21 research outputs found

    Efek Penggunaan Abu Gosok Dan Serbuk Bata Merah Pada Pembuatan Telur Asin Terhadap Kandungan Mikroba Dalam Telur (the Effect of Using the Ash and the Red Brick Powder in Making of the Salted Eggs to the Microbial Content of the Eggs)

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    Background: Salting is a way of preserving eggs with the dough / salt solution to boiling and boil for some time. As mixing the dough salt to soak the eggs, rub ash is commonly used in comparison with red brick powder. Purpose: determine the ability of red brick powder media in inhibiting bacteria than rub ash. Material and Method: Ten salted egg is made using a mixture of ash, salt and water in the ratio 4:2:2 ml, While ten more salted egg is made using a mixture of red brick powder, salt, and water in the ratio 4:2:2. Once the dough is well blended, each egg wrapped in dough evenly with a thickness of ± 2 mm. Then the eggs are stored in a plastic bucket in the open space. Microbial testing performed on total bacteria, and yeasts, as well as testing done to contain coliform, E. coli and Salmonella / Shigella on days 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20. Results: The total bacteria and yeasts in the two salted egg products decreased during salting, except on days -20, where an increase in total bacteria on salted egg with rub ash medium, but not on salted eggs with red brick powder medium. At the end of salting, the total number of bacteria of salted eggs for 4 x 102 and 0.9 x 102 colonies / gram, and total yeast and 0.45 x 102 8.7 x 102 colonies / gram. Conclusion: Salted eggs are made ​​using rub ash and red brick powder did not contain coliform bacteria, E. coli and Salmonella / Shigella, while the total number of bacteria and yeasts in the egg there is a difference

    Kandungan Besi, Klor Dan Lemak Dalam Air Susu Ibu Pada Tiga Bulan Pertama Setelah Kelahiran

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    Pengaruh Konsumsi Tempe Terhadap Suplementasi Zat Besi Pada Tikus Yang Menderita Anemi Gizi Besi

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    Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentasi absorpsi zat besi kedele dan beberapa produk protein kedele tergolong rendah. Sekiranya tempe sebagai produk fermentasi kedele juga mempunyai daya absorpsi zat besi yang rendah, apakah ini akan juga menghambat penyerapan suplementasi besi yang diberikan pada penderita anemi gizi yang biasa mengkonsumsi tempe? Suatu penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi tempe terhadap suplementasi besi pada tikus yang menderita anemi gizi. Empat kelompok tikus percobaan diberi ransum yang defisien besi selama 6 minggu sehingga mengalami penurunan kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit yang nyata dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol. Selanjutnya, kelompok tikus yang defisiensi besi tersebut selama 4 minggu berikutnya, disamping mendapat suplementasi zat besi juga mendapat ransum yang berbeda-beda, yaitu ransum yang sama dengan kelompok kontrol dan ransum yang mengandung campuran tempe dan sususkim dengan rasio protein tempe terhadap susu skim berbeda-beda, yaitu 10:90; 25:75; dan 50:50. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ransum tikus dengan campuran tempe yang tertinggi pun (50:50) tidak mempengaruhi absorpsi zat besi yang diberikan sebagai tambahan pada tikus yang menderita anemi gizi besi

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Kelapa Sawit sebagai Substrat untuk Sintesis Zat Gizi melalui Fermentasi Kapang Rhizopus Oligosporus (Uses Of The Waste Of Palm Residue AS Substrate For Synthesizing Some Nutrients Through Rhizopus Oligosporus Fermentation)

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    Background: The residue of palm seeds is the by-products of palm oil. This waste still contains palm oil which can be used as sources of carbon for fermentation in producing the useful substances. Objective: Use of the palm oil residue as the substrate fermentation for the mould of Rhizopus oligosporus. Methods: The residue of palm seeds were treated by adding urea, sucrose and fish oil for the growth of mould. The mould of R.oligosporus was used as mix culture which is used in the fermented soybean. The fermentation was carried out for 3 days in the incubator at 37o C. Product of fermentation were analyzed for the content of water, ash, protein, fat, and fibres. Results: The results indicated the water content of all substrate were changed. The substrate without added nutrient as the control and substrate added urea decreased 29.06 and 11.35 percent, substrate addition of sucrose and fish oil were increasing respectively 26.38 and 19.81 percent. The ash content were increasing for the all substrates, were 79.43; 85.02; 32.97 and 6.06 percent respectively for substrate without addition , substrate with added fish oil, sucrose, urea. The protein contents increased 85.34 and 71.58 percent for substrate without addition, and substrate added fish oil. The highest fat content was in the substrate added sucrose, and 313.09 percent decreasing for the substrate added fish oil. Conclusion: The residue of palm seeds could be used as the substrate fermentation of Rhizopus oligosporus to increase the content of fat after addition of sucrose as the growth supplementation

    Penurunan Kadar Sianida Singkong Pahit Pada Proses Fermentasi Cair Bakteri Brevibacterium Lactofermentemum Bl-1m76

