84 research outputs found

    Soft robotic gripper with chambered fingers for performing in-hand manipulation

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    In this work, we present a soft robotic gripper for grasping various objects by mimicking in-hand manipulation. The soft robotic gripper consists of three fingers. Each finger contains three air chambers: Two chambers (side chambers) for twisting in two different directions and one chamber (middle chamber) for grasping. The combination of these air chambers makes it possible to grasp an object and rotate it. We fabricated the soft finger using 3D-printed molds. We used the finite element method (FEM) method to design the most effective model, and later these results were compared with results from experiments. The combined experimental results were used to control the range of movement of the whole gripper. The gripper could grasp objects weighing from 4 g to 300 g just by inflating the middle chamber, and when air pressure was subsequently applied to one of the side chambers, the gripper could twist the object by 35°. © 2019 by the authors.1

    Development of an Electromagnetic Actuator for the Hot-Embossing Process

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    Hot embossing is in the spotlight due to the development of electronic devices, wearable devices, microfluidic channels, and optical devices. The conventional hot-embossing process creates a pattern on polymer film by using a previously patterned stamp that applied heat and pressure. This method has a disadvantage because it depends on the shape of the patterned stamp. For this reason, this method requires a high cost and a lot of time when replacing the stamp for making a new pattern shape or for modifying the error of the pattern. To solve this problem, the impact print-type hot-embossing method was proposed to create arbitrary patterns, and equipment for this method was assembled. In addition, patterning experiments were conducted to imprint several tens of micrometer-sized patterns in real time. For this method, we proposed an electromagnetic actuator for making the hot-embossing print type and for reducing the size of the actuator compared to previous studies. Through the patterning experiment, we determined that the proposed device could engrave fine dot patterns ranging from 60 µm to 120 µm in diameter. We verified the size of the generated pattern by using a confocal microscope, and we found the proposed hot-embossing technology can realize the desired shape in any position by using the proposed technique. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.1

    Snake Robot with Driving Assistant Mechanism

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    Snake robots are composed of multiple links and joints and have a high degree of freedom. They can perform various motions and can overcome various terrains. Snake robots need additional driving algorithms and sensors that acquire terrain data in order to overcome rough terrains such as grasslands and slopes. In this study, we propose a driving assistant mechanism (DAM), which assists locomotion without additional driving algorithms and sensors. In this paper, we confirmed that the DAM prevents a roll down on a slope and increases the locomotion speed through dynamic simulation and experiments. It was possible to overcome grasslands and a 27 degrees slope without using additional driving controllers. In conclusion, we expect that a snake robot can conduct a wide range of missions well, such as exploring disaster sites and rough terrain, by using the proposed mechanism. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. T.1

    A single amino-acid substitution in the sodium transporter HKT1 associated with plant salt tolerance

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    © 2016 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. A crucial prerequisite for plant growth and survival is the maintenance of potassium uptake, especially when high sodium surrounds the root zone. The Arabidopsis HIGH-AFFINITY K+ TRANSPORTER1 (HKT1), and its homologs in other salt-sensitive dicots, contributes to salinity tolerance by removing Na+ from the transpiration stream. However, TsHKT1;2, one of three HKT1 copies in Thellungiella salsuginea, a halophytic Arabidopsis relative, acts as a K+transporter in the presence of Na+ in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Amino-acid sequence comparisons indicated differences between TsHKT1;2 and most other published HKT1 sequences with respect to an Asp residue (D207) in the second pore-loop domain. Two additional T. salsuginea and most other HKT1 sequences contain Asn (N) in this position. Wild-type TsHKT1;2 and altered AtHKT1 (AtHKT1N-D) complemented K+-uptake deficiency of yeast cells. Mutanthkt1-1 plants complemented with both AtHKT1N-D and TsHKT1;2 showed higher tolerance to salt stress than lines complemented by the wild-type AtHKT1. Electrophysiological analysis in Xenopus laevis oocytes confirmed the functional properties of these transporters and the differential selectivity for Na+ and K+based on the N/D variance in the pore region. This change also dictated inward-rectification for Na+ transport. Thus, the introduction of Asp, replacing Asn, in HKT1-type transporters established altered cation selectivity and uptake dynamics. We describe one way, based on a single change in a crucial protein that enabled some crucifer species to acquire improved salt tolerance, which over evolutionary time may have resulted in further changes that ultimately facilitated colonization of saline habitats

    Overexpression of arabidopsis YUCCA6 in potato results in high-auxin developmental phenotypes and enhance

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    Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a major plant auxin, is produced in both tryptophan-dependent and tryptophanindependent pathways. A major pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana generates IAA in two reactions from tryptophan. Step one converts tryptophan to indole-3-pyruvic acid (IPA) by tryptophan aminotransferases followed by a rate-limiting step converting IPA to IAA catalyzed by YUCCA proteins. We identified eight putative StYUC (Solanum tuberosum YUCCA) genes whose deduced amino acid sequences share 50%-70% identity with those of Arabidopsis YUCCA proteins. All include canonical, conserved YUCCA sequences: FATGY motif, FMO signature sequence, and FAD-binding and NADPbinding sequences. In addition, five genes were found with ~50% amino acid sequence identity to Arabidopsis tryptophan aminotransferases. Transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Jowon) constitutively overexpressing Arabidopsis AtYUC6 displayed high-auxin phenotypes such as narrow downward-curled leaves, increased height, erect stature, and longevity. Transgenic potato plants overexpressing AtYUC6 showed enhanced drought tolerance based on reduced water loss. The phenotype was correlated with reduced levels of reactive oxygen species in leaves. The results suggest a functional YUCCA pathway of auxin biosynthesis in potato that may be exploited to alter plant responses to the environment. © 2012 The Author

