39 research outputs found


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    The value of changes in the acidogenic function of stomach as well as blood circulation disorders in the genesis of erosive ulcer lesions of gastrointestinal tract were evaluated in those suffering from severe thermal injury. The changes in the rates reflecting the blood circulation state (stroke volume, cardiac index, global end-diastolic volume, index of general peripheral vascular resistance) were monitored during the early period of the burn injury. The acidogenic function was tested with the help of endoscopic pH-metry in 24 ± 4 hours and on the 7th and 14th days from the moment of burn injury. It was found out that erosion and acute ulcers complicated by hemorrhage occurred in 12% of those suffering from severe thermal injury in the acute period of the burn disease. And all of them manifested severe blood circulation disorders during the burn shock period despite the anti-shock therapy. At the same stage of treatment hyperacidity occurred in not more than 7-14% of those severely burned, and the major part of patients manifested hypoacidity and unacidity. Changes association evaluation proved that in case of ischemia the protection factors of mucous coat were expressly inhibited and the minimum quantity of chlorohydric acid was enough to damage the mucous coat. The obtained results allowed justifying the pathogenic approach to prevention of erosive ulcer lesion of the mucous coat of the gastrointestinal tract in the patients with burn shock, which is to include first of all the adequate management of the shock, fastest restoration of microcirculation and effective anti-secretion therapy providing unacidity state. У пациентов с тяжелой термической травмой проведена оценка значимости изменений кислотопродуцирующей функции желудка, а также нарушений кровообращения в генезе эрозивно-язвенного поражения желудочно-кишечного тракта. Показатели, отражающие состояние кровообращения (ударный объем, сердечный индекс, глобальный конечно-диастолический объем крови, индекс общего периферического сосудистого сопротивления), мониторировали в динамике на протяжении всего раннего периода ожоговой болезни. Кислотообразующую функцию исследовали через 24 ± 4 ч, а также на 7-е и 14-е сут от момента получения ожоговой травмы с помощью метода эндоскопической рН-метрии. Установлено, что эрозии и острые язвы, осложненные кровотечением, возникали у 12% пострадавших с тяжелой термической травмой в остром периоде ожоговой болезни. При этом у всех в периоде ожогового шока имелись значимые нарушения кровообращения, несмотря на проводимую противошоковую терапию. Гиперацидность же на этом этапе лечения встречалась не более чем у 7–14% тяжелообожженных, а большая часть пострадавших находились в гипо- или анацидном состоянии. Оценка сопряженности изменений показала, что на фоне ишемии происходило выраженное угнетение факторов защиты слизистой оболочки и для ее повреждения хватало минимального количества соляной кислоты. Полученные результаты позволили обосновать патогенетический подход к профилактике эрозивно-язвенного повреждения слизистой оболочки желудочно-кишечного тракта у пациентов с ожоговым шоком, который должен заключаться прежде всего в адекватном лечении шока, быстрейшем восстановлении микроциркуляции и эффективной антисекретерной терапии, обеспечивающей состояние анацидности.

    Wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects of recombinant human angiogenin

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    New effective wound healing agents are a priority for modern clinical pharmacology. A promising approach would be to develop medicinal products that promote angiogenesis, which is a critical step in wound healing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the wound healing effect of a medicinal product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form in various experimental models. Materials and methods: white outbred male rats were used as experimental ani mals. The study compared healing effects of a regenerating product containing recombinant human angiogenin (0.0025%) in gel form and a reference product in full-thickness excision, incision, and burn wound models. The healing effect of the test product in treating chronic wounds was assessed in a model of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product containing recombinant human angiogenin was compared with that of another reference product in a model of adjuvant-induced arthritis. Results: according to the study, the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin exerts higher wound healing effect in treating excision, incision, and burn wounds than the reference product (Solcoseryl gel). Being applied, the test product intensifies tissue repair in chronic wounds in the model of alloxan-induced diabetes. The dissociation of necrotic tissues and the progression towards epithelialisation at wound edges are more rapid. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin is comparable with that of the reference product (Diclofenac gel). Conclusions: the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form was found to have pronounced wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects comparable with those of reference products


