4 research outputs found

    Influence of Socioeconomic Status Trajectories on Innate Immune Responsiveness in Children

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    Lower socioeconomic status (SES) is consistently associated with poor health, yet little is known about the biological mechanisms underlying this inequality. In children, we examined the impact of early-life SES trajectories on the intensity of global innate immune activation, recognizing that excessive activation can be a precursor to inflammation and chronic disease.Stimulated interleukin-6 production, a measure of immune responsiveness, was analyzed ex vivo for 267 Canadian schoolchildren from a 1995 birth cohort in Manitoba, Canada. Childhood SES trajectories were determined from parent-reported housing data using a longitudinal latent-class modeling technique. Multivariate regression was conducted with adjustment for potential confounders.SES was inversely associated with innate immune responsiveness (p=0.003), with persistently low-SES children exhibiting responses more than twice as intense as their high-SES counterparts. Despite initially lower SES, responses from children experiencing increasing SES trajectories throughout childhood were indistinguishable from high-SES children. Low-SES effects were strongest among overweight children (p<0.01). Independent of SES trajectories, immune responsiveness was increased in First Nations children (p<0.05) and urban children with atopic asthma (p<0.01).These results implicate differential immune activation in the association between SES and clinical outcomes, and broadly imply that SES interventions during childhood could limit or reverse the damaging biological effects of exposure to poverty during the preschool years

    Characteristics of children with known versus unknown SES trajectories.

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    <p>IL-6, interleukin-6; SES, socioeconomic status; SGA, small for gestational age.</p><p>IL-6 production induced by LPS treatment of PBMC.</p>1<p>Exclusive breastfeeding ≥3 months;</p>2<p>Mother smoked during pregnancy and/or first year after birth; <sup>3</sup>Comparisons by chi-squared test (categorical variables) or t-test (continuous variables).</p

    Population characteristics and distribution of potential confounding factors in relation to innate immune responsiveness (stimulated IL-6 response) at age 9 and childhood SES trajectories.

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    <p>IL-6, interleukin-6; Geo. Mean, geometric mean; SES, socioeconomic status; SGA, small for gestational age.</p><p>IL-6 production induced by LPS treatment of PBMC.</p>1<p>Anti-inflammatory medications used in the previous 12 months;</p>2<p>Exclusive breastfeeding ≥3 months;</p>3<p>Mother smoked during pregnancy and/or first year after birth;</p>4<p>Log-transofrmed IL-6 values compared by t-test (2-groups) or univariate regression (3+ groups);</p>5<p>reference group for multiple comparisons;</p>6<p>SES distributions compared by chi-squared test;</p>*<p>p<.05.</p

    Childhood SES trajectories.

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    <p>SES trajectories were derived from parent-reported housing data (number of bedrooms in the family home, for each year of the child's life). Individual children were assigned to trajectory groups using a semiparametric, group-based statistical modeling strategy; the number of children in each group is shown. Plotted lines represent the average trajectory for each group. SES, socioeconomic status.</p