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    THE REDUCTION OF THE CYANIDE CONTENT OF BITIER CASSAVA BY THE PROCESS OF LIQUID FERMENTATION USING BREVIBACTERIUM LACTOFERMENTUM BL-1M76.Background: Cassava is one of the important source of carbohydrate in tropical countries, that easliy grows in any kind of soil. However, there is a kind of cassava containing cyanide substance, which is toxic for human consumption. This kind of cassava known as bitter cassava contains more starch, but it can\u27t be used as food directly. Usually, people uses this cassava as raw material for producing starch known as \u27tapioka\u27 by the traditional method. The cyanide substance in cassava can be degraded by bacteria known as Brevibacterium sp R312 that is capable to degrade about 80% of the cyianide content in cassava, since this bacteria produces some enzymes namely E glucosidase, nitrilhydratase, and amidase, which degrade this cyanide substance. In our laboratory, has another strain of this bacteria, Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76, which Is not harmful and has potential capability in producing amino acid of lysine. Objectives: The study was conducted to investigate the potential of the bacteria Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76 in reducting of the cyanide substance of bitter cassava using the process of liquid fermentation. Materials and Methods: This experiment used four kinds of bitter cassava obtained from the Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Tanaman Pangan, Departemen Pertanian (The Research Station of Biotechnology for Food Crops). Those cassavas are known as Adira II, Adria IV, 39.1.1 code, and 46.8 code. The liquid fermentation was conducted in the erlenmeyer flask 250 ml containing 10 ml of 10% cassava medium. The process of fermentation was done in two steps. The first step was to decide the maxmium volume and concentration cell of bacteria suspension, and the duration time of the incubation at the 28°C. The observation was done to the changes content of cyanide, and protein of the cassava medium due to the fermentation. Results: The maximum volume of bacteria cell in the first fermentation was 5 ml for 10 ml of 10% cassava medium. In the second fermentation indicated that the achievement degradation of Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76 cyanide substances for all kind bitter cassava was 100%. However, the protein content was not shown any different.Conclusions: The cyanide substance contained in bitter cassava known as Adira II, Adira IV, 39.1.1 code, and 46.8 code can be degraded by the bacteria of Brevibacterium fermentum BL-1M76 in the process of liquid fermentation

    Kandungan Natrium Beberapa Jenis Sambal Kemasan Serta Uji Tingkat Penerimaannya (the Sodium Content of Some Chilli Sauces and Its Sensory Evaluation)

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    Background: Chili sauce is one the spice which is widely used in Indonesia. In making of the sauce, salt is added to increase the palatability of the Chili sauce. In the past salt was the only source of sodium, however, nowadays there are some food additives containing sodium such as sodium benzoate becoming the source of sodium. At the moment, the Chili sauce are available in the market, and in making those sauces, beside the addition of salt is also some food additive containing sodium were added. The excessive of sodium intake is related to the risk of hypertension and kidney failure. Objectives: to analyze the sodium contents of 10 kinds of Chili sauces available in the market and to evaluate the sensory of the sauce. Methods: Ten samples of Chili sauce in various brands were bought from supermarket, and then analyzed its sodium content using the Flame photometer method. Its sensory evaluation was performed by the thirty-two of testers. Results: The sodium content of sauces was shown that the value of the content was varying significantly (p £ 0.05). The highest content was 9.03 mg per gram, and the lowest was 3.82 mg per gram. The others were spread out between the highest and the lowest. Whereas the sensory evaluation of the sauce indicated that the sauce containing the higher content of sodium was tend to be more acceptance than the lower one. Conclusion: The sodium content of sauces in this study was varying between 9.03 to 3.82 mg per 100 g, whereas the sensory evaluation of the sauces revealed that the sauce which contained the higher content of sodium was more preference by the testers than the lower one. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2): 173-179

    Uji Keamanan dan Uji Daya Terima Produk Fermentasi Sari Pisang Kadaluarsa dengan Khamir Rhodotorula Glutinis

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    Banana is a kind of fruit whose stability during storage is very short. After its ripe is over, physically the banana is very soft, with some black spot of growing the yeast over the skin. This kind of banana is already no longer acceptable as food. Actually this banana is containing high glucose content which is useful for the growth of yeasts. The object of this study is to use this over ripe bananas as the raw material for making the fermented juice drink. The yeast uses was Rhodotorula glutinis, because this yeast able to synthesis the essential nutrients of fatty acid linoleat and linolenat, ergosetrol (pro­vitamin D) and carotene pigment (pro-vitamin A). In this study also performed the safety testing which was carried out on experimental rats for along 30 days. Observations were done on physical condition of rats. At the end of observation some rats were eradicated to see the organ vital such as kidney, heart, and liver. The observation concluded that the over ripe bananas juice fermented using Rhodotorula glutinis was safety to be consumed, without any effect. Whereas it\u27s sensory evaluation which was performed by 30 tester revealed that most of the testers accepted those product of bananas juice, without any different significantly at a 0.05. Except for colour for bananas juice which was fermented had the colour of reddish due to Rhodotorula glutinis

    Kandungan Natrium (Na) Dan Garam (Nacl) Dalam Ikan Asin Kering Mentah Dan Goreng Di Pasar Anyar Bogor

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan natrium (Na) dan garam (NaCl) dalam 10 jenis ikan asin kering yang beredar di Pasar Anyar Bogor. Analisis natrium dilakukan terhadap ikan asin mentah, setelah dicuci, dan setelah digoreng dengan menggunakan flamefometer. Analisis garam dilakukan dengan titrasi argentometri terhadap ikan asin mentah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, kandungan Na dan garam dalam ikan asin sangat beragam besarnya berturut-turut berkisar antara 0,3-8,1% dan 5,7-21,2%. Ikan asin yang mempunyai kadar Na dan garam tinggi adalah ikan sepat, peda putih dan gabus. Jumlah air dalam ikan asin juga bervariasi, berkisar antara 10,3-46,8%. pencucian dan penggorengan dapat menurunkan kadar garam ataupun natrium sebesar 37,4%