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    Background Chemical burns are 2.5 % to 5.1% of all burn injuries. Burns caused with household chemicals occur even more rarely. Because of its relative rarity there is no common surgical tactics for such patients. This type of burn trauma still remains under discussion. Aim of study Optimization of surgical treatment tactics in patients with severe chemical burns caused by household chemicals. Material and methods Medical histories of patients with life-threatening burns, caused by household chemicals. Results In order to remove the damaging agent, multiple incisions were performed as early as possible after admission. After stabilization, necrotized tissue was removed gradually to the superficial fascia. Single-stage autografting was considered unreasonable due to the lack of objective factors of the lesion depth. Hydrocolloid dressings were used for temporal closure of wounds. As tissues became clean we covered granulating wound by split-skin grafts. Conclusion Early fascial excision and delayed autoplasty is the priority method of surgical treatment of patients with life-threatening burns caused by household chemicals.Актуальность Химические ожоги составляют от 2,5 до 5,1% случаев в общей структуре ожогового травматизма. Ожоги средствами бытовой химии встречаются еще реже. Из-за относительно небольшого удельного веса данной патологии устоявшейся тактики хирургического лечения таких пострадавших нет, она остается предметом дискуссий. Цель исследования Оптимизировать тактику хирургического лечения пострадавших с обширными химическими ожогами средствами бытовой химии. Материал исследования Истории болезни пострадавших от ожогов средствами бытовой химии. Результаты В представленных наблюдениях для обеспечения оттока повреждающего вещества пациентам наносили множественные некротомические разрезы в максимально ранние сроки от момента госпитализации. После стабилизации состояния пострадавших выполняли этапные некрэктомии до уровня поверхностной фасции. Ввиду отсутствия объективных критериев глубины поражения выполнение одномоментной аутопластики считали нецелесообразным, временное закрытие раневых дефектов осуществляли гидроколлоидными раневыми покрытиями. По мере очищения ран и формирования грануляционной ткани осуществляли свободную аутодермопластику расщепленными трансплантатами. Вывод Ранняя «фасциальная» некрэктомия с отсроченной аутодермопластикой является эффективным методом хирургического лечения пострадавших с жизнеугрожающими ожогами средствами бытовой химии.  

    Morphological features of skin changes in the undetermined clinical picture of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis in children

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    The purpose of work was to compare pathomorphological changes in biopsy specimens of plaque skin elements in children with undetermined clinical picture of the disease with changes in typical forms of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.Цель работы – сравнить патоморфологические изменения в биоптатах бляшечных элементов кожи при неопределенной клинической картине заболевания у детей с изменениями при типичных формах псориаза и атопического дерматита

    Ранозаживляющее и противовоспалительное действие рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека

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    New effective wound healing agents are a priority for modern clinical pharmacology. A promising approach would be to develop medicinal products that promote angiogenesis, which is a critical step in wound healing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the wound healing effect of a medicinal product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form in various experimental models. Materials and methods: white outbred male rats were used as experimental ani mals. The study compared healing effects of a regenerating product containing recombinant human angiogenin (0.0025%) in gel form and a reference product in full-thickness excision, incision, and burn wound models. The healing effect of the test product in treating chronic wounds was assessed in a model of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product containing recombinant human angiogenin was compared with that of another reference product in a model of adjuvant-induced arthritis. Results: according to the study, the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin exerts higher wound healing effect in treating excision, incision, and burn wounds than the reference product (Solcoseryl gel). Being applied, the test product intensifies tissue repair in chronic wounds in the model of alloxan-induced diabetes. The dissociation of necrotic tissues and the progression towards epithelialisation at wound edges are more rapid. The anti-inflammatory effect of the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin is comparable with that of the reference product (Diclofenac gel). Conclusions: the test product based on recombinant human angiogenin in gel form was found to have pronounced wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects comparable with those of reference products.Создание новых эффективных ранозаживляющих средств является актуальной задачей современной клинической фармакологии. Одним из перспективных направлений представляется разработка препаратов для стимуляции ангиогенеза, который является критическим этапом процесса заживления ран. Цель работы: оценить ранозаживляющее действие препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека в виде геля на различных экспериментальных моделях. Материалы и методы: в качестве экспериментальных животных использовали белых беспородных крыс-самцов. Исследовано ранозаживляющее действие препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека (0,0025%) в виде геля относительно препарата сравнения на моделях плоскостной кожно-мышечной, линейной и ожоговой раны. Ранозаживляющее действие исследуемого препарата при лечении длительно незаживающей раны охарактеризовано на модели аллоксанового сахарного диабета. На модели адъювантного артрита оценено противовоспалительное действие препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека относительно препарата сравнения. Результаты: установлена более высокая ранозаживляющая активность препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека относительно препарата сравнения (гель Солкосерил) для плоскостной кожно-мышечной раны, линейной и ожоговой ран. При применении исследуемого препарата ускоряется процесс репарации тканей при лечении длительно незаживающей раны на модели аллоксанового сахарного диабета. Отмечено более быстрое расплавление некротических масс и переход к эпителизации краев раны. Установлена противовоспалительная активность препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека, по эффективности сравнимая с действием препарата сравнения (гель Диклофенак). Выводы: определено наличие у препарата на основе рекомбинантного ангиогенина человека в виде геля выраженных ранозаживляющих и противовоспалительных свойств, сопоставимых с препаратами сравнения

    Update on the Combined Analysis of Muon Measurements from Nine Air Shower Experiments

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    Over the last two decades, various experiments have measured muon densities in extensive air showers over several orders of magnitude in primary energy. While some experiments observed differences in the muon densities between simulated and experimentally measured air showers, others reported no discrepancies. We will present an update of the meta-analysis of muon measurements from nine air shower experiments, covering shower energies between a few PeV and tens of EeV and muon threshold energies from a few 100 MeV to about 10GeV. In order to compare measurements from different experiments, their energy scale was cross-calibrated and the experimental data has been compared using a universal reference scale based on air shower simulations. Above 10 PeV, we find a muon excess with respect to simulations for all hadronic interaction models, which is increasing with shower energy. For EPOS-LHC and QGSJet-II.04 the significance of the slope of the increase is analyzed in detail under different assumptions of the individual experimental uncertainties


