28 research outputs found

    The Normalization Process of Multimodal Composition: The Unseeing People of Color

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    This study attempts to identify normalization cues within multimodal scholarship to highlight moments of un-seeing multimodal composing practices and theoretical contributions from non-Western traditions. Advocates of this approach to teaching composition understand it as an effective way for incorporating other voices into the curricular structures of composition courses. However, the instructional resources do not include or cite research that does not lend itself easily to dominant views of composing within academia. I assert that academia must go further with how value is assessed. There is research that acknowledges the multiliteracies practices found within subcultures of America, and plenty of work that deems the communicative practices observed in these subcultural communities as valuable. However, it is more than just including and citing scholarship from and about people of color\u27s compositional practices, academia must also employ these ways of knowing and being to fully empower students and utilize the knowledge that the students bring with them to the FYC classroom. The dominant assignment genre in academia is the academic essay. Other dominant methods of communication and transferring scholarship are the journal article, annotated bibliography, proposal, and personal essay. Not to mention the many scholars who have critiqued academia for privileging print literacies, which although may be multimodal, promotes a multimodality of one culture and ideological standpoint. Although the seminal texts from the study offer exceptional multimodal composition research and classroom resources, if we can agree that the mission of education
is to ensure that all students benefit from learning in ways that allow them to participate fully in public, community, and economic life and that literacy pedagogy, essentially what the FYC course offers, is expected to play a particularly important role in fulfilling this mission, then failing to see the value and utilize the scholarship from and about people of color ensures those that are marginalized continue to be un-seen and students remain unprepared for the tasks of composing and communicating outside of school (New London Group 60)

    Penerapan Contextual Teaching And Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar Islam Al-Azhar 28 Solo Baru Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    Pendidikan Agama Islam yang berjalan di sekolah selama ini masih didominasi oleh kelas yang berfokus pada guru sebagai sumber utama pengetahuan, ceramah menjadi pilihan utama dalam menentukan strategi belajar, sehingga sering mengabaikan pengetahuan awal siswa. Salah satu alternatif yang bisa digunakan agar proses pembelajaran lebih efektif dan efisien adalah dengan penerapan suatu paradigma baru dalam pembelajaran di kelas yaitu dengan pembelajaran kontekstual atau Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan motivasi belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah penerapan Contextual Teaching and Learning dalam pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah Dasar Islam Al-Azhar 28 Solo Baru serta untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan Contextual Teaching and Learning dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa di Sekolah Dasar Islam Al-Azhar 28 Solo Baru. Subyek dalam penelitian ini ialah guru PAI dan siswa kelas III Al-Balad yang berjumlah 27 orang. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Recearch) kolaboratif. Data yang diperlukan diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Dalam menganalisis data digunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang terdiri dari tiga kegiatan yaitu pengumpulan data dan sekaligus reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa sebelum penerapan CTL masih kurang. Motivasi belajar siswa setelah penerapan CTL sudah lebih baik, hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa kegiatan diskusi kelompok tidak lagi didominasi oleh siswa yang aktif saja, tetapi mereka yang pasif pun sudah dapat aktif dan mengikuti diskusi kelompok dengan baik. CTL yang dipakai dalam pembelajaran adalah enam dari tujuh komponen CTL, yaitu; constructivism (konstruktivisme, membangun, membentuk), questioning (bertanya), inquiry (menyelidiki, menemukan), learning community (masyarakat belajar), reflection (refleksi atau umpan balik) dan authentic assessment (penilaian yang sebenarnya). Kecuali modelling (pemodelan)


