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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan motivasi belajar dan IQ mahasiswa IPK tinggi dan IPK rendah dan mengetahui perbedaan motivasi belajar dan IQ mahasiswa IPK tinggi dan IPK rendah. Setiap akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa memperoleh IPK berbeda, ada yang memperoleh IPK tinggi dan IPK rendah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Ex Post Facto, subjek penelitian ini adalah 42 orang mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan 2012. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket motivasi belajar mahasiswa dan tes IQ. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan motivasi belajar mahasiswa IPK tinggi dibuktikan p = 0,668 > 0,05, tidak terdapat hubungan motivasi belajar mahasiswa dengan IPK rendah dibuktikan p = 0,277, tidak terdapat hubungan IQ mahasiswa IPK tinggi dibuktikan p = 0,689 > 0,05, tidak terdapat hubungan IQ mahasiswa IPK rendah dibuktikan p = 0,199 > 0,05, terdapat perbedaan motivasi belajar mahasiswa IPK tinggi dan IPK rendah dibuktikan p = 0,013 0,05. Kata Kunci : Motivasi Belajar, IQ, Hasil Belajar (IPK) The aims of the research were to determine the correlation between learning motivation and IQ of students with high and low GPA, GPA and determine differences in IQ student motivation to learn and a high GPA and the GPA is low. Each end of the course, students obtaining GPA is different, there is a high GPA and GPA obtain lower. Research method used in the research was Ex Post facto. There were 42 Sport Science Department students as the subjects of the research. The research instrument used was motivation questionnaire and an IQ test. The results showed that there were : no correlation learning motivation and students with high GPA proved by p = 0.668> 0.05; no correlation learning motivation of students with a low GPA proved by p = 0.277; no correlation IQ and students with high GPA proved by p = 0.689> 0.05; no correlation IQ and students low GPA proved by p=0.199> 0.05. Moreover, the results showed that there were a difference between student learning motivation and students with high and low GPA proved by = 0.013 0.05. Keywords: Motivation, IQ, the intake (GPA