93 research outputs found

    Analisis Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Retribusi Pasar Taman Pasar Burung dan Ikan Hias Depok di Surakarta

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    This study aims to determine the performance of one of the government agencies in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of revenue, market acceptance of, and useful to find a picture of developments in the Bird Market Levy Office Park Management and Ornamental Fish Market Depok Surakarta that can later be used to determine the development of revenue, market coming year. This study is a quantitative study with data collection techniques such as interviews, observation, and literature study. Analysis of data using analysis of efficiency, effectiveness, growth rate, and a linear trend. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of collection and revenue, market on Bird Market Park Management Office and Ornamental Fish Depok Surakarta in fiscal year 2011 to fiscal year 2013 was very good in terms of its effectiveness can be seen from the increasing revenue, results of which can exceed the targets set, but less in terms of efficiency, but the trend gained always been progressing increase each year of forecasting future

    Determinan Kinerja Dokter Keluarga yang Dibayar Kapitasi

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    Background: In the last two decades, the payment system inhealth insurance scheme in Indonesia for GPs (family doctors)has been changed from fee for service to capitation. Thecapitation payment used by managed care organizations toinfluence the practice of primary care physician is stillcontroversial. The purpose of this study was to describe theestimation of a causal model of GP's performance on capitationpayment.Methods: This study used cross sectional survey design.Total subjects were 290 GPs who had contract with managedcare organization's at least 6 months and 580 patients whowere member of managed care organization which chooseby simple random sampling. The data were collected by usingquestionnaires to asses knowledge, satisfaction, attitude andpatient's satisfaction. The dependent laten variable was GP'sperformance with observed variable were utilization's rate,refferal's rate and patient's satisfaction. The data wasanalyzed with Structural Equation Model with AMOS 6 toestimate the statistical model of capitation and associationsbetween variables on capitation, doctor's satisfaction, attitudeand GP's performance.Result: The results of this study confirmed that the importantvariables in the prediction of GP's performance wereknowledge, attitude and length of contract. Income ratio ofcapitation and GP's satisfaction had indirect effect on GP'sperformance, but influence GP's attitudes as mediating variablestoward GP's performance to control the cost. Almost half ofthe GPs (45,2%) had ratio income of capitation lower than10% from the total income, therefore it couldn't be expectedas main income. This situation caused that GPs still fee forservices oriented.Conclusion: The capitation payment is not effective to changethe GP's performance, because the income ratio is still low.The implication of these findings is important to improve thecontract of payment capitation and it needs a strategy to maintaingood relationship between managed-care organization andprovider in addition to improve GP's performance

    Profitabilitas, Likuiditas Dan Nilai Perusahaan (Industri Properti Dan Real Estate Yang Listed Di PT. Bei Pada Tahun 2011-2014)

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    This research aims to examine as partially the effect of ROA, ROEand CR on Firm Value of real estate and property company in Indonesia stock Exchange . Independent variables used are ROA (Return On Assets), ROE (Return On Equity) and CR (Current Ratio). The total sample on this research obtained to 174 data oberseved. The data analyzed is secondary data obtained from Indonesia stock Exchange. The analytical method in this research uses descriptive statistic, classical assumption test, F test, hypothesis test, and coefficient of determination test. The result of this study shows that ROA and CR have no significant effect on firm value, meanwhile ROE has the effect on frim value

