158 research outputs found

    Theory and Application of SBS-based Group Velocity Manipulation in Optical Fibers

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    <p>All-optical devices have attracted many research interests due to their ultimately low heat dissipation compared to conventional devices based on electric-optical conversion. With recent advances in nonlinear optics, it is now possible to design the optical properties of a medium via all-optical nonlinear effects in a table-top device or even on a chip.</p><p>In this thesis, I realize all-optical control of the optical group velocity using the nonlinear process of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fibers. The SBS-based techniques generally require very low pump power and offer a wide transparent window and a large tunable range. Moreover, my invention of the arbitrary SBS resonance tailoring technique enables engineering of the optical properties to optimize desired function performance,</p><p>which has made the SBS techniques particularly widely adapted for</p><p>various applications.</p><p>I demonstrate theoretically and experimentally how the all-optical</p><p>control of group velocity is achieved using SBS in optical fibers.</p><p>Particularly, I demonstrate that the frequency dependence of the</p><p>wavevector experienced by the signal beam can be tailored using</p><p>multi-line and broadband pump beams in the SBS process. Based on the theoretical framework, I engineer the spectral profile</p><p> to achieve two different application goals: a uniform low group velocity (slow light) within a broadband spectrum, and a group velocity with a linear dependence on the frequency detuning (group velocity dispersion or GVD).</p><p>In the broadband SBS slow light experiment, I develop a novel noise current modulation method that arbitrarily tailors the spectrum of a diode laser. Applying this method, I obtain a 5-GHz broadband SBS gain with optimized flat-topped profile, in comparison to the ~40 MHz natural linewidth of the SBS resonance. Based on the broadband SBS resonance, I build a 5-GHz optical buffer and use this optical buffer to delay a return-to-zero data sequence of rate 2.5 GHz (pulse width 200 ps). The fast noise modulation method significantly stabilizes the SBS gain and improves the signal fidelity. I obtain a tunable delay up to one pulse-width with a peak signal-to-noise ratio of 7. I also find that SBS slow light performance can be improved by avoiding competing nonlinear effects. A gain-bandwidth product of 344 dB.GHz is obtained in our system with a highly-nonlinear optical fiber.</p><p>Besides the slow light applications, I realize that group velocity dispersion is also optically controlled via the SBS process. In the very recent GVD experiment, I use a dual-line SBS resonance and obtain a tunable GVD parameter of 7.5 ns2^2/m, which is 109^9 times larger than the value found in a single-mode fiber. The large GVD system is used to disperse an optical pulse with a pulse width of 28 ns, which is beyond the capability for current dispersion techniques working in the picosecond and sub picosecond region. The SBS-based all-optical control of GVD is also widely tunable and can</p><p>be applied to any wavelength within the transparent window of the</p><p>optical fiber. I expect many future extensions following this work</p><p>on the SBS-based all-optical GVD control using the readily developed SBS tailoring techniques.</p><p>Finally, I extend the basic theory of backwards SBS to describe the forward SBS observed in a highly nonlinear fiber, where asymmetric forward SBS resonances are observed at the gigahertz range. An especially large gain coefficient of 34.7 W−1^{-1} is observed at the resonance frequency of 933.8 MHz. This is due to good overlap between the optical wave and the high order guided radial acoustic wave. The interplay from the competing process known as the Kerr effect is also accounted for in the theory.</p>Dissertatio

    Slow light with a swept-frequency source

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    We introduce a new concept for stimulated-Brillouin-scattering-based slow light in optical fibers that is applicable for broadly-tunable frequency-swept sources. It allows slow light to be achieved, in principle, over the entire transparency window of the optical fiber. We demonstrate a slow light delay of 10 ns at 1550 nm using a 10-m-long photonic crystal fiber with a source sweep rate of 0.4 MHz/ns and a pump power of 200 mW. We also show that there exists a maximal delay obtainable by this method, which is set by the SBS threshold, independent of sweep rate. For our fiber with optimum length, this maximum delay is ~38 ns, obtained for a pump power of 760 mW.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    High-fidelity, broadband stimulated-Brillouin-scattering-based slow light using fast noise modulation

