3 research outputs found
Long-Term Oral Administration of LLHK, LHK, and HK Alters Gene Expression Profile and Restores Age-Dependent Atrophy and Dysfunction of Rat Salivary Glands
Xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, is caused by a reduction in salivary secretion and by changes in the composition of saliva associated with the malfunction of salivary glands. Xerostomia decreases quality of life. In the present study, we investigated the effects of peptides derived from β-lactoglobulin C on age-dependent atrophy, gene expression profiles, and the dysfunction of salivary glands. Long-term oral administration of Leu57-Leu58-His59-Lys60 (LLHK), Leu58-His59-Lys60 (LHK) and His59-Lys60 (HK) peptides induced salivary secretion and prevented and/or reversed the age-dependent atrophy of salivary glands in older rats. The transcripts of 78 genes were upregulated and those of 81 genes were downregulated by more than 2.0-fold (p ≤ 0.05) after LHK treatment. LHK upregulated major salivary protein genes such as proline-rich proteins (Prpmp5, Prb3, Prp2, Prb1, Prp15), cystatins (Cst5, Cyss, Vegp2), amylases (Amy1a, Amy2a3), and lysozyme (Lyzl1), suggesting that LLHK, LHK, and HK restored normal salivary function. The AP-2 transcription factor gene (Tcfap2b) was also induced significantly by LHK treatment. These results suggest that LLHK, LHK, and HK-administration may prevent and/or reverse the age-dependent atrophy and functional decline of salivary glands by affecting gene expression
text紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper先行研究の分析枠組みを参照して、筆者の前在籍中学校の生徒の「自己有用感」に関するアンケート調査の結果を分析し、生徒の実態を把握するとともに今後の手立てについて検証を行った。教師や友達、家族など信頼できる他者との関わりの中で自分自身と向き合い、自分がすでにもっているよさに気付くという過程が、生徒達の「自己有用感」に大きな影響を与えていると言うことを再確認することができた
Dual Roles of Smad Proteins in the Conversion from Myoblasts to Osteoblastic Cells by Bone Morphogenetic Proteins*
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) induce ectopic bone formation in muscle tissue in vivo and convert myoblasts such that they differentiate into osteoblastic cells in vitro. We report here that constitutively active Smad1 induced osteoblastic differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts in cooperation with Smad4 or Runx2. In floxed Smad4 mice-derived cells, Smad4 ablation partially suppressed BMP-4-induced osteoblast differentiation. In contrast, the BMP-4-induced inhibition of myogenesis was lost by Smad4 ablation and restored by Smad4 overexpression. A nuclear zinc finger protein, E4F1, was identified as a possible component of the Smad4 complex that suppresses myogenic differentiation in response to BMP signaling. In the presence of Smad4, E4F1 stimulated the expression of Ids. Taken together, these findings suggest that the Smad signaling pathway may play a dual role in the BMP-induced conversion of myoblasts to osteoblastic cells