47 research outputs found

    Some aspects of wood-inhabiting fungi monitoring in forest communities

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    Абмяркоуваецца метад працяглага вывучэння цэнатычных груповак грыбоу-ксiлатрофау на стацыянарных пробных пляцоуках 400 м2; разгледжаны практычныя ас­пекты дакументавання назiранняу, у тым лiку геаграфiчная прывязка пляцоукi. На прыкладзе супольнасцi шыракалiста-яловага леса (Querco-Piceetum) наказана магчымасць выяулення да 52 вiдаy картыцыоiдных грыбоу (Corticiaceae s l., Basidiomycetes) на адной пляцоуцы у вынiку 7 год назiранняу. Манiторынг цэнатычнай групоукi, дазволiу прасачыць сязонную дынамiку пладанашэння грыбоу, вылучыцi вiды, якiя назiраюцца пастаянна i спарадычна

    Natural substrata for corticioid fungi

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    The paper reviews the types of substrata inhabited by non poroid resupinate Homobasidiomycetes in situin global scale with both examples from literature sources and from observations on Belarus corticioid fungi biota. The groups of organic world colonized by corticioid basidiomata and vegetative mycelium are arboreous, semi arboreous, and herbaceous vascular plants, Bryophyta, epiphytic coccoid algae, lichenized and non lichenized fungi, and occasionally myxomycetes and invertebrates. The fungi occur on living, dying, and dead on all decay stages parts of organisms. Besides, the fungi are known on soil, humus, stones, artificial inorganic and synthetic materials and dung

    On some wood-inhabiting dematiaceous hyphomycetes with remarkable conidia in Belarus

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    Ten species of dematiaceous fungi well discernible due to their conidia shape are described, illustrated, and mapped. The species were collected presumably in boreo-nemoral mixed spruce forests. Seven species, especially Actinocladium rhodosporum and Cryptocoryneum condensatum, are quite common saprobic wood-inhabiting fungi in studied sites. Eight of species were observed in facultative association with basidiomata of corticioid fungi (Basidiomycete

    A bibliography of the occurrence of aphyllophoroid fungi in Belarus

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    The bibliography lists references on non-agaricoid, non-boletoid homobasidial hymenomycetes, containing data on their occurrence in Belarus printed between 1781 and 2005. The original Russian, Byelorussian, and Ukrainian titles were translated into English

    Annotated list of non-poroid Aphyllophorales of Belarus

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    A cumulative list of 281 species known from Belarus, with non-poroid hymenophores and belonging to the order Aphyllophorales, is presented. Data based on literature sources (since 1889) and on examined herbarium material (mostly MSK fungal collections, 1924, 1950-2002) are included. Each species is accompanied by brief information on nomenclature, about when it was first reported from Belarus, about distribution in physi­ographic regions of Belarus, pattern of nutrition and, in some cases, by re­marks on morphology. Thirty-seven species are reported for the first time from Belarus. Based on the study of the holotype of Athelia subtessulatavar. efibulata,this taxon is synonymized with Phanerochaete avellcmea

    Corticioid fungi on mosses in Belarus

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    The close contact of alive and dead bryophytes with fungal fruitbodies and vegetative mycelium is widespread phenomenon in corticioid fungi

    Non-poroid aphyllophoraceous fungi proposed to the third edition of the Red Data Book of Belarus

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    Twelve species of aphyllophoroid fungi are regarded as candidates to the nearest new edition of the Red Data Book of Belarus Republic. The criteria for their selection were very limited populations in the republic, confining of the species to reducing types of communities, sensitivity to anthropogenic effect, and rare distribution in other European countries. Eleven species are provided by original morphological diagnoses based on specimens collected in Belarus and illustrations of micromorphological structures. Besides, black-white photos of fruitbodies of seven species are adduced. Twenty-six other aphyllophoroid species are listed as perspective objects of conservation in future

    A rare polypore Grifola frondosa in Minsk City

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    A rare for Belarus, included in the National Red Data Book polypore Grifola frondosa (Dicks.) Gray was found 0.85 km far from Minsk geographical center. Two described basidiomata were associated with trunk base and root system of 130-years old living Quercus robur tree

    Athelicium hallenbergiisp. nov. (Basidiomycetes) from Belarus

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    Athelicium hallenbergii(Basidiomycota) is described as new. It was collected in 2000 and 2006 from the same locality in an oak forest in the city of Minsk, Belarus. The new taxon is the second species to be assigned to the formerly monotypic genus

    A bibliography of Belarusian lichenology

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    The bibliography includes 382 entries: both scientific and popular publications and several internet resources issued in period 1781 2007. They are devoted to lichen biota of Belarus, lichen taxonomy and ecology, lichen indication of air quality, lichen collections, educational questions associated with lichenology, and personalia of the lichenologists