6,478 research outputs found

    A Case of Korean Ginseng-Induced Anaphylaxis Confirmed by Open Oral Challenge and Basophil Activation Test

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    Two case reports discussing Korean ginseng-induced allergic reactions have been published; both were inhalation-induced respiratory allergies in occupational settings. In this report we discuss the first case of anaphylaxis that developed after an oral intake of ginseng, confirmed by an open oral challenge, a skin prick test (SPT), and a basophil activation test (BAT). A 44-year-old man experienced rhinorrhea and nasal stiffness, followed by respiratory difficulty with wheeze and abdominal pain 10 minutes after oral intake of fresh ginseng. He had suffered from episodes of allergic rhinitis during the spring season for several years. Upon presentation, a physical examination, chest radiograph, and routine laboratory tests were unremarkable. Total serum IgE level was 41 IU/mL. The SPT results showed strong positive responses to alder, birch pollens, and ginseng extracts (1:500 w/v). The methacholine bronchial challenge test revealed a positive result at PC20 of 5.83 mg/mL. The open oral challenge was performed using 50 g of fresh ginseng and showed immediate onset of facial flushing, cough, respiratory difficulty with wheeze, and abdominal pain combined with a significant decrease in FEV1 levels (54% from the baseline). Serum-specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies were not detectable by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. BAT showed a remarkable increase in the expression of CD203c and CD63 with the addition of ginseng extract in a dose-dependent manner, while no changes were noted in the controls. In conclusion, oral intake of Korean ginseng could induce anaphylaxis, which is mediated by non-IgE-dependent direct activation of basophil/mast cells

    A Literatura coreana no Brasil: quadro atual e desafios

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    O presente estudo tem como ponto de par tida um levantamento do que foi produzido em matéria de literatura coreana no Brasil – traduções e trabalhos acadêmicos – , buscando r efletir algumas questões que a circundam e a impactam. Apesar das iniciativas em tradução que datam da década de 80, a literatura coreana no Brasil permanece um campo virtualmente inexplorado, e o recente interesse dos editores – impulsionado pela visibil idade do país no cenário mundial e o Prêmio Internacional Man Booker 2016 concedido para A vegetariana de Han Kang – se depara com a falta de tradutores qualificados. Tais iniciativas, financiadas em quase sua totalidade pelo Literature Translation Institu te of Korea (LTI Korea), têm sido esparsas e díspares, além de dissonantes entre si e em relação a um possível público leitor. Isso porque a literatura infantil coreana, que colheu algum resultado junto ao mercado brasileiro, não é contemplada pela referid a entidade de fomento, o mesmo ocorrendo com a literatura juvenil, a qual teria nos fãs de K - pop um potencial público leitor. Somem - se a isso os problemas cada vez mais graves do mercado editorial brasileiro, a inexistência de tradutores qualificados e uma teia conflitante de fatores que dificultam os passos iniciais da literatura coreana no Brasil.The starting point of this study is a report of what has been done in the field of Korean literature in Brazil – translations and research – in the last decades, seeking to reflect on some key issues that a re involved in its production. The initiatives on translating Korean literature into Portuguese date back to 80’s, but the field remains virtually unexplored, and the recent interest of some editors – boosted by the recent visibility of Korea in the world and the Man Booker International Prize given to The Vegetarian (Han Kang) in 2016, faces the lack of qualified translators. Past trials, almost totally financed by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea), have been sparse and disparate. T hey were dissonant not only mutually but from a possible reading audience. For instance, some success has been reached by the Korean children literature in the Brazilian market, which is not, unfortunately, part of the mentioned Institute’s plans. The same happens to the young literature, with potential among K - pop fans. In addition, there are also day by day worsening conditions in Brazilian editorial market, the inexistence of qualified translations and a web of dissonant factors that hinder the initial s teps of Korean literature in Brazil

    Biodiv: Business approach to protect biodiversity in agriculture

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    To make biodiversity as a standard for selection (purchase), Biodiv Inc. aims at balancing between biodiversity conservation and agricultural productivity that allows farmers to have economic profits
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