76 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Sikat Karpet Semi Otomatis Untuk Rumahan

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    Mesin sikat karpet semi otomatis adalah sebuah perangkat yang dirancang untuk membersihkan karpet dengan efisiensi dan kemudahan penggunaan. Mesin ini memiliki beberapa fitur utama, termasuk sikat berputar yang dapat membersihkan karpet dengan grime dan kotoran yang menempel pada serat karpet. Mesin ini juga dilengkapi dengan sistem semi otomatis, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengontrol beberapa aspek operasi, seperti arah pergerakan mesin, kecepatan sikat, dan tingkat tekanan. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyesuaikan mesin dengan kebutuhan pembersihan karpet yang berbeda. Selain itu, mesin ini juga dilengkapi dengan sistem penyedot debu dan kotoran yang efisien, sehingga hasil pembersihan karpet menjadi lebih optimal. Mesin sikat karpet semi otomatis ini memiliki potensi untuk menghemat waktu dan tenaga dalam proses pembersihan karpet, serta meningkatkan hasil akhir dengan membersihkan kotoran yang sulit dijangkau oleh metode pembersihan konvensional. Dengan demikian, mesin sikat karpet semi otomatis ini merupakan solusi inovatif untuk pembersihan karpet yang efisien dan efektif, dengan potensi untuk digunakan di berbagai lingkungan, termasuk rumah tangga, hotel, kantor, dan lainnya. Penelitian ini dalam tahapan prototype. Sehingga perlu tahapan penelitian berikutnya untuk diproduksi masa

    Turbin Crossflow untuk PLTMH di Sungai Karuah, Kelurahan Lambung Bukit, Kec Pauh, Padang

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    Utilization of electrical energy has been applied in almost all fields of life. One of them is the use of electricity to repel plantation pests. In the hills of Batu Busuk, around the Padang Karuah River, Kel Lambung Bukit, Kec. Pauh, Padang is one of the communities that has implemented the application. The people who are gardening there have worked together in making a Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) type waterwheel with a power of 1 kW with the current condition has been damaged and can not be used anymore. Seeing the potential of water owned according to the results of the field survey with a flowrate of 100 L / s and a head of 5 m, the use of crossflow turbines is one type of turbine that is suitable for replacing a windmill that has been damaged with a power generated of 3.7 kW. The crossflow turbine has an outer diameter of runner (D1) 0.3 m, runner width (L) 0.2 m and the number of blades (z) 28 pieces. With the use of the crossflow turbine, the potential of water will be maximally utilized

    Pengaruh Tinggi Air Masuk Dan Diameter Pipa Outlet Terhadap Tinggi Air Keluar Pompa Hidram

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    The pump is a device that can lift water from a lower height to a higher place, but because there are many pumps in the market that use electricity as a power plant and the selling price is quite high for rural communities, an appropriate pump is needed and cheap. Hydram pump is one alternative, where the workings of this tool can raise the water to a higher place with energy or power that comes from the water itself. Making Hydram pumps itself is relatively inexpensive, simple and durable. Hydram pumps are very popular because they work without using energy, so it is suitable for use in villages that do not have electricity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the height of the incoming water and the diameter of the outlet pipe on the height of the outlet water at the hydram pump. In this study the height of the incoming water was varied as high as 0.5m, 1m and 1.5m while the diameter of the aoutlaet pipe was varied by 0.5inc, ¾ inc and 1 inc. From this experiment it was found that the height of the incoming water and the diameter of the outlet pipe significantly influence the height of the outgoing water, of the two factors most influential on the height of the outgoing water is the height of the incoming wate

    Rancang Bangun Konstruksi Mesin Pencacah Plastik Multifungsi Kapasitas 50 Kg/Jam

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    The use of plastic in human life is increasing. In an effort to utilize plastic waste as a recycled material, it is necessary to create a tool or machine that can be operated as a tool for chopping plastic. The main components of a plastic chopping machine are the electric motor, pulleys and belts, blades and shafts, pins, bearings, hoppers and frames. The working principle of the plastic chopping machine is that the electric motor shaft rotates then transmits power to the chopping knife shaft with the help of pulleys and v-belts to chop the plastic that enters from the hopper. The plastic chopping machine uses power from a 1.5 HP electric motor with a motor speed of 1450 rpm and a shaft rotation speed of 580 rpm. The angle iron used for construction planning is SS4400 steel angle iron with a yield strength of 245 N/mm2, a safety factor of 5, and the bending stress is smaller than the allowable stress so that it is safe to use as a frame construction for plastic chopping machines

