16 research outputs found

    Penumbuhan Lapisan Tipis Nicofe/si Sebagai Material Pembuatan Sensor Giant Magnetoresistance (Gmr)

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    Pada paper ini akan dilaporkan optimasi waktu penumbuhan lapisan tipis (thin film) NiCoFe/Si sebagai material sensor berbasis Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) menggunakan Reaktor dc-Opposed Target Magnetron Sputttering (OTMS). Material GMR mempunyai sifat-sifat magnetik dan elektrikyang sangat baik sehingga sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi devais pengindera (sensor)medan magnet generasi mendatang (next generation magnetic field sensing devices), seperti: sensor magnetik medan lemah, sensor arus, sensor posisi linier & rotasi, penyimpanan data (data storage), non-volatile magnetic random access memory (MRAM), heads recording dan spin valve transistor. Sifat magnetik dan listrik GMR selain ditentukan oleh jenis material yang digunakan juga sangatditentukan oleh ketebalan lapisan struktur penyusunnya. Dari hasil pengukuran sampel menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) untuk waktu deposisi selama 30, 60 dan 90 menit diperoleh ketebalan sampel berturut-turut adalah 0.30μm, 0.45μm dan 0.52μm.In this paper will be reported the optimum of the deposition rate of thin film NiCoFe/Si as a sensor material based on Giant Magnetoresistance. GMR materials have high potential as the nextgeneration magnetic field sensing devices. It has such high magnetic and electric properties that have high potential to be developed as sensors, such as: low magnetic field sensor, current measurement,linier and rotation position sensor, data storage, non-volatile magnetic random access memory (MRAM), heads recording, spin valve transistor. The magnetic and electric properties of GMR are notonly depend on the type of the materials but also on the layer thickness of the material\u27s structure. The measurement results using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for deposition time of 30, 60 and 90 minutes give the thickness of 0.30μm, 0.45μm and 0.52μm respectively

    Pengukuran Tekanan Udara Menggunakan Dt-sense Barometric Presure Berbasis Sensor Hp03

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    This research has successfully designed an instrument to measure air pressure, namely, DT-Sense Barometric Pressure and Temperature (DT-SBPT). DT-SBPT is a smart sensor module on the basis of HP03 sensor. Data were collected using direct and indirect measurement. Direct measurement was done toward air pressure. Indirect measurement, however, was applied to determine the exact and accuracy of the measurement of air pressure. Data were analyzed by using two ways, namely statistic and graphic ways. The result of the research shows that DT-SBPT has high appropriateness and accuracy, which is 0.99. The air pressure around earth surface decrease linearly when the height increase

    Pengembangan Catu Daya Presisi Display Digital Untuk Praktikum Fisika Listrik Dinamis

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    This study aims to generate power supply precision instrument digital display a valid and practical for students of physics 3rd semester of the school year 2014/2015. This research includes development research (research development) of the power supply circuit that has been common there are some drawbacks, namely, the output of output that does not fit, there is still AC voltage on the output value, the output voltage is unstable, so that the results of the lab basic physics 2 be not in accordance with the results of the theory. The addition of the diode bridge circuit helps perfect output voltage into DC, the capacitors in the circuit capacity was raised as a reliever ripple or ripples form to obtain a stable DC voltage value, for a voltage stabilizer is also used IC9815 surge protector. Limited trial conducted in STAIN Batusangakar to 26 students. Based on the results of data analysis has been carried out can be summarized as follows: (1) The results of the validation tool precision power supply digital display is very valid. (2) The results of trials carried out showed that the practicalities have met the criteria that can be used and implemented in a lab with practicality very practical value

    Pembuatan Alat Ukur Kelajuan Angin Menggunakan Sensor Optocoupler Dengan Display Pc

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    The wind is one of the important parameters in meteorology to determine weather and climate. It can be determined by using two quantity measured, such us speed and direction of wind. Based on the result of measuring will obtain important information that can be used for disaster prevention. For measuring of wind speed, this reserch design a measurement using optocoupler sensor to determine wind speed with change of sensor resistance. The sensor is conected to an electronic circuit and a microcontroller Arduino Uno Rev3 and it is programmed to get the desired results. Based on data analysis, there are two result of research namely performance and design specifications. The instrument consists of two parts; the electronic circuits and mechanical parts making up the system of measuring instruments of wind speed. Based on the results conducted, the accuracy of this measuring instrument is 91.39% with 3.22% error percentage and the accuracy of the instrument was 98.9% with 1:11% relative error percentage