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    Preterm birth disrupts a key phase of human development. This thesis focused on the postnatal modulation of growth and body composition in preterm infants. Furthermore, the influence of nutritional intake and the immature endocrine axis on health outcomes was investigated. Part I. IGF-I and nutrition in relation to growth, body composition and health outcomes in preterm infants Low IGF-I levels between preterm birth and term age were associated with impaired growth up to term age and possibly an unfavourable body composition at term equivalent age. IGF-I levels were also associated with nutritional intake: higher caloric and protein intake were associated with higher IGF-I levels from a gestational age from 30 weeks onwards. In particular between 30 and 33 weeks postmenstrual age, higher macronutrient and total caloric intake were associated with higher IGF-I levels. Furthermore, parenteral nutrition in the second week of life, which is the major source of nutrition at that time, was found to be associated with lower IGF-I levels. In addition, low IGF-I levels between preterm birth and 36 weeks postmenstrual age increased the odds of BPD. Furthermore, a higher intake of donor human milk increased the odds of BPD. Hence there may be a window of opportunity to increase IGF-I levels through nutritional interventions and thus improve growth, body composition and health outcomes in infants born preterm. Part II. Determinants and assessment of body composition in preterm infants There are concerns that infants born preterm have a less favourable body composition in infancy, i.e. lower fat free mass, compared to infants born at term. This in turn may be associated with adverse cardiometabolic outcomes in later life. Despite these concerns, there are no guidelines on which methods should be used to assess body composition in preterm infants. Nevertheless, it was demonstrated that commonly accepted methods show poor agreement. A systematic review of the literature, showed that there are actually very few studies validating commonly accepted methods to measure body composition in preterm infants against one another. In current practice, DXA, ADP and isotope dilution, are accepted as accurate measures. Nevertheless, there is variation within and between these methods and our systematic review showed that the statistical agreement between ADP and isotope dilution may be interpreted as poor. Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing body composition measured with different methods. To facilitate future studies and support clinical practice it would be valuable for researchers and physicians to come to an agreement on which reference should preferentially be used to measure body composition in preterm infants. In our studies, we primarily used ADP and suggest the use of ADP or DXA or isotope dilution depending on local availability and expertise. Monitoring body composition remains important in the light of the potential increased cardiometabolic disease risk in adults born prematurely. Early life events and possible interventions in this period may have the potential of improving long term outcomes of preterm infants. Indeed, it was shown that higher IGF-I levels in the first month of life are associated with increased fat free mass at term equivalent age. These findings suggest that the window of opportunity to improve the body composition of preterm infants may be limited to the early postnatal phase. In this phase interventions to increase IGF-I levels may have the potential to improve health outcomes of infants born preterm. Meanwhile after this phase IGF-I levels would have reached a threshold value where IGF-I determines the growth rate and further enrichment of nutrition could lead to an unfavourable body composition due to increased fat mass deposition