    Toka-toki Melayu, Kuantan Singingi, Riau: Penutur, Waktu, Bahasa, dan Fungsi

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    There is inadequate number of research on “toka-toki” of Kuantan Singingi at the present time. In consequence, there is insufficient extensive knowledge about the speakers, the time of USAge, the language used, and the function of the “toka-toki”. In this study, those elements become the object of the research analysis. The method used in the analysis is qualitative descriptive method. The data was obtained from the field and also literature. The implementation phase of this study were (1) collecting data, namely by asking about the desired data related to the speaker, time, language, and “toka-toki” function to the informant, (2) the phase of analyzing the data, and (3) the phase of making conclusion.From this study, it was concluded that the speakers of “toka–toki” in the Kuantan Singingi are not limited to the age levels, the social levels, and education levels. Actually there is no specific time of the implementation of this “toka-toki”. However, the game is often found when children play, after “mengaji” (reading Koran), or going to sleep in “surau”, drying rice, and looking for lice. The next conclusion, the question words used in implementing “toka-toki” are ‘siapo'; ‘sapo' 'who' and ‘apo' 'what' with some variations such as “apo ru”, “apo lo ru”, “apo tu”, “apo jie kilen”. In addition to the use of question words, “toka-toki” of Kuantan Singingi can use literal meaning and metaphorical meaning. Meanwhile, the function of the “toka-toki” Kuantan Singingi is to sharpen the mind and todeliver education and entertainment, and to tease others

    Analisis Pengaruh Budaya, Kelas Sosial, Psikologis, Harga dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Studi Lanjut ke Program Sarjana Bidang Studi Akuntansi

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the students decision in choosing further study at university, especially choosing to study accounting program S1 FEB UDINUS Semarang. The factors used in the study is Cultural Factors, Social Class, Psychological, Price and Promotion. These factors are also relevant to factor in the marketing mix, where the accounting courses are also interested to know the background of the decision of the selection offurtherstudy. The population in this study were all freshmen courses accounting S1 FEB Force UDINUS year 2012-2013 as many as 267 students. Sample representativeness approach with Slovin formula obtained 160 samples, but the data are processed only 159 samples only. Distribution of questionnaires to the sample using random sampling method, in which samples randomly encountered. Data quality test reliability and validity, test assumptions Classical, Regression Test,ANOVA and coefficient determinant. The results obtained are factors Culture, Social Class and Promotion does not significantly influence the decision studui further. While the price factor and the Psychological Impact of the decision signifikasn further studies.Perfect model with sig. 0.000, coefficient determinant inthevalue of 49.10 percent

    Tinjauan Implementansi Akuntansi Berbasis Akrual Di Propinsi Lampung

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    Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan kontribusi terhadap teori dan menjadi bahan pertimbangan serta kebijakan bagi pemerintah dalam penerapan suatu sistem untuk meningkatkan kinerja. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner melalui penyebaran atau antar langsung kepada pelaksana Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) yang menjadi responden di Provinsi Lampung yang sekaligus merupakan populasi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kendala implementasi akuntansi berbasis akrual terhadap kinerja pemerintah daerah pada pelaksana Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) Propinsi Lampung.Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan teknik sensus Sampling. Sedangkan untuk analisis data mengunakan tehnik deskriptif kualitatif.Kata kunci : Akuntansi berbasis akrual, kendala, kinerja, Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Propinsi Lampun

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Media Jejaring Sosial Berbasis Komputer dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa di Smps