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Dasar I Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Di Prodi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Pasir Pengaraian

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    Classroom situations that are less motivated, there is no teaching materials that can guide students' self-learning and learning-centered to lecturers resulted in students having difficulty in understanding the matter and solve the problems. This situation would require settlement solutions, including need to develop learning material that can help improve learning outcomes and student motivation and stimulate students to be more active. Among them learning material in the form of modules and learning model that can involve the activity of students, learning independently and carry out a project and collaborate to improve learning outcomes and produce a product that can be communicated to others. This type of research was research and development. The development model used is the 4-D comprising the steps of defining, design, development and disseminates. Subjects were students of class I A and B Physics Education Major Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Pasir Pengaraian University. Data were collected using the data collection instruments. Based on development and dissemination test, it has been found that the learning material in Basic Physics I using a project-based learning model could address the needs of students in the Physical Education in learning activities

    Pembuatan Sensor Proximity Berbasis Sensor Induktif Metode Diffrensial Berbentuk Koil Datar

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    The physical principle of flat coil sensor was based on the changing inductivity of a flat coil due to disturbance of conductive material in its electromagnetic fields, so that eddy current on the conductive material was occurred. The displacement between flat coil and conductive material was a function of the total inductance L of the sensor system, which will be measured as resonance frequency by using an inductive capacitive oscillator. The measurement system consists of a flat coil, oscillator circuit LC, multimeter and micrometer. In measuring, as independent variables were distance of object and time, while dependent variable was output voltage of flat coil sensor by using differential technique. Data was collected through two ways i.e. direct and indirect measurement. Then data was analyzed by using graph methods and error analysis. Data analysis shown that: 1). The output sensor without differential technique isn't linear with distance of conductive material; 2). The output sensor with differential technique is inversely proportional with distance of conductive material with negative sensitivity 1,2783 Volt/mm ; 3). The precision of sensor was high with average of precision is 0,999, and 4). The stability of sensor was also high with small output voltage variation

    Efektifitas LKPD Model Inquiry Based Learning dengan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Pembelajaran Fisika Abad 21

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    The achievement of the competence of class XI students in learning Physics was not yet optimal. One of the contributing factors was that the available student worksheets (LKPD) did not contain the model steps and learning approaches that led it to the student activities. This study aimed to produce LKPD using an inquiry-based learning model that integrated creative thinking skills with a scientific approach in 21st century physics learning for class XI semester 1 with valid, practical and effective criteria. This type of research was development research using the Plomp model with three phases, there were preliminary research, development or prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Research instruments included preliminary study questionnaires, validity questionnaires, practical questionnaires, observation sheets, written tests, and skills assessment sheets. Meanwhile the technique for effectiveness analysis , it used the descriptive percentages for analysis of effectiveness in terms of skills and Normalized Gain (N-gain) for percentages for cognitive effectiveness analysis. The results of the effectiveness of the use student worksheet at the assessment phase show that the achievement of student competence through N-gain calculations is 0,8. Thus, it could be concluded that the student worksheet using an inquiry-based learning model that integrated creative thinking skills with a scientific approach in physics learning in the 21st century class XI SMA met the effective criteria

    Sistem Pengukuran Intensitas dan Durasi Penyinaran Matahari Realtime PC Berbasis LDR dan Motor Stepper

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    Penyinaran matahari sebagai sumber energi yang penting bagi kehidupan merupakan salah satu parameter cuaca yang penting untuk diukur. Penelitian ini mendesain dan membuat sistem pengukuran intensitas dan durasi penyinaran matahari menggunakan mikrokontroller ATMEGA328 Arduino Uno dan satu buah sensor LDR yang pergerakannya diatur menggunakan motor stepper. Tampilan sistem menggunakan LCD dan PC. Data yang diukur disimpan secara otomatis dalam format *xls. Sistemmemiliki ketelitian rata-rata pengukuran intensitas cahaya matahari sebesar 0.9993 dengan persentase ketepatan rata-rata ialah 98,79%. Pada pengukuran durasi penyinaran matahari, sistem memiliki ketepatan rata-rata pengukuran sebesar 93,876%