1,433 research outputs found

    Pesan-pesan Twitter Dilihat dari Perspektif Undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik No.11 Tahun 2008 di Kota Makassar

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    Twitter is one of the social media that is being widely used in public nowadays. The aims of the study are to describe and to analysis (1) Twitter Messages from Perspectives of Information and Electronic Transaction Constitution No.11, 2008 in Makassar City, (2) factors affecting legal consequences of tweet content being viewed from Perspectives of Information and Electronic Transaction Constitution No.11, 2008 in Makassar City. The object of the study is the virtual media (online and social media). this study is focusing on the research on virtual world, internet. twitter as the social media is the main focus on this research.other methods were literature searching and interview with competent informers. The results of the research indicated that although the socialization of this law had started in Makassar City since 2009, Makassar public had not been aware of the information and electronic transaction law. in reality, the public still does not care of the violation of the law

    Analisa Algoritma Haversine Formula Untuk Pencarian Lokasi Terdekat Rumah Sakit Dan Puskesmas Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo saat ini dihadapkan pada suatu masalah yang berhubungan dengan layanan informasi data. Data layanan informasi yang berkaitan dengan data sarana puskesmas dan rumah sakit belum terinci, sehingga pemerintah kesulitan dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam bentuk peta digital sehingga kebanyakan masyarakat Gorontalo apabila mengalami masalah kesehatan seperti sakit, kecelakaan, meninggal dan lain-lain, akan sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mencari lokasi terdekat layanan kesehatan. Kegunaaan dari Algoritma Haversine Formula adalah digunakan untuk menghitung jarak antara dua titik di bumi berdasarkan panjang garis lurus antar dua titik tanpa mengabaikan kelengkungan yang dimiliki bumi. Berdasarkan hasil analisa Algoritma Haversine Formula dapat menghitung jarak antara lokasi setiap rumah sakit dan puskesmas yang ada di Provinsi Gorontalo dan berdasarkan jarak tersebut maka masyarakat dapat mengetahui jarak lokasi terdekat antara rumah sakit ke rumah sakit lainnya, begitu juga dengan puskesmas ke puskesmas lainnya

    Analysis of a Novel Four Level Flying Capacitor H – Bridge Converter

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    In this paper, a novel four-level flying capacitor inverter and its comparison with the conventional flying capacitor topology in terms of THD analysis are proposed. This new topology have some advantages over conventional one as following: The blocking voltages are the same for all switches used in the configuration, there is no need for capacitor midpoint connection and this eliminates low frequency current which circulate in dc-link capacitors, and the number of flying capacitor is reduced as compared with conventional form of it. The operation of the topology, modulation strategy, simulation results, and THD analysis for the output waveforms are presented in this paper.Article History: Received: 17th July 2017; Received: October 14th 2017; Accepted: Januari 18th 2018; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Gülpınar, F., Sarı, F., and Uzun, Y. (2017) Analysis of a Novel Four Level Flying Capacitor H – Bridge Converter. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 7(1), 71-75.https://doi.org/10.14710/ijred.7.1.71-7

    Analisa Dan Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Balance Scorecard Pada Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie

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    Kemajuan suatu institusi sangat ditentukan oleh visi, misi dan tujuan institusi tersebut yang didukung secarasungguh-sungguh oleh semua komponen institusi serta dikendalikan dengan kepemimpinan yang kuat dandiimplementasikan dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard. Penyelarasan dan pengelolaan teknologiinformasi dalam menyediakan sarana dan prasarana untuk mendukung tujuan institusi dalam mencapaitingkatan world class university yang mengacu kepada beberapa kriteria seperti DIKTI, ARWU danWebometric dilakukan dengan COBIT Framework. Investigasi akan kebutuhan dan pengembangan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas dalam mendukung kegiatan tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakanZachman Framework. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan di atas maka didapat roadmap Teknologi Informasiyang akan dibangun dalam jangka waktu 15 tahun yang dibagi ke dalam 3 kategori, yaitu jaringan &infrastruktur, Sistem Informasi, dan Sistem Organisasi yang masing-masing kategori dibagi ke dalam 3tahapan 5 tahunan

    Comparison of calcareous replacement hemiarthroplasty and proximal femoral nail in elderly ıntertrochanteric femur fractures

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    Background: In this study, a retrospective evaluation was made of patients aged 70 years and over who were applied with proximal-femoral nail (PFN) or calcareous replacement cemented hemiarthroplasty in respect of early and late-stage morbidity and mortality and functional personal independence. Methods: The study included a total of 77 patients aged over 70 years with an AO type 31-A1 or 31-A2 fracture. The patients were separated into two groups as those applied with proximal femoral nailing and those applied with calcar replacement hemiarthroplasty. Statistical comparison was made of the groups in respect of preoperative age, comorbidities, type of anaesthesia, ASA score, and fracture type, and postoperative amount of blood loss, albumin decrease, wound complications, other complications, Harris hip functional scores, Barthel daily living activity index, mortality rates. Results: The two groups were found to be similar in respect of age, gender, comorbidities, AO fracture type and type of anaesthesia. The operating time was shorter in the proximal femoral nailing group. The Harris hip scores and the Barthel daily living activity ındex values were similar in both groups. Rates of wound infection were higher in the hemiarthroplasty group. Mortality rates at one month, six months and one year were similar in both groups. Conclusions: Proximal femoral nailing can be one of the primary treatment options for intertrochanteric hip fractures in the elderly. Furthermore, although functional results and mortality rates are similar, as cemented calcar replacement hemiarthroplasty has serious life-threatening complications, it should not be the first choice of treatment method

    Phospholipases and the Network of Auxin Signal Transduction with ABP1 and TIR1 as Two Receptors: A Comprehensive and Provocative Model

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    Three types of phospholipases, phospholipase D, secreted phospholipase A2, and patatin-related phospholipase A (pPLA) have functions in auxin signal transduction. Potential linkage to auxin receptors ABP1 or TIR1, their rapid activation or post-translational activation mechanisms, and downstream functions regulated by these phospholipases is reviewed and discussed. Only for pPLA all aspects are known at least to some detail. Evidence is gathered that all these signal reactions are located in the cytosol and seem to merge on regulation of PIN-catalyzed auxin efflux transport proteins. As a consequence, auxin concentration in the nucleus is also affected and this regulates the E3 activity of this auxin receptor. We showed that ABP1, PIN2, and pPLA, all outside the nucleus, have an impact on regulation of auxin-induced genes within 30 min. We propose that regulation of PIN protein activities and of auxin efflux transport are the means to coordinate ABP1 and TIR1 activity and that no physical contact between components of the ABP1-triggered cytosolic pathways and TIR1-triggered nuclear pathways of signaling is necessary to perform this