1,261 research outputs found

    ExoMol molecular line lists XXX: a complete high-accuracy line list for water

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    A new line list for H2_216^{16}O is presented. This line list, which is called POKAZATEL, includes transitions between rotation-vibrational energy levels up to 41000 cm1^{-1} in energy and is the most complete to date. The potential energy surface (PES) used for producing the line list was obtained by fitting a high-quality ab initio PES to experimental energy levels with energies of 41000 cm1^{-1} and for rotational excitations up to J=5J=5. The final line list comprises all energy levels up to 41000 cm1^{-1} and rotational angular momentum JJ up to 72. An accurate ab initio dipole moment surface (DMS) was used for the calculation of line intensities and reproduces high-precision experimental intensity data with an accuracy close to 1 %. The final line list uses empirical energy levels whenever they are available, to ensure that line positions are reproduced as accurately as possible. The POKAZATEL line list contains over 5 billion transitions and is available from the ExoMol website (www.exomol.com) and the CDS database

    Один із методів скидання авіаційного підвісного блока із змінною геометрією

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    One method to drop the aviation outboard block with variable geometry is proposed. Forgrounding of this method the calculation and exploration of aerodynamic characteristics of the outboardblock, which consists of the outward cylindrical body and inside a sharp body of rotation with a tail plumage,is performed. Estimation of the implementation possibility of a method to drop such block is carriedout alsoВыполнены расчет и исследования аэродинамических характеристик подвесного блока, который состоит из внешнего цилиндрического корпуса и внутреннего острого тела вращения с хвостовым оперением для обоснования этого метода. Проведена оценка возможности реализации данного метода сбросаВиконані розрахунок і дослідження аеродинамічних характеристик підвісного блока, який складається із зовнішнього циліндричного корпуса і внутрішнього гострого тіла обертання з хвостовим оперенням для обґрунтування цього методу. Проведено оцінювання можливості реалізації даного методу скиданн

    Using of science technologies for mining machinery constructions' strength improvement

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    Recommendations for strengthening the brake construction in accident dangerous areas of fatigue destruction were developed. Computer modeling was made using the ANSYS program that helps to visualize stained condition of the construction for further practical testing of the strength and reliability improving technology of mining elevating machines' constructions, which are being in a long-term use, with a help of the strengthening elements. A way of construction strengthening, which eliminates the possibility of further fatigue destruction of the brake system elements, because of the load cycle in exploitation process

    Method of restoring pivot connections cast iron bushings of heat engine with external heat supply

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    The article presents the results of studies aimed at developing a method of restoring cast iron bushings for pivot connections of a heat engine with external heat supply. The methods of computer modeling the stress-strain state of the pivot connections are used. To carry out computer modeling, the ANSYS program has been used, which allows simulating the stress-strain state of the kinetic pair of the pivot connection of the crank mechanism of engines with external heat supply and excluding cumbersome field tests of experimental samples. The dependence of stresses on the contact surface of the bushing on the depth of the boring in relation to its total length has experimentally been established

    The High Frequency Instrument of Planck: Requirements and Design

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    The Planck satellite is a project of the European Space Agency based on a wide international collaboration, including United States and Canadian laboratories. It is dedicated to the measurement of the anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution. The detectors of its High frequency Instrument (HFI) are bolometers cooled down to 100 mK. Their sensitivity will be limited by the photon noise of the CMB itself at low frequencies, and of the instrument background at high frequencies. The requirements on the measurement chain are directly related to the strategy of observation used for the satellite. Due to the scanning on the sky, time features of the measurement chain are directly transformed into angular features in the sky maps. This impacts the bolometer design as well as other elements: For example, the cooling system must present outstanding temperature stability, and the amplification chain must show, down to very low frequencies, a flat noise spectrum

    Interaction between superconducting vortices and Bloch wall in ferrite garnet film

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    Interaction between a Bloch wall in a ferrite-garnet film and a vortex in a superconductor is analyzed in the London approximation. Equilibrium distribution of vortices formed around the Bloch wall is calculated. The results agree quantitatively with magneto-optical experiment where an in-plane magnetized ferrite-garnet film placed on top of NbSe2 superconductor allows observation of individual vortices. In particular, our model can reproduce a counter-intuitive attraction observed between vortices and a Bloch wall having the opposite polarity. It is explained by magnetic charges appearing due to discontinuity of the in-plane magnetization across the wall.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure