6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of fatty acid composition non-traditional oils

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    Проведено експериментальне дослідження жирнокислотного профілю окремих нетрадиційних олій і на основі аналізу отриманих даних дана якісна оцінка досліджуваним оліям, як продуктам функціонального призначення. На основі власних експериментальних досліджень, ретельному аналізі літературних даних встановлено жирнокислотний склад нетрадиційних олій, що визначило їх функціональне призначення. Виявлено, що у лляній олії найбільший вміст α-ліноленової кислоти (ω-3) і складає – 52%, у олії з ядер грецького горіха – α-ліноленової (ω-3) - 55%, у конопляній – лінолевої (ω-6) – 46%, у олії із насіння гарбуза - (ω-6) – лінолевої кислоти – 42%. Встановлено, що вміст ессенціальних омега-3 поліненасичених жирних кислот у досліджуваних оліях зменшується в ряді: лляна > конопляна > олія з ядер грецького горіха > олія із насіння гарбуза. Показано, що співвідношення між вмістом насичених і поліненасичених жирних кислот у олії із насіння гарбуза становило 1 : 6,5, у олії з ядер грецького горіха – 1 : 10,3 та у конопляній – 1 : 11,3. Встановлено, що співвідношення ПНЖК родини омега-3, -6, -9 у гарбузовій олії становило 1:5,2:4,5.An experimental study of the fatty acid profile of some non-traditional oils was carried out and on the basis of the analysis of the obtained data a qualitative assessment of the studied oils as functional products was given. Based on our own experimental research, a careful analysis of the literature established the fatty acid composition of non-traditional oils, which determined their functional purpose. It was found that flaxseed oil has the highest content of α-linolenic acid (ω-3) and is - 52%, in walnut kernels - α- linolenic (ω-3) - 55%, in hemp - linoleic (ω-6). ) - 46%, in pumpkin seed oil - (ω-6) - linoleic acid - 42%. It was found that the content of essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the studied oils decreases in the following series: flax> hemp> walnut kernel oil> pumpkin seed oil. It is shown that the ratio between the content of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in pumpkin seed oil was 1: 6.5, in walnut kernel oil - 1: 10.3 and in hemp - 1: 11.3. It was found that the ratio of PUFAs of the omega-3, -6, -9 family in pumpkin oil was 1: 5.2: 4.5.Реферат Вступ 1 Огляд літератури. Стан і перспективи використання нетрадиційних олій як продуктів функціонального призначення 1.1 Ринок жировмісних функціональних харчових продуктів 1.2 Асортимент олій і фактори впливу на їх якість 1.3 Характеристика і склад нетрадиційних олій 1.3.1 Лляна олія 1.3.2 Олія з ядер грецького горіха 1.3.3 Конопляна олія 1.3.4 Олія із насіння гарбуза 1.4 Підсумки з огляду літературних джерел 2 Матеріали і методи досліджень 2.1 Схема досліджень 2.2 Методика визначення жирнокислотного складу олій 3 Результати дослідження та їх обговорення 3.1 Жирнокислотний склад досліджуваних олій 3.1.1. Жирнокислотний склад лляної олії 3.1.2. Жирнокислотний склад олії з ядер грецького горіха 3.1.3. Жирнокислотний склад конопляної олії 3.1.4. Жирнокислотний склад олії з гарбузового насіння 3.2. Порівняльний аналіз вмісту і співвідношення поліненасичених жирних кислот досліджуваних олій 3.3. Оцінка досліджуваних олій як функціональних харчових продуктів Висновки і пропозиції виробництву 4 Охорона праці та безпека в надзвичайних ситуаціях 4.1 Вимоги до виробничого освітлення та його нормування на підприємствах консервної промисловості 4.2 Розробка заходів захисту тварин та сировини для м’ясних консервів від уражень сильно діючих отруйних речовин (СДОР) Список використаних джерел Додатк


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    Bangladesh has been experiencing the tourism industry as one of the most potential sectors proving a great contribution to the economy in recent years. However, at the beginning of 2020, this sector has transformed reversely by the consequences of the outbreak of COVID-19. Continuous restrictions on movement in domestic and international borders make the tourism sector employees jobless and generate fewer turnovers. This research attempts to quantify the adverse effect of COVID-19 on the tourism sector as well as the country's economy, spheres of tourism and business and suggests some short-term and long-term approaches to recover the situation. The study draws a contrast between past and present year trends, from where we may get vigorous and prevailing information about the pandemic significance and may contribute to initiating and implementing some suitable tactics for retrieval from the state in further heightening the tourism industry. This study may aid in the better understanding and identification of the demands of the general public in terms of tourism by the relevant authorities in the tourist sector. This will also assist in developing the potential of domestic tourism and preparing the tourism sites in Bangladesh for the post-pandemic phase by implementing appropriate measures in the short term


