45 research outputs found

    Analisi Finansial Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Gariepinus) di Kelurahan Lembah Sari Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru Provinsi Riau

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    This research was conducted at Rumbai Pesisir (Lembah Sari), Pekanbaru,Riau Province on June 2009. The aimed of this research was to know the using ofproduction factors, the total cost of production, by the harvest and financialfeasibility of the hatchery of fresh water catfish. The research methode was surveymethode. Data were obtained by interviewing respondents based on questionersprovided and surveilance for 6 respondents (6 farmers).The result showed that the average production of capital was fiftyfivethousand fishes/harvest. The average of capital invested by the farmers was Rp12.740.923,33. The average of total cost was Rp 3.404.805/harvest, and theincome was Rp 5.150.000.harvest. The average of the farmer\u27s profit was Rp1.745.194/harvest.Based on the analysis of financial conducted by carculatiry RCR, ROI, andPPC, indicated that the business of hatchery of freshwater catfish by the farmer atRumbai Pesisir (Lembah Sari) is reasonable to be developed. Result of financialanalysis of RCR average is 1,55. ROI average is 55,81%/harvest and the value ofPPC average is 6,21. It means the financial capital will be paidback in six timesharvest

    Effect of Development of Marine Ecotourism on the Social and Economic Life Around the Coastal Carolina Beach in South Bungus Village Bungus Teluk Kabung District Padang City West Sumatra Province

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    This research was conducted on October 2014 in South Bungus Village BungusTeluk Kabung District Padang City West Sumatra Province. The purpose of thisresearch was to (1) Know the general picture maritime tourist attraction CoastalCarolina, (2) Determine the influence of the development of marine ecotourismCarolina against the social circumstances surrounding coastal communities, (3)Determine the influence of the development of marine ecotourism Carolina against theeconomic situation of coastal communities around . The method used in this study is asurvey method with descriptive data analysis.The results showed that the attraction Coastal Carolina has a beautiful naturalscenery with white sand and a variety of coral reefs and charming ornamental fish andseafood culinary tours that can be enjoyed by tourists. Influence the development ofmarine ecotourism Carolina against social circumstances surrounding coastalcommunities that social conflict societies, marriage with tourists, social ills, changes ineducation and health. Influence the development of marine ecotourism Carolina tocoastal communities around the state of the economy, namely the increased revenue inthe field of non-fishery, while the negative impact of nautical tourism on the economyCoastal Carolina is a decrease in revenue fishery

    The Contribution of Fisheries Subsector Toward Gross Regional Domestic Product of Tanjungbalai Asahan City North Sumatra Province

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    This research was conducted on November 2017 in Tanjungbalai Asahan City North Sumatra Province. The location of the specified research by (purposive). The methods used in this research is survey method, data used in this research is the data set of the time of year 2011 until 2015. The aim of this study: 1) To analyze the fisheries subsector contribution toward Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) and employment in Tanjungbalai Asahan city in 2011-2015, 2) To analyze the base or non base fisheries subsector in the development of fisheries in Tanjungbalai Asahan based on Gross Regional Domestic Product and employment in the years 2011-2015.Based on the research, the contribution of the fisheries subsector Tanjungbalai Asahan toward Gross Regional Domestic Product in 2011-2015 are 17.10%, 16.63%, 16.23%, 16.18%, and 16.20%. While the contribution of the fisheries subsector in Tanjungbalai city based on indicators of labor from 2011-2015 are 23.50%, 22.82%, 21.35%, 20.60% and 19.80%. Fisheries subsector included base sector in Tanjungbalai Asahan during period 2011-2015 based on indicators of Gross Regional Domestic Product indicator with LQ value 7.53 - 7.86 and based on labor indicator LQ 9.05 - 10,57

    The Business Analysis of Catfish (Clarias SP) Enlargement on Fish Pond in Sub-District of Minas, District of Siak, Riau Province

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    The research about the business analysis of catfish (Clarias sp) enlargement on fish pond was conducted on January, 2016 in Sub-District of Minas, District of Siak, Riau Province. This study aims to (1) analyzed the business enlargement of fish pond of catfish and (2) the feasibility business of enlargement of fish pond of catfish. The method used is a survey method that includes observation, interviews and documentation.Based on the results of research (1) the average production costs incurred in enlargement business of catfish with an area of 72-220 m2 of Rp 5.687.750, - / harvest up to Rp 16.788.250, - / harvest with total receipts received by Rp 15.912 million, - / harvest up to Rp 36.21 million, - / harvest and great benefits received Rp 8.7 million,-/ harvest up to Rp 21 million, - / harvest and (2) enlargement business of fish pond of catfish in Minas feasible with RCR value> 1, the FRR values> 6.02% and the value of PPC is between 1,94 to 4,67 per period or ± 6 to 14 month

    Business Marketing Tips Pecel Lele Tent Shop All the Way of Cross North Sumatra Lirik District Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau Province

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    This research on pecel lele business marketing tips in the tent stalls and was held on 17 June to 3 July 2015 along the East Sumatera Lirik District of Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau province. The purpose of this study was to describe the business activities pecel lele in the tent stalls and separately describe the factors that influence marketing efforts in the shop tent pecel lele. The method used in this study is a survey method.The results showed that the tent stalls pecel lele is a trading business meal is done in the afternoon until midnight and even some are open at 17:00 pm until 24.00 pm which amounted to 6 waung pecel lele, while the business is located near the dismissal of intercity public transport this province which amounted to 3 stalls open at 15:00 pm until 3:00 pm, because the location is always crowded prospective buyers. The existence of business pecel lele by employers pecel lele in the Trans Eastern Sumatra District of Lirik Indragiri Hulu influenced by some external factors: the probability that the rate of population growth, innovation cookware, policies and government\u27s role in business development pecel lele, where location support, availability raw materials, consumer purchasing power, the development of the marketing area. Internal factors are the factors by an employer to conduct business activities tent stalls pecel lele. the results of research conducted by the tips of respondents different merchants, among them there maid, facilities, strategic location, quality of product, service / service and cleanliness

    Analysis Fishermen Household Income of Fisheries and Non Fisheries Sector in Mendol Island Kuala Kampar Subdistric Pelalawan Regency of Riau Province

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    This Study was conducted in October 2016 in the Mendol Island Pelalawan district of Kuala Kampar in Riau Province. The method used in this research is survey method. Fishermen household in Teluk village is 220 FH\u27s, consisting of 80 FH\u27s using Gombang fishing gear, and 140 FH\u27s using Nets fishing gear. To facilitate the researcher, 10% of the RTP is taken, so that the sample of respondents using Gombang 8 RTP fishing equipment, and the sample of respondents who use the fishing gear as much as 14 FH\u27s. So the respondents are to 22 FH\u27s. Based on the results of research that has been conducted on the income of fishermen households from fisheries and non fisheries sector in Mendol Island Kuala Kampar sub district Pelalawan Riau Province can be drawn some conclusions, namely: 1) fisherman income from the fishery sector IDR. 40.350.000 per year (gombang) and IDR. 12.455.000 per year (net). Revenue from non-fishery sector IDR. 12,725,491 per year (gombang) and IDR. 13,333,333 per year (net). Fishermen income IDR. 53,075,491 per year (gombang) and IDR. 25,788,333 per year (net); 2) income contribution from non-fishery sector to total income of fisherman household in Teluk is 62,16%, meanwhile income contribution from non fishery sector to total fisherman household income in Gulf is equal to 37,84%