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    We demonstrate a 5-GHz-broadband tunable slow-light device based on stimulated Brillouin scattering in a standard highly-nonlinear optical fiber pumped by a noise-current-modulated laser beam. The noise modulation waveform uses an optimized pseudo-random distribution of the laser drive voltage to obtain an optimal flat-topped gain profile, which minimizes the pulse distortion and maximizes pulse delay for a given pump power. Eye-diagram and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) analysis show that this new broadband slow-light technique significantly increases the fidelity of a delayed data sequence, while maintaining the delay performance. A fractional delay of 0.81 with a SNR of 5.2 is achieved at the pump power of 350 mW using a 2-km-long highly nonlinear fiber with the fast noise-modulation method, demonstrating a 50% increase in eye-opening and a 36% increase in SNR compared to a previous slow-modulation method

    Competition between the Modulation Instability and Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a Broadband Slow Light Device

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    We observe competition between the modulation instability (MI) and stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in a 9.2-GHz broadband SBS slow light device, in which a standard 20-km-long single-mode LEAF fibre is used as the SBS medium. We find that MI is dominant and depletes most of the pump power when we use an intense pump beam at ~1.55 {\mu}m, where the LEAF fibre is anomalously dispersive. The dominance of the MI in the LEAF-fibre-based system suppresses the SBS gain, degrading the SBS slow light delay and limiting the SBS gain-bandwidth to 126 dB \cdot GHz. In a dispersion-shifted highly nonlinear fibre, the SBS slow light delay is improved due to the suppression of the MI, resulting in a gain-bandwidth product of 344 dB \cdot GHz, limited by our available pump power of 0.82 W

    Research collaboration between China and Denmark for development of systemic approaches to agro-ecological pest management without pesticides with focus on vegetable, fruit and berry crops. Proceedings and recommendations from two network workshops

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    This report is the result of a network project which was established to discuss the potential for collaboration on development of systemic approaches to pest management without pesticides between Chinese and Danish researchers. The focus is on systemic approaches rather than input substitution of synthetic chemicals with agents of natural origin, however, the latter is considered as an integrated tool for the development and design of systemic approaches. The discussions were, furthermore, limited to management of invertebrate pests as well as diseases, while other pests such as weeds have not been included in the discussions. The discussions took place at two workshops and were based on presentations of research from the two countries and field visits in China and Denmark. After the first workshop that took place in China, it was agreed that Chinese and Danish researchers in this particular field had mutual interests and priorities and that there was a potential for creating collaboration that could yield results beneficial for the agricultural/horticultural sectors in both countries. It was also agreed that in spite of the many differences between variation in climate and ecosystems, as well as in farming systems and their organization in China and Denmark, there were many similarities in the production of high-value crops in the two countries, such as vegetables, fruit and berries and, therefore, an obvious focus for joint research efforts. It was also agreed that joint research efforts could aim at specific crops as well as aiming at the development of specific research approaches. Based on the observations and the agreements of the first workshop, the second workshop, which took place in Denmark, focused more specifically on the development of a research framework with specified research questions/topics. Two groups were formed – one working with vegetables and one with fruit and berries working in parallel – both looking into what kind of research is needed for development of systemic approaches to pesticide-free pest management should include both well-known practices and new practices. Although the discussions in the two groups took separate routes and unfolded and described the research topics in each their way, there was a clear consistency between the outputs of the work of the two groups. Each had identified three main research themes that more or less followed the same line and has been merged into three specific recommendations on themes for collaboration, namely: 1) ‘Research to provide the biological foundation and understanding of mechanisms and interactions for development of non-chemical solutions and to improve efficiency of new and existing control methods for severe pest problems’. 2) Research in ‘How best to integrate multifunctional plants (and crops) and use diversification to create a more healthy and productive farming system which is resilient to pests?’ 3) Research in ‘How to design and integrate pest management in eco-functional cropping systems at field and farm/landscape level?
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