9 research outputs found

    Detection of IgG against Rickettsia typhi: a population-based study in southern Kazakhstan

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    Uvod. Rickettsia typhi svrstava se u skupinu pjegavih tifusa i uzrokuje endemski tifus. Slučajevi endemskog tifusa i seropozitivnosti na R. typhi zabilježeni su u susjednoj Kini i Rusiji. Međutim, o endemskom tifusu u Kazahstanu se malo zna. Svrha ove studije bila je procijeniti prevalenciju IgG protutijela na R. typhi u populaciji južne regije Kazahstana. Metode. U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 253 osoba (142 žena, 111 muškaraca) u dobi od 1 do 71 godine. Detekcija serumskih IgG protutijela na R. typhi provedena je imunoenzimskim ELISA testom. Rezultati. Ukupna seropozitivnost na R. typhi iznosila je 34,4%. Najveća seroprevalencija od 91,8% zabilježena je u regiji Turkestan. Najniža seropozitivnost od 6,1% otkrivena je u selu Lepsinsk, regija Almaty. Seroprevalencija se nije značajno razlikovala prema spolu. Seropozitivnost kod odraslih pojedinaca nije bila značajno povezana s dobi, ali pozitivni rezultati nisu otkriveni u dobnoj skupini djece mlađe od 14 godina. Zaključak. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju aktivnu cirkulaciju R. typhij u regijama Turkestan i Almaty u Kazahstanu. Podaci ukazuju na hitnu potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima čiji je cilj procijeniti klinički učinak R. typhi u južnoj regiji Kazahstana.Background. Rickettsia typhi belongs to the typhus group of rickettsiae and causes endemic typhus. Cases of endemic typhus and seropositivity to R. typhi have been reported in the neighbouring China and Russia. However, little is known of the endemic typhus in Kazakhstan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of IgG antibodies to R. typhi in the population of southern region of Kazakhstan. Methods. A total of 253 individuals (142 women, 111 men) aged from 1 to 71 years were recruited into the study. Detection of serum IgG antibodies against R. typhi was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. The overall R. typhi seropositivity has reached 34.4%. The highest seroprevalence of 91.8% was recorded in the Turkestan Region. The lowest seropositivity of 6.1% was detected in the village Lepsinsk, Almaty Region. The seroprevalence did not differ significantly between genders. Seropositivity in adult individuals was not significantly associated with age, but positive results were not detected in the age group of children under 14 years. Conclusion. The obtained results confirm active circulation of R. typhi in the Turkestan and Almaty Regions of Kazakhstan. The data indicate an urgent need for further studies aimed to evaluate the clinical impact caused by R. typhi in the southern region of Kazakhstan

    Kazakh national dog breed Tazy: What do we know?

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    The Tazy or Kazakh National sighthound has been officially recognized as the national heritage of Kazakhstan. Comprehensive genetic studies of genetic diversity and population structure that could be used for selection and conservation of this unique dog breed have not been conducted so far. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic structure of the Tazy using microsatellite and SNP markers and to place the breed in the context of the world sighthound breeds. Our results showed that all 19 microsatellite loci examined were polymorphic. The observed number of alleles in the Tazy population varied from 6 (INU030 locus) to 12 (AHT137, REN169D01, AHTh260, AHT121, and FH2054 loci) with a mean of 9.778 alleles per locus. The mean number of effective alleles was 4.869 and ranged from 3.349 f to 4.841. All markers were highly informative (PIC values greater than 0.5) and ranged from 0.543 (REN247M23 locus) to 0.865 (AHT121 locus). The observed and expected heterozygosities in a total population were 0.748 and 0.769 and ranged from 0.746 to 0.750 and 0.656 to 0.769, respectively. Overall, the results confirmed that the Tazy breed has a high level of genetic diversity, no significant inbreeding, and a specific genetic structure. Three gene pools underlie the genetic diversity of the Tazy breed. SNP analysis using the CanineHD SNP array, which contains more than 170,000 SNP markers, showed that the Tazy breed is distinct from other sighthound breeds and genetically related to ancient eastern sighthound breeds sharing the same branch with the Afghan Hound and the Saluki. The results, together with archeological findings, confirm the ancient origin of the breed. The findings can be used for the conservation and international registration of the Tazy dog breed

