19 research outputs found

    〔資  料〕 閉経後女性の体脂肪蓄積,筋肉量および骨密度低下の抑制を 目的とした食事条件を提案するための基礎研究 ―自発運動可能な卵巣摘除メスラットの下肢骨格筋重量,大腿骨骨密度および 走行運動レベルに対する食餌アミノ酸添加の影響―

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    The present study aims to review whether dietary modifications will prevent body fat accumulation, muscle mass wasting and bone mineral density loss in postmenopausal women who incorporate physical exercise into daily life.9-week-old ovariectomized Wistar strain female rats were divided into four groups: CA-Ex, Gln-Ex, Leu-Ex and CitD-Ex. Depending on which group they were in, the rats were given a 20% casein protein based experimental diet supplemented with nothing (control diet, CA-Ex); 5% of L-glutamine (Gln-Ex); 5% of L-leucine (Leu-Ex); or 2.5% of L-citrulline+2.5% of D-serine (CitD-Ex), each 11 g per day for 10 weeks. All of these rats were housed in individual cage with a running wheel for 10 weeks. A sham operation was carried out on another group of rats (Sham) and were given the same diet as CA-Ex, the control diet.Results were as follows:1) Uterus weights of the ovariectomized rats, that is group CA-Ex, Gln-Ex, Leu-Ex and CitD-Ex, appeared to show lower values than that of the group Sham. 2) No significant differences were observed in a)changes in body weight, b)blood analyses, c)liver, kidney, uterus and muscle weights, and d)femoral-bone mineral density in groups Gln-Ex, Leu-Ex, and CitD-Ex as compared to the group CA-Ex.3) Relatively higher running activity was observed in group CitD-Ex than that of group CA-Ex. This observation suggests that increasing dietary L-citrulline plus D-serine in postmenopausal rats may lead to an increase in physical activity. Further research is needed to understand the physiological and nutritional significance of the unexpected results that dietary amino acid may accelerate the physical activity

    Representative cases of granular corneal dystrophy type2 (GCD2), lattice corneal dystrophy type 1 (LCDI), lattice corneal dystrophy type 3A (LCDIIIA) and macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) and the anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) images and topography maps of anterior and posterior corneal surfaces.

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    <p>The representative slit-lamp photographs (A-D), AS-OCT images (E-H), topography maps of anterior (I-L) and posterior (M-P) surfaces of GCD2 (A, E, I and M), LCDI (B, F, J and N), LCDIIIA (C, G, K and O), and MCD (D, H, L and P). In the slit-lamp photographs, the corneal opacities were scored as grade1 in GCD2 (A), grade 1 in LCDI (B), grade 2 in LCDIIIA (C) and grade 3 in MCD (D). In AS-OCT images and topography maps of GCD2, highly-reflective stromal opacities with clear boundary were embedded in the subepithelial and anterior stroma with minimal effects on anterior surface irregularities and no effects on posterior surface irregularities. AS-OCT images and topography maps in LCDI and MCD show diffuse clouding of full-thickness depth, with minimal irregularities in LCDI and moderate irregularities in MCD. In LCDIIIA, the irregularities of the posterior surface co-localize with lattice opacities in the deep stroma (red arrow heads).</p

    The higher-order aberrations (HOAs) based on corneal opacity grading in corneal dystrophies.

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    <p>There were no significant differences in HOAs among corneal opacity grade 1, 2 and 3 in GCD2 (all Ps > 0.05). In the MCD group, the HOAs in eyes with corneal opacity grade 3 were significantly larger than those of grade 2 (P = 0.018). In the LCDI and LCDIIIA group, the HOAs in eyes with corneal opacity grade 2 were significantly larger than those of grade 1 (P = 0.022 and P = 0.017, respectively).</p