    A Single Amino-Acid Substitution in the Sodium Transporter HKT1 Associated with Plant Salt Tolerance

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    A crucial prerequisite for plant growth and survival is the maintenance of potassium uptake, especially when high sodium surrounds the root zone. The Arabidopsis HIGH-AFFINITY K(+) TRANSPORTER1 (HKT1), and its homologs in other salt-sensitive dicots, contributes to salinity tolerance by removing Na(+) from the transpiration stream. However, TsHKT1;2, one of three HKT1 copies in Thellungiella salsuginea, a halophytic Arabidopsis relative, acts as a K(+) transporter in the presence of Na(+) in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Amino-acid sequence comparisons indicated differences between TsHKT1;2 and most other published HKT1 sequences with respect to an Asp residue (D207) in the second pore-loop domain. Two additional T. salsuginea and most other HKT1 sequences contain Asn (n) in this position. Wild-type TsHKT1;2 and altered AtHKT1 (AtHKT1(N-D)) complemented K(+)-uptake deficiency of yeast cells. Mutant hkt1-1 plants complemented with both AtHKT1(N)(-)(D) and TsHKT1;2 showed higher tolerance to salt stress than lines complemented by the wild-type AtHKT1. Electrophysiological analysis in Xenopus laevis oocytes confirmed the functional properties of these transporters and the differential selectivity for Na(+) and K(+) based on the n/d variance in the pore region. This change also dictated inward-rectification for Na(+) transport. Thus, the introduction of Asp, replacing Asn, in HKT1-type transporters established altered cation selectivity and uptake dynamics. We describe one way, based on a single change in a crucial protein that enabled some crucifer species to acquire improved salt tolerance, which over evolutionary time may have resulted in further changes that ultimately facilitated colonization of saline habitats

    Soft Robotic Gripper with Chambered Fingers for Performing In-Hand Manipulation

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    In this work, we present a soft robotic gripper for grasping various objects by mimicking in-hand manipulation. The soft robotic gripper consists of three fingers. Each finger contains three air chambers: Two chambers (side chambers) for twisting in two different directions and one chamber (middle chamber) for grasping. The combination of these air chambers makes it possible to grasp an object and rotate it. We fabricated the soft finger using 3D-printed molds. We used the finite element method (FEM) method to design the most effective model, and later these results were compared with results from experiments. The combined experimental results were used to control the range of movement of the whole gripper. The gripper could grasp objects weighing from 4 g to 300 g just by inflating the middle chamber, and when air pressure was subsequently applied to one of the side chambers, the gripper could twist the object by 35°

    Design of Low Pressure Driven Soft Actuators for Soft Gripper

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    The gripper with a soft pneumatic actuator uses a soft material, unlike the gripper that uses a rigid body, so it is safer and lighter to interact with objects without advanced control technology. Among the soft pneumatic actuators that have been studied, PneuNets actuators have bellows shape, which enable quick operation and complete bending with only small material deformation at low pressure. In this study, we suggested improved form of PneuNets actuators to obtain the performance of the soft actuator that a larger bending angle and larger bending force at a small pressure. An experiment was designed and conducted to measure the bending angle and bending force according to the pressure. As a result, it was confirmed through experiments that the improved model has a maximum bending angle at a pressure of 5 kPa lower than that of the previous model, and a maximum bending force of 1.97 times at the same pressure.2

    Kinematic Design and System Implementation of Jumping Robot Legs

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    Currently, research on a jumping robot has been actively conducted in the Robotics field. In this paper, we propose a linkage structure of the jumping robot leg. The trajectory and take-off angle are simulated by using a free software, LINKAGE program. Also, we introduced the two types of the propulsion structure

    Cockroach Milli-Robot With Improved Load Capacity

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    In the field of milli-robots, several methods of constructing robots by laminating materials and then folding have been developed. Among these methods, smart composite microstructures (SCM) is widely used for making lightweight small mobile robots. However, in the case of a robot manufactured by the SCM method, due to flexible and easily deformable links and joints, it is often difficult to obtain proper kinematic movement due to deformation of the structure when a heavy load is applied. In this paper, studies on the mechanism design and manufacturing were carried out to increase the load capacity of robots manufactured by SCM. First, we modified the kinematics of the robot to reduce off-axis loading on flexure joints by using a planar 6 bar leg mechanism, which was fabricated using a new multilayer SCM process. Second, the fabrication process is improved to reduce peeling of laminate structures by introducing integrated rivets at joints. Finally, alternative materials, such as balsa, are used. To verify the design and fabrication improvements, we compared the payloads after applying the proposed methods to an existing cockroach robot design. Compared to the previous design, speed with a 50-g payload increased from 7 to 30 cm per second. © 2019 by ASME.1