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    The article examines the complex of digitization functions of marketing resources in conditions of economic uncertainty, their interrelationship, and the proven direct impact of the digitization process on the efficiency of enterprise management. It is concluded that modern business structures use digital technologies as a competitive advantage in all areas of their activity: operational processes, business processes, finance, marketing and interaction with market stakeholders. On the basis of the positive correlations summarized by the authors, it can be assumed that the efforts aimed at the digitization of processes can be considered as a managerial innovation that ensures the growth of innovations and increases the efficiency of the functioning of the business structure. On the basis of a systemic approach, the authors substantiated and built a complex functionality of the process of digitization of the company’s marketing resources. In the architecture of complex functionality, the digitization process is determined by the digitization functions of marketing resources, in particular: analytical (data collection and analysis), communication (Internet advertising), sales (sales via the Internet), and the function of regulation and control (regulates and controls the digitization processes of the marketing department). The synthesis of the theory of random processes together with the systemic approach enabled the authors to define marketing resources for enterprise activities as a complete functional dynamic system with a discrete state, in which for each moment of time the economic security of the enterprise in the future depends on the current state of digitization and does not depend on how this state was reached. The prognostic and transformational probabilistic method for determining the effectiveness of digitization of marketing resources of an enterprise’s activities is proposed, which combines the potential of the enterprise’s marketing resources and the functions performed by marketing and allows for taking into account factors of the internal and external environment, the influence of which causes the emergence of risky situations that lead to unjustified losses of the enterprise. The authors have proven the effectiveness of using digital marketing tools within the scope of each marketing function to prevent the occurrence of risky situations in the company’s activities. Within the framework of the analytical function of marketing, a study of the competitive environment has been carried out, the market share of the enterprise has been recognized, an estimate of costs for marketing research has been prepared. Indicators of the communication functionality of marketing activities in the total amount of marketing expenses complement and justify its decisive influence on the general state of not only marketing, but also the entire economic activity of the enterprise. Indicators of the sales function of marketing determine the elasticity of demand for manufactured products, as well as other sales costs. The marketing functionality of regulation and control allows to analyze the relationship between the costs of ensuring the movement of goods and the received income. The markers defined by the authors of each element of the architecture of the process of digitization of the marketing business structure contribute to increasing the efficiency of evaluating the company’s activity in accordance with the main goal and purpose of the company operating in a structured market space and supporting the marketing concept of development, obtaining profit (income) and satisfying the most demanding needs of consumers

    Low-Cost Smart Farm Irrigation Systems in Kherson Province: Feasibility Study

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    The growth of the world population requires an increase in food production. Its solution requires the introduction of advanced technologies, including automated irrigation systems. Commercially available smart irrigation systems are not widespread because of their high cost. A low-cost smart irrigation system based on satellite monitoring is proposed to schedule irrigation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the smart irrigation system during five-year field experiments. Water-use productivity, irrigated water-use productivity, and payback period were used as indicators to evaluate the low-cost irrigation system. This study was carried out for four crops: wheat, corn, sunflower, and rapeseed. The results obtained were compared to conventional irrigation systems. The experiments were designed at five farms locations. Their results showed that average water-use productivity rose from 4.09% (wheat) to 9.8% (sunflower). An increase in yields varied from 5.72% (wheat) to 13.42% (corn). Corn had a maximum yield deviation (26.72%). The payback period depended on the crop variety and the plot area. The payback period for wheat production under the proposed system was the longest (up to 82 months). Payback periods for corn, sunflower, and rapeseed production were shorter (from 3 to 12 months). Therefore, the smart irrigation system provides advantages and can be recommended as a low-cost solution

    Synthesis of 1- (3- (1- substituted- 1,2,3- triazol- 4- yl)- 1,2,4- triazol- 5- yl)- tetrazoles by Sequential Assembly of Azole Fragments

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    Only few efficient methods for the preparation of polyazoles containing three or four nitrogen atoms in each azole cycle exist. We have developed a novel synthetic strategy that allows the sequential assembly of 1,2,3- triazole, 1,2,4- triazole, and tetrazole fragments into a new stable polyazole. Along the novel strategy, some known procedures have been optimized to achieve better conversion, selectivity, and, in general, overall efficiency.In this study, we report the Azole- Assembly Alignment (A3): a concise three step ring- forming synthesis ligates 1,2,3- triazole, 1,2,4- triazole and tetrazole to selectively give polydentate nitrogen rich ligand systems. Full analysis data of intermediates and final compounds, optimization studies and improvements of known synthetic methods are included.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/171185/1/slct202102459_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/171185/2/slct202102459-sup-0001-misc_information.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/171185/3/slct202102459.pd