19 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Hypertension in Children at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in January to December 2014

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    Background: Hypertension is often found in children. It could cause serious complications and added risk of hypertension in adulthood. Hypertension in children is likely secondary type and some of them might be severe. The aim of this study was to determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of hypertension in children admitted to Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in January to December 2014.Methods: The study design used was a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study. Data were obtained from medical records retrospectively of inpatient children from the period January to December 2014. Data were collected from the period  September to November 2015 based on age and gender as a demographic characteristics and stage of hypertension, etiology of hypertension, and emerge of hypertensioncomplication as a clinical characteristics.Results: Ninety(1.9%)children with hypertension were found from 4,681 of total inpatient children consisting of 58 males and 32 females with median of age 8 (0−13) years old.The main stage of hypertension was hypertension stage 2 with 55 cases and nephrotic syndrome as the most common causes with 43 cases. The complications were present in hypertension stage 2 with 3 cases and hypertensive crisis with 2 cases.Conclusions: Children with hypertension are most commonly males and median of age was 8 years old. Hypertension is characterized by hypertension stage 2 and nephrotic syndrome as the most common etiology. Complications of hypertension appear in severe hypertension

    Six-Minutes Walk Test Characteristics in Geriatric Outpatient Clinic at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung

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    Background: The six-minute walk test (6MWT) is a safe, easy to perform, and inexpensive test to evaluate the functional and exercise capacity in the elderly. The purpose of this study was to describe the 6MWT distance achieved among elderly patients.Methods: This descriptive study was conducted from January to November 2014 using medical records in the geriatric outpatient clinic of the Department of Internal Medicine at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from 2012 to 2014. The main variable was the distance achieved by the 6MWT, compared based on age, sex, and body mass index.Results: The average distance of the 6MWT in 122 elderly was 237.56 m. The highest results were in the youngest age group of 60–69 year old with an average distance of 243.87 m. A male elderly patients had an average distance of 245.26 m, and the elderly with high body mass index had 248.57 m.Conclusions: The distance achieved among the elderly during the 6MWT is relatively short. Increased physical activity such as walking is recommended for the elderly

    Profile of Handgrip Strength, Anthropometry, Nutritional Status and Activities of Daily Living Among Geriatrics at Karitas Nursing Home, Bandung

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      Background: Reduced handgrip strength is an aging process that influences the activities of daily living among elderly people. Handgrip strength varies greatly with age, gender, anthropometric measurement and nutritional status. This study aimed to determine the profile of handgrip muscle strength, physical characteristic, nutritional assessment and activities of daily living among elderly Methods: This study was conducted at Karitas nursing home, Bandung on September 2012. This is a descriptive study by collecting primary data from 28 elderly people. Data were collected in 2 days within 2 weeks. The first data collection included details of anthropometric measurement and handgrip measurement. The second data collection included face to face interview using standardized questionnaire for mini nutritional assessment and Barthel index.Result: The mean age of the respondents was 74.14 ± 8.5189 years. The average reading on handgrip muscle strength was 30.84 ± 12.0175 lbs for right hand and 27.77 ± 11.3778 lbs for left hand. For anthropometric measurement, most of the respondents had normal weight body mass index status (39.3%). Nutritional status of respondents evaluated by mini nutritional assessment showed that most of the respondents were at risk of malnutrition (64.3%). The activities of daily living assessment based Barthel Index showed that half of the respondents were dependent in activities of daily living (50%).Conclusions: From this  study, it can be concluded that the grip strength of all the respondents are weaker. Majority have normal body weight, malnutrition risk, and half of the subjects are depend on others in doing their daily activities.Keywords: Activities of daily living, anthropometry, elderly, handgrip strength, nutritional status DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.423

    Characteristics of Hypertension in Children at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in January to December 2014

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    Background: Hypertension is often found in children. It could cause serious complications and added risk of hypertension in adulthood. Hypertension in children is likely secondary type and some of them might be severe. The aim of this study was to determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of hypertension in children admitted to Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in January to December 2014.Methods: The study design used was a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study. Data were obtained from medical records retrospectively of inpatient children from the period January to December 2014. Data were collected from the period  September to November 2015 based on age and gender as a demographic characteristics and stage of hypertension, etiology of hypertension, and emerge of hypertensioncomplication as a clinical characteristics.Results: Ninety(1.9%)children with hypertension were found from 4,681 of total inpatient children consisting of 58 males and 32 females with median of age 8 (0−13) years old.The main stage of hypertension was hypertension stage 2 with 55 cases and nephrotic syndrome as the most common causes with 43 cases. The complications were present in hypertension stage 2 with 3 cases and hypertensive crisis with 2 cases.Conclusions: Children with hypertension are most commonly males and median of age was 8 years old. Hypertension is characterized by hypertension stage 2 and nephrotic syndrome as the most common etiology. Complications of hypertension appear in severe hypertension

