38 research outputs found

    Analisis Posisi Strategis Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Shuttlecock

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    This study aims to determine strategy position of shuttlecock business in Tegal Respondents in this research are entrepreneuh of shutlecock in Tegal. To determine General determine strategy position of shuttlecock business in Tegal was uses Electrics (GE) analysis. Research show that strategy position of shuttlecock business in Tegal acquired a strategic position information shuttlecock business is having a mid-appeal and the average strength of competition, so that a suitable development strategy is to identify growth segments, to specialize and invest selectively

    Pengelolaan Kurikulum Dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Pesantren Di SMP

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    This study was to describe the (1) foundation and implementation of curriculum- based learning Pesantren (2) implementation based learning curriculum and Pesantren (3) factors that support and hinder the implementation of the curriculum and learning-based schools. The method in this study used a descriptive approach kualitatif.Teknik data collection are observation, interview, and documentation. To test the validity of the data using a triangulation method, Results of this study were (1) SMP Muhammadiyah Darul Ihsan using curriculum KTSP 2006 is based on official curriculum and uniquely pesantren (2) Study carried out other than in accordance formal school hours learning is also conducted during the students stay in dormitories. (3) The factors supporting that policy right schools, the teachers are professional and complete infrastructure. While inhibiting factors include: conditions of students or students who are less responsible in terms of learning so that they seem still like to play around and learn less than the maximum

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Gula Tembakau Pada Ud. Muji Yanto Berbasis Visual Basic 6.0

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    At UD.Muji Yanto, recording and processing of data items, the number and price of the goods, the supplier of data, as well as the sales transaction data is still done using handwriting.Difficulty in recording and counting the number of types of goods, quantity of goods, as well as the large number of prices, resulting in the data obtained to be less accurate. To improve the accuracy of the data, sales information systems development required tobacco sugar on UD.Muji Yanto computerized.Sugar tobacco sales information system may be one solution that can be used to facilitate the seller in the sale of data processing sugar tobacco, sugar and tobacco make data reports, supplier data reports, sales reports sugar tobacco, sugar and tobacco memorandum of sale transactions easier, quickly and efficiently

    Penciptaan Buku Ilustrasi Pakaian Adat Bregada Hadiningrat Kraton YOGYAKARTA sebagai Upaya Pengenalan Pakaian Tradisional Kepada Anak-anak

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    Indonesia has a very diverse cultural treasures ranging from customs artwork. In addition, Indonesia consists of several tribes that have cultural distinctiveness. Traditional Indonesian clothing is one of the cultural property owned by the Indonesian state and recognized by other countries. One of them is the Kasultanan Hadiningrat Yogyakarta which still preserve or perform ritual customs. One of the works of art and culture, one of which is still done until now is wearing traditional clothing. Traditional clothes of Yogyakarta is not only owned by the descendants of the royal nobles, but also owned by the courtiers and royal soldiers. To introduce custom clothing bregada Hadiningrat Kraton Yogyakarta then carried creation illustrated book as an attempt to introduce traditional clothing to children. To make this illustrated book uses several methods that begins with the collection of data from observation, interview and getting the data needed, and proceed with the creation of graphic design elements. From this process resulted in an illustrated book that can describe the character of bregada Hadiningrat Kraton Yogyakarta. Illustration Book is needed here is a illustration book using 2-dimensional concept that is able to attract the attention of the public to have characteristics of bregada Hadiningrat Kraton Yogyakarta itself. This is shown as an effort to support the introduction of the traditional clothing to the people, especially children

    Analisis Strategi dan Kelayakan Investasi Pembangunan Paviliun pada Rumah Sakit Umum (RSUD) Banyumas

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    The aims of this study to analyze strategy for the development of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Banyumas, as well as to analyze the feasibility of investment pavilion Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Banyumas. Analysis tools used to analyze the strategy is the SWOT analysis and matrix space analysis, while the investment feasibility analysis using Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), Profitability Index (PI), Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Based on the analysis, the development strategy of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Banyumas is aggressive, and the construction of the pavilion Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Banyumas was feasible

    Hukum Pidana malpraktik Medik

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    x, 214 hlm.; 16 x 23 c