8 research outputs found

    Peran Penting Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pendidikan Vokasi

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    Penelitian kualitatif ini fokus pada pendidikan karakter di lingkungan Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang. Sistem pendidikan perhubungan adalah pendidikan vokasi yaitu untuk mempersiapkan tenaga profesional di bidang transportasi. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adanya krisis moral yang dialami khususnya remaja yang harus segera diselesaikan karena dapat mengancam masa depan kehidupan mereka sendiri serta masa depan bangsa dan juga mempengaruhi anak-anak kecil yang sekarang lebih suka meniru para remaja. Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan krisis moral adalah permasalahan yang cukup kompleks yang harus segera ditangani dengan pendidikan karakter sejak dini. Hasil dalam peelitian ini adalah beberapa tujuan-tujuan dilakukannya pendidikan karakter di perguruan tinggi vokasi diantaranya untuk mengembangkan potensi afektif taruna sebagai manusia dan warga negara yang berbudaya dan karakter bangsa. mengembangkan Kebiasaan dan perilaku taruna yang terpuji, menanamkan jiwa kepemimpinan dan tanggung jawab kepada taruna, mengembangkan kemampuan taruna menjadi manusia yang mandiri, kreatif, berwawasan kebangsaan. mengembangkan lingkungan kehidupan kampus sebagai lingkungan belajar yang aman, jujur, penuh kreativitas dan persahabatan, serta dengan rasa kebangsaan yang tinggi

    Implementation of Risk Management with the ISO 31000 Approach in an Effort to Improve the Performance of Educational Services

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    The implementation of a rapidly developing library service system can create threatening risks caused by the failure of library managers to assess the source of risk threats. Risks can take the form of events and conditions that result in disruption of information services and the decision-making process stops. The aim of this research is to describe the implementation of library service risk management at the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic Library using the ISO 31000 approach to determine the factors that influence the implementation of library risk management, especially in library material management activities. Library risk management at the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic Library has been implemented to anticipate various sources of risk threats by carrying out risk assessment, risk mitigation and risk evaluation activities through the Government Internal Control System (SPIP) in general

    Improving the Competence of Cadet Caregivers Using the Pancasila Character Development

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    This study aimed at determining the relationship between the development of the character of cadets and the improvement of the competence of caregivers of the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic so that it can be known what competencies are needed by caregivers so that they can develop the character of cadets.  This research was conducted at the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic in April 2022 to October 2022. The method used in this study is descriptive. Descriptive is an assessment that does not use mathematical, statistical or computer models. The data collection technique uses questions in the form of questionnaires through google forms, observations made by the author, as well as interviews with cadets and caregivers of the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic. The study population was all cadets and caregivers of the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic by taking sample data as a result of responses from respondents. The data processing will use Pearson's Product Moment method to determine the correlation between character development variables and caregiver competency improvement variables. The success of a program in the implementation of Pancasila Character development requires support from various parties in its implementation

    Development of X Ray Simulator Learning Media in Junior Aviation Security Course Based on MOOCS

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    The Aviation Security course is a course that must be followed by cadets of the Diploma 3 Airport Management study program. One of the materials in the Aviation security course is Operation of security equipment which contains aviation security equipment, namely X Ray machines. An X Ray machine is a tool used by aviation security personnel to check passengers' belongings. To achieve learning objectives, varied and independent learning resources are needed that are not limited in time and place. This research is motivated by the difficulty of cadets in understanding the material in the package book and the electronic media used is still limited to power point slides. Then to be able to find out the feasibility, response of cadets, educators and lecturers, as well as the effectiveness of MOOCS learning media will be carried out in this study. This research method uses a research and development (R&D) approach which is then adjusted to the needs of researchers, research methods used to produce certain products, and tests the effectiveness of these products. Researchers conduct research first to collect the required amount of data then develop the system and conduct testing and evaluation of the system created. This research was conducted at the Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang from April 2022 to October 2022

    Korelasi Motivasi Taruna Pola Pembibitan terhadap Minat Belajar Matematika

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    Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini untuk untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya korelasi motivasi taruna pola pembibitan terhadap minat belajar matematika dan mengetahui tingkat korelasinya. Keuntungan teoritis untuk memberi pengetahuan terkait korelasi motivasi taruna pola pembibitan terhadap minat belajar matematika. Manfaat praktis untuk memberi pengetahuan korelasi motivasi taruna pola pembibitan terhadap minat belajar matematika. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Program Studi Penyelamatan dan Pemadam Kebakaran Diploma Tiga angkatan ke empat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei sebagai desain penelitiannya. Variabel bebas berupa motivasi, sedangkan variabel terikat berupa minat belajar. Teknik penarikan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan sampel purposive pada taruna pola pembibitan. Data diolah dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak IBM SPSS versi 26 dan dianalisis menggunakan independent sample t-test  sebesar 5%. Hasil analisis data menunjukan nilai signifikan pada uji hipotesis sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima dengan nilai Pearson Correlation sebesar 0,837. Simpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat korelasi motivasi taruna pola pembibitan terhadap minat belajar matematika dengan koefisien korelasi sangat kuat

    Socialization of Unmanned Aircraft Operation on Flight Safety in Palembang Airspace

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    This socialization is carried out as a form of the application of the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely making research and compiling Scientific Journals within the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic. In addition, the purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and awareness of the people living around Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Palembang. This activity aims to inform how to operate unmanned aircraft around the airport area, how safe distance is needed and what permits need to be made when operating unmanned aircraft. This activity was made based on reports from several pilots to the Air Traffic Controller about the many obstacles such as kites, drones, hot air balloons and as in Palembang airspace. The method used in this community service activity is the participatory method. So that the results are expected so that participants know the results of socialization related to how to operate unmanned aircraft that do not endanger flights. Then the results of the socialization were published on the social media of Palembang Poltekbang

    Socialization Related to the Dangers of Kites, Laser Beams, Hot Air Balloons, and Drones Around Silampari Lubuklinggau Airport

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    The implementation of socialization in the Tridharma of Higher Education framework is by conducting research and compiling Scientific Journals within the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic, South Sumatra. In addition, this activity aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of the general public around the Silampari – Lubuklinggau Class III Airport Operator Unit. This activity also informs about the dangers of kites, laser beams, hot air balloons, and drones around the air space in Silampari – Lubuklinggau as well as the safe distance of building construction, especially in the Flight Operation Safety Area, especially people who live close to the Flight Operation Safety Area (KKOP). The method used for socialization is a participatory Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by resource persons and discussions with communities living around the Silampari – Lubuklinggau Class III Airport Operator Unit that the results are expected so that participants know the results of socialization related to activities that can endanger flights. Then, the results of the socialization were published on the social media of the Palembang Poltekbang

    Educational Socialization of Dangerous to Aircraft Activities in the Aviation Operations Safety Area

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    Implementing socialization within the context of the Tridharma of Higher Education, including conducting research and compiling Scientific Journals at the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic in South Sumatra. Furthermore, the goal of this effort is to improve broad public understanding and awareness of Depati Amir-Bangka Airport. This action also informs the safe distance and any behaviors that may harm aviation operations, particularly in the Aviation Operations Safety Area, as well as individuals who reside nearby. Socialization is accomplished by exposure by resource individuals and dialogues with people who reside near Depati Amir Bangka Airport. So that participants are aware of the outcomes of socialization associated to actions that may risk flights.The socializing findings were then publicized on the Palembang Aviation Polytechnicsocial media and the JMKSP Journal