    Tinjauan Pustaka : Autophagy dan Sarkopenia

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    ABSTRAK Sarkopenia adalah penurunan massa dan fungsi otot rangka yang disebabkan oleh penuaan. Sarkopenia dapat meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pada lansia. Penyebab dan patofisiologi sarkopenia bersifat kompleks dan belum diketahui secara pasti hingga saat ini. Autophagy diketahui mempunyai peran penting untuk proses eliminasi dan daur ulang protein dan organel yang rusak sehingga sementara pada penuaan proses akumulasi berlebihan organel dan protein yang rusak sebagai konsekuensi metabolisme merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya penyakit karena penuaan. Kondisi autophagy basal yang baik mempunyai efek protektif terhadap pemeliharaan massa otot dan stimulasi sel satelit untuk proses regenerasi otot. Sementara di sisi lain, inhibisi autophagy menyebabkan penurunan massa otot dan berhubungan dengan atrofi serat otot pada proses penuaan. Inhibisi autophagy diperlukan di awal fase regenerasi myogenesis otot sarkopenia, namun kemudian diduga melalui peran FoXO,autophagy diaktivasi untuk mengeliminasi sel yang rusak dan biogenesis mitokondria. Keseimbangan dinamis dari autophagy merupakan salah satu faktor kunci peranautophagy yang berperan positif pada pencegahan sarkopenia dan bahkan prosesmyogenesis sebagai tatalaksana sarkopenia

    Nutmeg Extract Alters Mitochondrial Genes Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Fibers in Aging Rats

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    Nutmeg as one of Indonesia native plants has already been used widely in herbal treatment. It has been demonstrated that nutmeg presents activities related to mitochondria functions. Nutmeg potentially has the effect of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors Υ (PPAR Υ) which contributes to myogenesis, and may alters mitochondrial homeostasis in respiration and biogenesis. In this study, how nutmeg extract alters oxidative process in skeletal muscle of aging rats was explored. Twenty aging Wistar male rats aged 80 weeks old were divided into two groups (control and nutmeg treatment). Nutmeg extract was administered for 12 weeks using a gavage. After that, the soleus muscles were collected, weighted, frozen, and stored at -800C until used. Nutmeg was observed to increase the COX1 (1.9 folds, p<0.01), COX2 (1.6 folds, p<0.05), and COXIV (2.8 folds, p<0.01) gene expressions, in parallel with increased protein carbonyl levels (1.5 folds, p<0,01). Nutmeg treatment also significantly increased the expressions of antioxidant endogen COQ7 (2 folds, p<0,01) and PDSS2 (2 folds, p<0,01) in the soleus muscle. Taken together, nutmeg extract may improve mitochondrial respiratory oxidative activities in type I aging skeletal muscle

    Nutmeg Extract Alters Mitochondrial Genes Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Fibers in Aging Rats

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    Nutmeg as one of Indonesia native plants has already been used widely in herbal treatment. It has been demonstrated that nutmeg presents activities related to mitochondria functions. Nutmeg potentially has the effect of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors Υ (PPAR Υ) which contributes to myogenesis, and may alters mitochondrial homeostasis in respiration and biogenesis. In this study, how nutmeg extract alters oxidative process in skeletal muscle of aging rats was explored. Twenty aging Wistar male rats aged 80 weeks old were divided into two groups (control and nutmeg treatment). Nutmeg extract was administered for 12 weeks using a gavage. After that, the soleus muscles were collected, weighted, frozen, and stored at -800C until used. Nutmeg was observed to increase the COX1 (1.9 folds, p<0.01), COX2 (1.6 folds, p<0.05), and COXIV (2.8 folds, p<0.01) gene expressions, in parallel with increased protein carbonyl levels (1.5 folds, p<0,01). Nutmeg treatment also significantly increased the expressions of antioxidant endogen COQ7 (2 folds, p<0,01) and PDSS2 (2 folds, p<0,01) in the soleus muscle. Taken together, nutmeg extract may improve mitochondrial respiratory oxidative activities in type I aging skeletal muscle

    Effect of Dietary Sodium on α, β, and γ Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) Gene Expression in Kidney Tubules of Wistar Rats