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pencetak Batu Bata Dengan Sistem Ekstrusi

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    Amount of resident of Indonesia progressively mount and it is of course require construction material for the requirement of its housing. Construction material which is partly produced by small industry or home industry. One of the production construction materials is brick. At the moment requirement to brick product very is mounting, for that need the existence of support in the form of availability of a machine able to improve productivity in line with make-up of its requirement. System of extrusion which is used in machine printer of brick can improve small industrial productivity brick to requirement of  construction material market

    Analisa Dan Perancangan Cylinder Block Mesin Compressor Tipe SDP 07-25 ¾ HP 25L

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    A compressor is a mechanical device used to increase fluid pressure, both gas and air pressure. The most used compressors are SDP 07-25 ¾ HP 25L compressors. Then Cylinder Block is a component inside the compressor that functions as the place where the piston and ring work to take place to do the work process, suction, compression and exhaust. The emergence of the idea of the process of reproducing Cylinder Block is so that an organization or company is able to produce independently of the Cylinder Block and to minimize costs in the production process. The most basic thing that is done for this process of reproduction / reverse engineering is by doing Machining techniques. Machining technique is the production process of a component in an easy wa

    Rancang Bangun Alat Tekuk Pembuat Begel Portabel Dan Perbandingan Kecepatan Produksinya Dengan Alat Tradisionil

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    Begel or sekang is a longitudinal reinforcing ring to hold the shear stress that occurs in a concrete column or pillar, the putel is placed so that each longitudinal reinforcement is held so as not to bend out. So far, begel are made by sticking a shaft iron into a wood and then begel the iron manually, until it is obtained as needed. Traditional bending tools like this are inefficient because they require more energy to bend them and cannot be carried. Therefore it was designed and made PORTABLE BEGEL MAKING BENDING TOOLS. To test the speed of this tool compared with traditional bending tools. From the results of statistical tests it was concluded that the portable buckle making buckle tool is faster than the traditional buckling tool. This portable buckling device is designed more simply so that it can be carried anywhere and is easily made by construction workers

    Perancangan Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring pada Robot Sadetec Berbasis IoT

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    In the era of advanced technology, technology helps various fields of industrial work, agriculture, education, and other fields. Work such as supervising the queue of visitors or counters by utilizing technology can minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Robot Line Follower technology monitors the distance of the visitor queue or counter can minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus, and its minimalist form is easy for use and storage. Sadistic Robot (Smart Detection Distance for Queue) uses Line Follower technology plus the use Internet and smartphones that can be used by anyone and anywhere, thus monitoring or supervising the queue to maintain a safe distance so as not to be infected with the Covid-19 virus. This research is to create a control and monitoring system to monitor the distance of the queue of visitors or counters using the Internet of Things system or wifi internet network. Utilization in this study using a blynk application found on smartphones. Based on the test results, NodeMCU can connect to the Internet within 10 meters of the internet source. Then, the control system can receive commands from applications with a delay of less than 1 second, and the Blynk application monitoring system can receive sensor data in real-time in conditions of 10 meters


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Pengalaman, Komitmen, dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kota Padang. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga Variabel Independen yaitu Pengalaman, Komitmen, dan Motivasi Kerja dan satu Variabel Dependen Kinerja Pegawai. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Korelasi dan Regresi Berganda. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan Kuesioner yang diisi oleh responden yaitu Pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Kota Padang. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan mendapatkan persamaan yakn


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    ABSTRAKInstrumentasi merupakan suatu alat yang sangat penting dalam suatu sistem pengukuran yang salah satunya pengukuran besar tinggi nya temperature cairan, alat ini harus dapat berfungsi dengan baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan instrumentasi di pabrik. Alat instrumentasi ini merupakan salah satu factor yang menentukan hasil produksi, dimana alat instrumentasi yang mengukur, mengntrol, mendeteksi, menganalisa, baik secara manual maupun secara otomatis. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) merupakan sensor yang digunakan untuk mengukur besarnya suhu cairan (Temperature pada reaktor) sebagai alat untuk dapat di baca ke controller hingga ke pengaturan akhir. Setiap proses selalu mempunyai keadaan yang sedang berlangsung. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa Temperature Transmitter pada Reaktor AP-545 yang digunakan di PT. Sintas Kurama Perdana menggunakan sistem loop tertutup, Sensor yang digunakan dalam Temperature Transmitter pada Reaktor AP-545 adalah sensor Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Pt100, Reaktor AP-545 di PT. Sintas pada kondisi saat ini mampu mencapai tekanan (P) = 7 bar, dan pada temperature (T) dibawah 100°C
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