic inflammation. PBC-loaded nanoparticles designed for oral administration provide many benefits over conventional formulations, including enhanced stability and solubility, prolonged half-life, improved epithelium permeability and bioavailability, enhanced tissue targeting, and minimized side effects. The present review summarizes recent advances in this rapidly developing research area