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    Preterm birth disrupts a key phase of human development. This thesis focused on the postnatal modulation of growth and body composition in preterm infants. Furthermore, the influence of nutritional intake and the immature endocrine axis on health outcomes was investigated. Part I. IGF-I and nutrition in relation to growth, body composition and health outcomes in preterm infants Low IGF-I levels between preterm birth and term age were associated with impaired growth up to term age and possibly an unfavourable body composition at term equivalent age. IGF-I levels were also associated with nutritional intake: higher caloric and protein intake were associated with higher IGF-I levels from a gestational age from 30 weeks onwards. In particular between 30 and 33 weeks postmenstrual age, higher macronutrient and total caloric intake were associated with higher IGF-I levels. Furthermore, parenteral nutrition in the second week of life, which is the major source of nutrition at that time, was found to be associated with lower IGF-I levels. In addition, low IGF-I levels between preterm birth and 36 weeks postmenstrual age increased the odds of BPD. Furthermore, a higher intake of donor human milk increased the odds of BPD. Hence there may be a window of opportunity to increase IGF-I levels through nutritional interventions and thus improve growth, body composition and health outcomes in infants born preterm. Part II. Determinants and assessment of body composition in preterm infants There are concerns that infants born preterm have a less favourable body composition in infancy, i.e. lower fat free mass, compared to infants born at term. This in turn may be associated with adverse cardiometabolic outcomes in later life. Despite these concerns, there are no guidelines on which methods should be used to assess body composition in preterm infants. Nevertheless, it was demonstrated that commonly accepted methods show poor agreement. A systematic review of the literature, showed that there are actually very few studies validating commonly accepted methods to measure body composition in preterm infants against one another. In current practice, DXA, ADP and isotope dilution, are accepted as accurate measures. Nevertheless, there is variation within and between these methods and our systematic review showed that the statistical agreement between ADP and isotope dilution may be interpreted as poor. Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing body composition measured with different methods. To facilitate future studies and support clinical practice it would be valuable for researchers and physicians to come to an agreement on which reference should preferentially be used to measure body composition in preterm infants. In our studies, we primarily used ADP and suggest the use of ADP or DXA or isotope dilution depending on local availability and expertise. Monitoring body composition remains important in the light of the potential increased cardiometabolic disease risk in adults born prematurely. Early life events and possible interventions in this period may have the potential of improving long term outcomes of preterm infants. Indeed, it was shown that higher IGF-I levels in the first month of life are associated with increased fat free mass at term equivalent age. These findings suggest that the window of opportunity to improve the body composition of preterm infants may be limited to the early postnatal phase. In this phase interventions to increase IGF-I levels may have the potential to improve health outcomes of infants born preterm. Meanwhile after this phase IGF-I levels would have reached a threshold value where IGF-I determines the growth rate and further enrichment of nutrition could lead to an unfavourable body composition due to increased fat mass deposition

    The course of IGF-1 levels and nutrient intake in extremely and very preterm infants during hospitalisation

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    Background: Insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) plays an important role in the complex association between nutrition, growth, and maturation in extremely and very preterm infants. Nevertheless, in this population, research on associations between IGF‐1 and nutrition is limited. Therefore this study aimed to evaluate the possible associations between the course of IGF‐1 levels and nutrient intake between preterm birth and 36 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA). Methods: 87 infants born between 24 and 32 weeks gestational age were followed up to 36 weeks PMA. Actual daily macronutrient intake was calculated, and growth was assessed weekly. IGF‐1 was sampled from umbilical cord blood at birth and every other week thereafter. Results: There was an inverse relationship between the amount of parenteral nutrition in the second week of life and IGF‐1. Total protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake, as well as total energy intake, primarily showed a positive association with IGF‐1 levels, particularly between 30 and 33 weeks PMA. Gestational age, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and weight were significant confounders in the association between nutrient intake and IGF‐1 levels. Conclusion: Parenteral nutrition was found to be a negative predictor of IGF‐1 levels, and there could potentially be a time frame in which macronutrient intake is unable to impact IGF‐1 levels. Future research should aim to narrow down this time frame and to gain more insight into factors enhancing or decreasing the response of IGF‐1 to nutrition, e.g., age and inflammatory state, to align nutritional interventions accordingly

    Early nutrition during hospitalization in relation to bone health in preterm infants at term age and six months corrected age

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    Aim: to evaluate the potential association of macronutrient intake in the first postnatal weeks on bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) in extremely and very pre-term infants. Methods: fifty-eight extremely and very preterm infants were included. Daily macro-nutrient intake was calculated in g kg−1 day−1 from birth up to 36 weeks postmenstrual age. A dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry whole body scan was used to assess BMC and BMD in preterm infants at term corrected age (TCA) and six months corrected age (CA). Results: fat intake (g kg−1 day−1) in the first four postnatal weeks was positively associated with BMC and BMD at TCA. At six months CA, protein and fat intake (g kg−1 day−1) in the first weeks of life were both individual predictors for BMD. Fat intake (g kg−1 day−1) in the first four postnatal weeks was significantly associated with BMC at six months CA. Conclusion: the association of macronutrient intake in the first postnatal weeks on BMC or BMD, at TCA and six months CA, suggest that early nutritional intervention immediately after birth and during early infancy is important for bone health in the first months of life