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    Judul dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis pemanfaatan media jejaring sosial berbasis komputer dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas VIII SMP Kristen Immanuel 2 Sungai Raya. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan media jejaring sosial berbasis komputer dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas VIII SMP Kristen Immanuel 2 Sungai Raya. Dengan sub-sub masalah yaitu : (1). Bagaimana pemanfaatan media jejaring sosial berbasis komputer pada siswa kelas VIII saat ini (2). Bagaimana hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII (3).Bagaimana pemanfaatan media jejaring sosial berbasis komputer dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII SMP Kristen Immanuel 2 Sungai Raya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Kualitatif. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Alat pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara dan dokumentasi. Peneliti mengambil kesimpulan bahwa Pemanfaatan media jejaring sosial berbasis komputer yang bertanggung jawab oleh siswa dan digunakan sebagai media teknologi yang efektif untuk menyampaikan atau mengirimkan materi pembelajaran sehingga suasana belajar lebih akomodatif dan menyenangkan sehingga mampu meningkatkan kualitas dan hasil belajar khususnya pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Kristen Immanuel 2 Sungai Raya. Ada beberapa saran yang akan disampaikan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sekolah maupun institusi pendidikan perlu mengadopsi/menggunakan metode belajar aktif ( namun tetap terkendali ) untuk memanfaatkan aplikasi teknologi internet khususnya media jejaring sosial berbasis komputer seperti Facebook, Twitter agar dapat dijadikan media pembelajaran secara optimal dalam kegiatan proses belajar-mengajar. Perlunya orang tua mengetahui penggunaan media jejaring sosial sehingga mereka dapat memberikan pemahaman yang baik berkenaan dengan pemanfaatan media jejaring sosial berbasis komputer yang dilakukan oleh anak mereka. Sehingga kasus-kasus kejahatan yang sering terjadi melalui penyalahgunaan media jejaring sosial yang dilakukan oleh oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab seperti penculikan gadis dibawah umur ( pelajar ) penipuan, perkosaan dan sebagainya dapat dihindarkan. Kata kunci : Pemanfaatan, Media, Jejaring Sosial, Hasil Belajar Siswa. Abstrack : An Analysis of Utilization of Computer -Based Social Networking Media in Effort Improving Student's Learning Achievement at Immanuel Christian Junior High School at Eighth Grade Sungai Raya . Thesis, Department of Social Sciences , Sociology Education Program of Regular B , the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Tanjungpura University of Pontianak. Supervisor (1) Dr.Rustiyarso, M.Sc (2) Drs. Bambang Gendjik , M.Sc. Utilization of appropriate social media by students , will certainly benefit and will add to and improve student learning achievement. As for the problem of this research is : How does the use of computer -based social networking media that can improve student learning achievement. The purpose of this study was to describe ( 1 ) the use of computer based social networking media by students of Eighth Grade, ( 2 ) students learning achievement Immanuel Christian Junior High School Eighth Grade Sungai Raya ( 3 ) utilization of computer based social networking media in learning achievement of Eighth Grade of SMP Kristen Immanuel 2 Sungai Raya. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative research approaches , theoretical orientation refers to the theory of phenomenology . As for the informants in this study were eighth grade students of Christian Junior High School and classroom teacher of the Eight Grade . Research data collection techniques include: observation , interviews , using interview guides and documentation . Data collection tools that guide observation, interviews , books and archival records , field notes . Data analysis was performed through data reduction , data display , conclusion drawing and verification. The validity of the data was tested by using the techniques of observation and triangulation. Based on the results and interview data , observations and school documents revealed that the utilization of computer -based social networking media at eight grade has been put to good use as a means of supporting student learning as seen from the acquisition of student learning achievement has increased . Conclusions from this research is mostly eighth grade students have used social networking accounts as a means of supporting learning and deliver a variety of information related to the subject matter, school assignments, class activities, quizzes, and other things related to school activities. One of the suggestions are addressed to the school and educational institutions may need to adopt active learning method ( but still controlled ) to take advantage of Internet technology applications , especially social networking media such as Facebook , Twitter to be used as a learning medium optimally in teaching learning process

    Efektivitas Psikoedukasi Pada Orangtua Dalam Meningkatan Pengetahuan Seksualitas Remaja Retardasi Mental Ringan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas psikoedukasi pada orangtua untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan seksualitas remaja retardasi mental ringan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja retardasi mental ringan yang berjumlah 18 orang. Pemilihan subjek dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang menggunakan pretest-post test group design. Berdasarkan random assignment maka didapatkan 9 orang sebagai kelompok kontrol dan 9 orang sebagai kelompok eksperimen. Psikoedukasi orangtua dilakukan terhadap kelompok eksperimen. Psikoedukasi dilakukan dalam bentuk pelatihan untuk orangtua sebanyak 21 sesi dan pemberian modul untuk kemudian diteruskan programnya kepada remaja retardasi mental ringan sebanyak 18 sesi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistic non parametric dengan menggunakan uji mann U Whitney dan Uji Wilcoxon test untuk membandingkan skor subjek pada pretest dan posttest dari kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen. Kedua hasil menunjukkan bahwa pada kelompok eksperimen psikoedukasi pada orangtua efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan seksualitas pada remaja retardasi mental ringan Mann U Whitney (p= 0.024) dan Uji Wilcoxon test (p=0,012)