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    The value of changes in the acidogenic function of stomach as well as blood circulation disorders in the genesis of erosive ulcer lesions of gastrointestinal tract were evaluated in those suffering from severe thermal injury. The changes in the rates reflecting the blood circulation state (stroke volume, cardiac index, global end-diastolic volume, index of general peripheral vascular resistance) were monitored during the early period of the burn injury. The acidogenic function was tested with the help of endoscopic pH-metry in 24 ± 4 hours and on the 7th and 14th days from the moment of burn injury. It was found out that erosion and acute ulcers complicated by hemorrhage occurred in 12% of those suffering from severe thermal injury in the acute period of the burn disease. And all of them manifested severe blood circulation disorders during the burn shock period despite the anti-shock therapy. At the same stage of treatment hyperacidity occurred in not more than 7-14% of those severely burned, and the major part of patients manifested hypoacidity and unacidity. Changes association evaluation proved that in case of ischemia the protection factors of mucous coat were expressly inhibited and the minimum quantity of chlorohydric acid was enough to damage the mucous coat. The obtained results allowed justifying the pathogenic approach to prevention of erosive ulcer lesion of the mucous coat of the gastrointestinal tract in the patients with burn shock, which is to include first of all the adequate management of the shock, fastest restoration of microcirculation and effective anti-secretion therapy providing unacidity state

    Genetic variations in the osteopontin promoters T-443C and G-156GG increase carotid intima-media thickness

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    Yuyun Yueniwati,1Valentina Yurina,2Nurus Sobah,2 Endang Rahayu2 1Radiology Department, 2Clincal Pharmacy Department, Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia Abstract: Carotid intima–media thickness (CIMT) is a clear predictor of atherosclerosis. The increase of CIMT is affected by mutations in the osteopontin (OPN) promoters. The purpose of this study was to examine genetic variations in OPN promoters T-443C and G-156GG, identified in Javanese children with ischemic stroke parents, and to investigate their relationship with the increase of CIMT. A case–control analytic study was performed on 20 case and 12 control samples. Case samples were Javanese children aged between 10 to 21 years with ischemic stroke parents. Control samples were children with healthy parents. Mutations of T-443C and G-156GG were determined by employing polymerase chain reaction. Results of sequencing were analyzed using CLC Main Workbench 6.0. CIMT was defined using ultrasound. Genetic variations of T-443C were identified in six samples. Likewise, genetic variations of G-156GG were identified in six samples. Genetic variations in the OPN promoters T-443C and G-156GG were not potential risk factors in an increase of CIMT (P=0.654 and P=0.654). This study proves that genetic variations could be identified at the points of T-443C and G-156GG in children with ischemic stroke parents. Although statistically insignificant, the tendency to increase CIMT occurs in children with genetic variations. Children with ischemic stroke parents have thicker CIMT than children of healthy parents. Keywords: carotid intima–media thickness, genetic variation, ischemic stroke, osteopontin promoter


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    Background Chemical burns are 2.5 % to 5.1% of all burn injuries. Burns caused with household chemicals occur even more rarely. Because of its relative rarity there is no common surgical tactics for such patients. This type of burn trauma still remains under discussion. Aim of study Optimization of surgical treatment tactics in patients with severe chemical burns caused by household chemicals. Material and methods Medical histories of patients with life-threatening burns, caused by household chemicals. Results In order to remove the damaging agent, multiple incisions were performed as early as possible after admission. After stabilization, necrotized tissue was removed gradually to the superficial fascia. Single-stage autografting was considered unreasonable due to the lack of objective factors of the lesion depth. Hydrocolloid dressings were used for temporal closure of wounds. As tissues became clean we covered granulating wound by split-skin grafts. Conclusion Early fascial excision and delayed autoplasty is the priority method of surgical treatment of patients with life-threatening burns caused by household chemicals

    Study of high fat feed for sturgeon fish

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    The objective of the study is to analyze the growth and development of sturgeon fish when feeding trout food with a higher fat content and to conduct ultrasound diagnostics of the fish liver. The research was carried out on the basis of the fish farm of Albashi LLC, Leningradsky district, Krasnodar Territory. The experiment used juvenile Russian-Siberian sturgeon. The basal diet is sturgeon forage with a granule size of 3 mm, produced by Aller Trident EX, trout forage from Aller Silver is also used for comparability of observation series. The experiment lasted 90 days. Aller Trident EX feed ingredients: vitamins, premixes and minerals, yeast, corn gluten, sunflower protein, wheat, wheat gluten, rapeseed oil, fish oil, fish meal, soy protein, soy. Although the increased content of fat for sturgeon fish in the compound feed contributes to an increase in their weight, but this occurs due to metabolic disorders and fat accumulation, which is also evidenced by an increase in juvenile waste in the experimental groups by 2.04.0% and the onset of pathological processes in the liver. Such fish can be used for commercial purposes and sale when the weight reaches 1000 g