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    Hypertension is a condition of persistently high blood pressure. It is currently a big health issue as its prevalence is high in Indonesia and its complications are numerous and deadly. Salt intake is one of the modifiable factors of hypertension. According to a study by Indonesian Ministry of Health, salt consumption in Indonesia is almost two times greater than the recommended salt diet from WHO. Sodium reabsorption in kidney plays a role in regulating blood pressure. Epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is one of the structures that function in sodium reabsorption in kidney tubules. This study was conducted at the Central Laboratory and Animal Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran from June to Desember 2018. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of high sodium diet on the expression of ENaC gene in kidney tubules of rats. Twelve Rattus norvegicus wistar rats were divided into two groups of control and treatment. Treatment group was given daily 2 mL NaCl solution treatment using gavage for 8 weeks. The expression of ENaC α, β, and γ was obtained by running tissue samples from kidney cortex and medulla in polymerase chain reaction and electrophoresis. The result showed that there was an insignificant decrease in ENaC α, β, and γ gene expressions in both kidney cortex and medulla of the treatment group when compared to control groupThis study concludes that ENaC gene expression is not significantly affected by high sodium diet.Pengaruh Diet Tinggi Natrium terhadap Perubahan Ekspresi Gen Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) pada Tubulus Ginjal TikusHipertensi merupakan kondisi tekanan darah tinggi dalam waktu lama. Prevalensi dan komplikasi hipertensi menyebabkan hipertensi menjadi isu kesehatan yang cukup besar. Jumlah asupan garam merupakan faktor hipertensi yang dapat dimodifikasi. Berdasar studi Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia, konsumsi garam di Indonesia rerata dua kali lipat lebih banyak daripada rekomendasi WHO. Reabsorpsi natrium pada ginjal berperan penting pada regulasi tekanan darah. Fungsi ini diperankan oleh epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) yang berfungsi untuk reabsorpsi natrium. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Sentral dan Laboratorium Hewan Fakultas Kedokteran pada Juni–Desember 2018. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis efek diet tinggi natrium pada ekspresi gen dari ENaC di tubulus ginjal pada tikus. Duabelas ekor tikus Rattus norvegicus dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kontrol dan perlakuan. Kelompok perlakuan diberikan 2 mL larutan NaCl setiap hari selama 8 minggu. Larutan diberikan melalui paksa (gavage). Ekspresi gen ENaC α, β, γ dari korteks dan medula ginjal diamplifikasi dengan PCR dan dideteksi dengan elektroforesis. Pita protein dari gel elektroforesis dinilai intensitasnya dengan software ImageJ. Hasil dari elektroforesis menunjukkan penurunan ekspresi gen ENaC α, β, γ di korteks dan medulla pada kelompok perlakuan dibanding dengan kontrol. Studi ini menyimpulkan ekspresi gen ENaC pada korteks dan medulla ginjal tidak signifikan dipengaruhi oleh diet tinggi natrium

    Nutmeg extract modulates triglyceride levels and gene expressions of CD36,FATP1, and CPT1B in rat skeletal muscle

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    Obesity has become a global health problem. It affects all organs in the human body including skeletal muscle as fat deposits in skeletal muscle decrease skeletal muscle mass. Nutmeg, which is a native spice from Indonesia, has been known to be a herbal medicine to treat hyperlipidemia. Various In vivostudies have proven that nutmeg extract can reduce body weight and lipid deposition. However, there is limited information about the effects of nutmeg on lipid transport regulation particularly in muscle cells. Hence, in this study, we investigated the effects of nutmeg extract on blood lipid profile and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscles. Rats were divided into two groups: control and nutmeg extract-treated group. Treatment group was fed with nutmeg extract for 12 weeks. Blood samples of the rats were subjected to lipid profile examination. In addition, the soleus muscle of all groups were isolated and subjected for mRNA examination. Furthermore, expression of lipid transporter in cell membrane (CD36) and in mitochondrial membrane (FATP1 and CPT1B) were analyzed by semi-quantitative PCR. Although the daily food intake increased, no weight gain was observed in the nutmeg-treated group. Additionally, nutmeg extract has shown to decrease triglyceride blood levels in the treatment group. Interestingly, the CD36 FATP1 and CPT1B mRNA expressions in the soleus muscles increased with nutmeg treatment. The results of this study suggest that nutmeg extract modulates lipid utilization in skeletal muscle through CD36, FATP1, and CPT1B lipid transporter

    Potential Molecular Interaction of Nutmeg's (Myristica Fragrans) Active Compound via Activation of Caspase-3

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    Myristica fragrans Houtt (belongs to the Myristicaceae family) is a Maluku Island (Indonesia) native plant. The seed of M. fragrans (Nutmeg) has been used for medicinal benefits. M. fragrans also has anti-cancer properties. The goal of this research was to use computer-aided drug design to investigate the in silico molecular docking of selected nutmeg compounds against Caspase-3. Molecular docking using Malegro Virtual Docker (MVD) software Ver 5.5 was performed to investigate binding complicated models to offer information on critical drug-receptor interactions. The most potent ligand was Licarin B, which had a docking score of -103.07 kcal/mol. The Licarin B structure formed several hydrogen bonds with Trp214 and Phe250. These findings imply that the nutmeg seed contains a prospective compound that could be a great anti-cancer agent