    Homozygosity mapping in the Kazakh national dog breed Tazy

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    Abstract The Tazy is a breed of sighthound common in Kazakhstan. The identification of runs of homozygosity (ROH) is an informative approach to assessing the history and possible patterns of directional selection pressure. To our knowledge, the present study is the first to provide an overview of the ROH pattern in the Tazy dogs from a genome-wide perspective. The ROH of the Tazy was found to be mainly composed of shorter segments (1–2 Mb), accounting for approximately 67% of the total ROH. The estimated ROH-based inbreeding coefficients (FROH) ranged from 0.028 to 0.058 with a mean of 0.057. Five genomic regions under positive selection were identified on chromosomes 18, 22, and 25. The regions on chromosomes 18 and 22 may be breed specific, while the region on chromosome 22 overlaps with regions of hunting traits in other hunting dog breeds. Among the 12 candidate genes located in these regions, the gene CAB39L may be a candidate that affects running speed and endurance of the Tazy dog. Eight genes could belong to an evolutionarily conserved complex as they were clustered in a large protein network with strong linkages. The results may enable effective interventions when incorporated into conservation planning and selection of the Tazy breed

    Lethal pulmonary embolism in a pregnant woman with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 receiving prophylactic anticoagulation: a case report

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    Abstract Background A limited number of studies have described thrombotic complications in pregnant women with COVID-19. Here we report on fatal pulmonary embolism in a pregnant woman with laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Case presentation A 28-year-old Kazakh woman was hospitalized with muscle pain, dry cough and a temperature of 37.5 °C at the 29th week of gestation. Upon admission, a blood test demonstrated elevated neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, decreased levels of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, as well as prolonged prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin time. Within 14 days of admission, she experienced respiratory distress and underwent transfer to the intensive care unit, intubation and a cesarean section. The patient received intravenous antibiotics, antiviral medications, systemic corticosteroids and dual anticoagulation with aspirin and enoxaparin. Death outcome was reported on day 18 of illness despite aggressive supportive care. Histological analysis demonstrated that obstruction of the main pulmonary arthery and disseminated intravascular coagulation were the causes of death. Conclusions This case demonstrates that in the management of pregnancy and childbirth in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection, special attention should be paid to coagulation system parameters and timely appropriate prophylaxis of thromboembolic complications, which has yet to be determined

    Stimulation of B-Lymphopoiesis by Administration of a Trimecaine-Based Ionic Compound in Cyclophosphamide-Induced Hematopoietic-Depressive Model

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    According to the WHO, the secondary form of hematopoietic-depressive status increases the risk of death in people with oncological, infectious, and hormonal diseases. The choice of drugs that stimulate the hematopoietic activity of B-lymphopoiesis is limited. The current leucopoiesis drugs have a number of side effects: thymic preparations stimulate the production of PGE2, which causes chronic inflammation and various autoimmune diseases through the differentiation of T helper 1 (Th1) cells, the proliferation of Th17 cells, and the production of IL-22 from Th22 cells through EP2 and EP4 receptors; cytokine preparations can cause uncontrolled immune reactions and impaired contractility of smooth and cardiac muscles; drugs based on nucleic acids can stimulate the division of all cells, including bacterial and cancerous ones. The use of oligonucleotides such as ribozymes and antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS-ODNs) shows promise as therapeutic moieties, but faces a number of challenges such as nuclease sensitivity, off-target effects, and efficient delivery. The search for substances that stimulate B-lymphopoiesis among ionic compounds was motivated by the discovery of the unique properties of lidocaine docusate, one of the first ionic liquid forms of the known drugs. The lidocaine docusate (protonated form of lidocaine (2-(diethylamino)-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl) acetamide + docusate-anion (dioctylsulfosuccinate))) suppresses the division of pheochromocytoma cells and activates immunity in rats. The trimecaine-based ionic compound (TIC) demonstrates high B-lymphopoiesis-stimulating activity. The TIC compound stimulates an increase in the volume of transitional B cells, which play an important role for further differentiation and formation of a sufficient number of mature B1 cells and mature B2 cells, where mature B2 cells make up the bulk of the functional population of B lymphocytes. The TIC compound most strongly stimulated the restoration of the number of marginal zone B cells, follicular B cells, and activated germinal center B cells after the cytotoxic emptying of the follicular centers of the spleen induced cyclophosphamide. It significantly exceeds the activity of the comparison drug methyluracil. The TIC compound does not affect the level of pro-B, pre-B-I, or pre-B-II bone marrow cells, which prevents the risk of the formation of immature functionally defective cells

    Peripheral blood NK cells expressing HLA-G, IL-10 and TGF-beta in healthy donors and breast cancer patients

