8 research outputs found
Penerapan Metode Ahp dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pemetaan Jabatan Strukturalkaryawan (Studi Kasus Ibi Darmajaya)
To organizations college institute of information and darmajaya business, human resources can be split into two types of employees, namely structural and functional employees employees ( lecturers ) .Education to organizations that have employees in large numbers, rotation, mutation position promotion, the promotion of a matter often the case in human resources .Human resources affairs in on ibi darmajaya handled by the bureau of human resources .For the deployment of an employee at a structural it is not easy .In determining the position office in an employee to be in accordance denghan competent in their field .Many considerations and policies it needs to ensure that the post was right and strategic for seseorangyang chosen .Consideration or policy are often is based on performance evaluation of the quality of work, cooperation, attitude toward the other workers, the initiative, dependability, the presence of, honesty and disciplineThe problem with multi criteria and multi alternatives including semi structured problem (turban, 2001). There are several methods of decision makers on the issue of semi structured, one of which is a method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (saaty,2001), damn wear applications expert choice to help the decision makers in determining choice
Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Dosen Pns.dpk Di Lingkungan Kopertis Wil II Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierachy Process (Ahp)
The PNS Dpk lecturer is part for private universities as a lecturer chief next by KOPERTIS. It is expected to be an example for other lecturers / role in each, PTS either in the TRIDARMA college and performance indicators other kopertis with the rules. Judgment lecturer PNS DPK can be conducted easily and automated, that is by using models system supporting decision corresponding to criteria as stipulated by KOPERTIS, especially KOPERTIS region II. Model that can be referred to that can be used is a model Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The application of this model is done through phases: data collection, determination of the main criteria and and sub criteria in the assessment criteria and weighting lecturer, sub criteria, the determination of the priority and implementation using Software Expert choice.Based on application of the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), it can be noted that the criteria have been defined, namely educational teaching, research, outreach and supporting elements
Career Path System Structural Lecturerin Private Universities in Bandar Lampung
Lecturer is one of the essential components of a system in higher education. Lecturers have a role, duties and responsibilities in realizing the goal of national education. So that the lecturer is the most important component in the college. The main task is Tridarma college lecturers are arranged in standard faculty workload. career systems lecturer in private universities is not only contained in the Act's regulations No. 14 2015 on teachers and lecturers. professional development of lecturers through functional or academic position, while career development in a structural position of secretary courses starting up the post of rector. For private colleges in the determination of structural positions is done without seeing the competency of a person to be served, but it generally is someone who has an emotional connection, meaning not based on seniority, rank, and functional academics. Based on this, we need a system of career paths / career path for lecturers in a structural position to be more focused and measurable so that governance and academic atmosphere in the college better
Sistem Absensi dan Pelaporan Berbasis Fingerprint dan SMS Gateway
Kegiatan dalam pengambilan data guna mengetahui jumlah kehadiran dari suatu acara disebut Absensi. Dalam kegiatan proses belajar mengajar absensi memberikan banyak informasi penting, yang didapat terkait dengan siswa. Dari absensi bisa dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur oleh sekolah dan orang tua, apakah seorang siswa dapat mengikuti proses belajar mengajar dengan baik dan benar. Untuk kegiatan absensi saat ini umumnya masih dilakukan dengan menggunakan kertas, lalu dipanggil satu persatu siswa oleh guru setiap matapelajaran. Terkadang tidak validnya data absensi dan hilangnya data, membuat lamanya dalam menyajikan informasi absensi pada saat dibutuhkan. Perancangan sistem absensi dibagi menjadi dua environment, pertama absensi berbasis Fingerprint dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pihak sekolah untuk data kehadiran siswa. Sedangkan yang kedua dengan menggunakan SMS gateway sebagai media informasi, yang dapat memberikan laporan dari pihak sekolah kepada orang tua siswa atas kehadiran dan tidak kehadiran siswa. Dengan perancangan sistem absensi ini diharapkan dapat membantu pihak sekolah dan orang tua dalam anak mereka