82 research outputs found

    Anomaly Mediation from Randall-Sundrum to Dine-Seiberg

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    In this paper we reconsider the derivation of anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking. We work in a general formalism where the F-term of the conformal compensator superfield is arbitrary. This allows for a continuous interpolation between the original derivation and a more recent Dine-Seiberg derivation of anomaly mediation. We show that the physical soft parameters are independent of the compensator F-term and results of two formalisms agree. Finally, we discuss the role of supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric thresholds in the effective low energy Lagrangian as well as the effects of explicit small mass parameters (such as mu-term) on the superpartner spectrum.Comment: 19 pages; v3, published versio

    New Models of Gauge Mediated Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We propose a simple class of nonrenormalizable models of gauge mediated dynamical supersymmetry breaking. The models do not have gauge singlet fields. The Standard Model gauge group is embedded in the global symmetry of the SUSY breaking sector. At the renormalizable level the models possess a set of classical flat directions. Only one of those flat directions is unlifted by quantum effects, and requires nonrenormalizable term to stabilize the potential for the corresponding modulus. Large vacuum expectation value of this modulus at the minimum of the potential generates mass terms for the messenger fields. There are no light messengers, thus this class of models evades difficulties encountered in earlier constructions using nonrenormalizable models.Comment: 8 pages, Late

    The mD−bMm_D-b_M Problem of Dirac Gauginos and its Solutions

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    We examine the effective low-energy theory of the adjoint sector of Dirac gaugino models and its UV completions, and identify the main source of tuning. A holomorphic scalar adjoint mass square (the "bMb_M term") is generated at the same order (1-loop) as the Dirac gaugino mass (the "mDm_D term"), leading to the problematic relation bM∼16π2mD2b_M\sim16\pi^2 m_D^2, somewhat analogous to the μ−Bμ\mu-B_\mu problem of gauge mediation. We identify the leading operators of the low-energy effective theory contributing to the adjoint sector, and evaluate them in various UV completions, confirming the existence of this problem. We suggest a solution by introducing messenger mixing and tuning the relevant parameters. We also present a novel dynamical model for Dirac gauginos based on a strongly coupled SUSY QCD theory, where the additional adjoint MM is identified with a confined meson, the U(1) with a baryon-number like symmetry, and the messengers with the confined baryons. We find a SUSY breaking vacuum with a non-vanishing D-term, which after tuning the messenger mixing angles gives rise to a realistic gaugino and squark sector.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. v2: references added, typos fixed, minor corrections to spectrum table. v3: fix to two-loop RGE of sfermion masses and supertrace definition in the introductio

    Moduli Decays and Gravitinos

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    One proposed solution of the moduli problem of string cosmology requires that the moduli are quite heavy, their decays reheating the universe to temperatures above the scale of nucleosynthesis. In many of these scenarios, the moduli are approximately supersymmetric; it is then crucial that the decays to gravitinos are helicity suppressed. In this paper, we discuss situations where these decays are, and are not, suppressed. We also comment on a possible gravitino problem from inflaton decay.Comment: 16 pages, version to appear in Physical Review

    Deformations of the moduli space and superpotential flows in 3D SUSY QCD

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    We study the moduli space of three-dimensional N=2\mathcal{N}=2 SQCD with SU(N)SU(N) gauge group and F<NF<N massless flavors. In the case of an SU(2)SU(2) theory with a single massless flavor, we explicitly calculate the quantum constraint YM=1YM=1 and generalize the calculation to models with arbitrary NN and F=N−1F=N-1 flavors. In theories with F<N−1F<N-1 flavors, we find that analogous constraints exist in locally defined coordinate charts of the moduli space. The existence of such constraints allows us to show that the Coulomb branch superpotential generated by single monopole effects is equivalent to the superpotential generated by multi-monopole contributions on the mixed Higgs-Coulomb branch. As a check for our result, we implement the local constraints as Lagrange multiplier terms in the superpotential and verify that deformations of a theory by a large holomorphic mass term for the matter fields results in a flow of the superpotential from the FF-flavor model to the superpotential of an (F−1)(F-1)-flavor model.Comment: 18 pages; corrected typo

    Twisted Sisters: KK Monopoles and their Zero Modes

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    We find the conditions for the existence of fermionic zero modes of the fundamental representation in the background of a Kaluza-Klein (KK) monopole. We show that while there is no zero mode without a real mass, a normalizable zero mode appears once the real mass is sufficiently large. This provides an elegant explanation for the known decoupling of KK monopole effects in supersymmetric theories when a large real mass term is added. We also present an application where the correct counting of KK zero modes plays an essential role in understanding the non-perturbative effects determining the low-energy dynamics.Comment: 5 pages. References adde
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