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    Human natural killer (NK) cells are not only professional cytotoxic cells integrated into effector branch of innate immunity, but they are also regulatory cells, managing different immune processes. Immunoregulatory NK cells, expressing HLA-G and IL-10, have been generated in vitro from human hematopoietic progenitors and found in vivo among decidual NK cells of pregnant women. Human peripheral blood NK cells have been shown to acquire suppressive properties after HLA-G uptake during trogocytosis. Moreover, it has been shown that circulating NK cells contain a trace amount of cells producing TGF-beta and IL-10, which exert a suppressive influence upon innate and adaptive immunity. In this study, we report on a minor subset of peripheral blood HLA-G(+) NK cells possessing suppressive activity toward effector functions of NK cells. Further we demonstrate an increased number of circulating HLA-G+, IL-10(+), and TGF-beta(+) NK cells in breast cancer patients which might impair efficiency of anti-tumor immunity. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Molecular and seroepidemiological investigation of Сoxiella burnetii and spotted fever group rickettsiae in the southern region of Kazakhstan

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    Ticks are involved in the circulation of a number of human pathogens, including spotted fever group (SFG) Rickettsia spp. and Coxiella burnetii. Little is known about the occurrence of these microorganisms in the southern region of Kazakhstan. In 2018–2022, a total of 726 ticks were collected from bitten humans, livestock, and vegetation in four oblasts of the southern region of Kazakhstan and subjected to DNA extraction. The overall infection rate of Coxiella spp. and Rickettsia spp. in the ticks was 3.3% (24/726) and 69.9% (300/429), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of ompA and gltA genes revealed the presence of three pathogenic SFG rickettsiae: Candidatus R. tarasevichiae, R. aeschlimannii and R. raoultii in ticks collected from bitten humans. In addition, Candidatus R. barbariae was detected in six Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks for the first time in Kazakhstan. To determine the seroprevalence of C. burnetii infection, we performed a serological analysis of samples collected from 656 domestic ruminants (cattle, sheep, and goats) in the region. Overall, 23.5% (154/656) of the animals tested were positive for IgG against C. burnetii. Seroprevalence at the herd level was 54% (28/52). Goats (43%; 12/28; odds ratio (OD) = 28.9, p < 0.05) and sheep (31.9%; 137/430; OD = 18.1, p < 0.05) had higher seroprevalence than cattle (2.5%; 5/198). Among the risk factors considered in this study, age (p = 0.003) and the oblast in which the animals were sampled (p = 0.049) were statistically associated with seropostivity for Q fever in sheep, according to the results of multivariate logistic regression analysis. Seroprevalence ranged from 0% to 55.5% in animals in different districts of the southern region of Kazakhstan. Active C. burnetii bacteremia was detected in four of 154 (2.6%) seropositive animals. The data obtained provide strong evidence of the presence of pathogenic rickettsiae and C. burnetii in the southern region of Kazakhstan and emphasize the need to improve epidemiological surveillance in the region

    Two case reports of neuroinvasive West Nile virus infection in the Almaty region, Kazakhstan

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    Background: West Nile virus (WNV) is a member of the genus Flavivirus, which transmitted to humans mainly by mosquitoes. Recent pilot serosurveillance data from the Almaty region, Kazakhstan, suggest widespread WNV circulation in this area. This report includes two cases of neuroinvasive WNV infection in the same family living in a rural area near Tekeli city, Eskeldinsky district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan. Occurring concurrently and manifesting as WNV infection with febrile illness and symptoms of meningoencephalitis. Methods: The study performed retrospective analysis of clinical histories and achieved serum samples obtained from patients with febrile and meningoencephalitic syndromes of unknown origin in the Almaty region spanning from April 1 to October 31, 2019. All sera samples obtained from patients with clinically suspected cases of acute WNV infection were retrospectively tested for WNV and tick-borne encephalitis virus by commercial immunoassays. Two cases were selected. Cases presentation: We report two cases that occurred in August 2019 in a rural area near Tekeli city. Previously healthy 28- and 19-year-old husband and wife with febrile illness and neurological manifestations were hospitalized with the diagnosis of meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology and treated empirically. Retrospective serological analysis showed the presence of high titers of IgG against WNV on day 9 after onset of symptoms in cases. Conclusions: This is the first report of aseptic meningitis with WNV infection in the background in Kazakhstan. The obtained data suggest circulation of WNV in the Almaty region and emphasize importance of laboratory testing for WNV in suspicious cases occurring in the region