15,920 research outputs found

    Luminosity Profiles of Merger Remnants

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    Using published luminosity and molecular gas profiles of the late-stage mergers NGC 3921, NGC 7252 and Arp 220, we examine the expected luminosity profiles of the evolved merger remnants, especially in light of the massive CO complexes that are observed in their nuclei. For NGC 3921 and NGC 7252 we predict that the resulting luminosity profiles will be characterized by an r^{1/4} law. In view of previous optical work on these systems, it seems likely that they will evolve into normal ellipticals as regards their optical properties. Due to a much higher central molecular column density, Arp 220 might not evolve such a ``seamless'' light profile. We conclude that ultraluminous infrared mergers such as Arp 220 either evolve into ellipticals with anomalous luminosity profiles, or do not produce many low-mass stars out of their molecular gas complexes.Comment: Final refereed version. Note new title. 4 pages, 2 encapsulated color figures, uses emulateapj.sty. Accepted to ApJL. Also available at http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~jhibbard/Remnants/remnants.htm

    Techniques for n-Particle Irreducible Effective Theories

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    In this paper we show that the skeleton diagrams in the m-Loop nPI effective action correspond to an infinite resummation of perturbative diagrams which is void of double counting at the m-Loop level. We also show that the variational equations of motion produced by the n-Loop nPI effective theory are equivalent to the Schwinger-Dyson equations, up to the order at which they are consistent with the underlying symmetries of the original theory. We use a diagrammatic technique to obtain the 5-Loop 5PI effective action for a scalar theory with cubic and quartic interactions, and verify that the result satisfies these two statements.Comment: 43 pages, 48 figures, add a paragraph in conclusions, Figs. 25,45,46 changed, typos corrected, final version to appear in PR

    The Neutral Hydrogen Distribution in Merging Galaxies: Differences between Stellar and Gaseous Tidal Morphologies

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    We have mapped the neutral atomic gas (HI) in the three disk-disk merger systems NGC 520, Arp 220, and Arp 299. These systems differ from the majority of the mergers mapped in HI, in that their stellar and gaseous tidal features do not coincide. In particular, they exhibit large stellar tidal features with little if any accompanying neutral gas and large gas-rich tidal features with little if any accompanying starlight. On smaller scales, there are striking anti-correlations where the gaseous and stellar tidal features appear to cross. We explore several possible causes for these differences, including dust obscuration, ram pressure stripping, and ionization effects. No single explanation can account for all of the observed differences. The fact that each of these systems shows evidence for a starburst driven superwind expanding in the direction of the most striking anti-correlations leads us to suggest that the superwind is primarily responsible for the observed differences, either by sweeping the features clear of gas via ram pressure, or by excavating a clear sightline towards the starburst and allowing UV photons to ionize regions of the tails.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, uses emulateapj.sty. To appear in the March 2000 issue of AJ. Version with full resolution figures is available via http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~jhibbard/HIdisp/HIdisp.htm

    Multiwavelength analysis of the young open cluster NGC 2362

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    We present a multiwavelength analysis of the young open cluster NGC 2362. UBVRcIc CCD photometric observations, together with available data in the Chandra data base, near infrared data from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), and recently published Halpha spectroscopy were used to get information about the evolutionary stage of the cluster and the main physical properties of its stellar content. Cluster membership is estimated for every individual star by means of ZAMS and isochrone fitting. The cluster is confirmed to host a richly populated pre-main sequence (PMS), and to contain a large amount of X-ray emitting stars, which reach from the PMS members of GK spectral type, up to the most luminous OB type main sequence (MS) members. The PMS cluster members show no significant age spread, and the comparison to both PMS and post-MS isochrones suggests a younger age for the more massive MS than for lower mass PMS members. The analysis allows to asses the validity of currently used pre-main sequence evolutionary models, and supports the suggestion of a well defined positive correlation of the X-ray emission from PMS stars with their bolometric luminosity. Clear differences are found on the other hand, between the X-ray activity properties of MS and PMS cluster members, both in the relation between X-ray luminosity and bolometric luminosity, and in spectral properties as well.Comment: 1 gzipped file: 1 tex file with 9 pages text. 5 ps files with figures. Submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Demonstration of fine pitch FCOB (Flip Chip on Board) assembly based on solder bumps at Fermilab

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    Bump bonding is a superior assembly alternative compared to conventional wire bond techniques. It offers a highly reliable connection with greatly reduced parasitic properties. The Flip Chip on Board (FCOB) procedure is an especially attractive packaging method for applications requiring a large number of connections at moderate pitch. This paper reports on the successful demonstration of FCOB assembly based on solder bumps down to 250um pitch using a SUESS MA8 flip chip bonder at Fermilab. The assembly procedure will be described, microscopic cross sections of the connections are shown, and first measurements on the contact resistance are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    The Bolocam 1.1 mm Lockman Hole Galaxy Survey: SHARC II 350 micron Photometry and Implications for Spectral Models, Dust Temperatures, and Redshift Estimation

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    We present 350 micron photometry of all 17 galaxy candidates in the Lockman Hole detected in a 1.1 mm Bolocam survey. Several of the galaxies were previously detected at 850 microns, at 1.2 mm, in the infrared by Spitzer, and in the radio. Nine of the Bolocam galaxy candidates were detected at 350 microns and two new candidates were serendipitously detected at 350 microns (bringing the total in the literature detected in this way to three). Five of the galaxies have published spectroscopic redshifts, enabling investigation of the implied temperature ranges and a comparison of photometric redshift techniques. Lambda = 350 microns lies near the spectral energy distribution peak for z = 2.5 thermally emitting galaxies. Thus, luminosities can be measured without extrapolating to the peak from detection wavelengths of lambda > 850 microns. Characteristically, the galaxy luminosities lie in the range 1.0 - 1.2 x 10^13 L_solar, with dust temperatures in the range of 40 K to 70 K, depending on the choice of spectral index and wavelength of unit optical depth. The implied dust masses are 3 - 5 x 10^8 M_solar. We find that the far-infrared to radio relation for star-forming ULIRGs systematically overpredicts the radio luminosities and overestimates redshifts on the order of Delta z ~ 1, whereas redshifts based on either on submillimeter data alone or the 1.6 micron stellar bump and PAH features are more accurate.Comment: In Press (to appear in Astrophysical Journal, ApJ 20 May 2006 v643 1) 47 pages, 10 figures, 4 table
