2 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode ABC Indeks Kritis dalam Pengelolaan Persediaan Obat di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit XYZ Pekanbaru, Riau Tahun 2018

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    ABSTRAK Proses pembuatan formularium Rumah Sakit XYZ oleh Tim Farmasi Terapi (TFT) belum mempertimbangkan tingkat kritis suatu obat bagi pasien. Belum dilaksanakannya penilaian menyebabkan ada pembelian tidak terencanaobat diperlukan segera dan mempengaruhi keselamatan pasien. Metode ABC dapat mengidentifikasi jenis obat yang harus selalu tersedia dan bernilai investasi besar. Belum ada kontrol biaya persediaan obat di Rumah Sakit XYZ karena data nilai investasi obat belum dianalisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan menerapkan metode ABC indeks kritis terhadap data kebutuhan obat tahun 2018. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen perencanaan dan pengadaan obat. Sebesar 82% jenis obat di gudang jarang digunakan, namun 53 diantaranya merupakan obat yang memiliki nilai investasi tinggi yang memerlukan perhatian khusus. Obat yang memiliki 5 (lima) nilai investasi terbesar namun sangat jarang digunakan (kelompok C nilai pemakaian) adalah: Albuminar 25%, Octalbin 25%, Terfacef injeksi, Trijec 1 gram dan Lanmer injeksi. Formularium RS XYZ berikutnya harus mengeluarkan 530 jenis obat yang tidak kritis dan tidak ada pemakaian. Jumlah jenis obat yang masuk ke dalam formularium yang lebih sedikit akan memudahkan proses kontrol dan penyimpanan persediaan ABSTRACT The process of making the XYZ Hospital formulary by the Therapy Pharmacy Team (TFT) has not considered the critical level of a medicine for patients. The failure to carry out the assessment has caused an unplanned purchase of the medicine that needed immediately and affecting patient safety. The ABC method can identify drugs that must always be available and worth a large investment. There is no cost control of drug supplies at XYZ Hospital because data on the value of investment in drugs have not been analyzed. This study uses a qualitative research design by applying the ABC index critical method to data on drug needs in 2018. The research data was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation and review of planning documents and drug procurement. 82% of the drugs in the warehouse are rarely used, but 53 of them are drugs that have high investment value that require special attention. Drugs that have the largest 5 (five) investment values but are very rarely used (group C usage value) are: Albuminar 25%, Octalbin 25%, Terfacef injection, Trijec 1 gram and Lanmer injection.The next XYZ Hospital formulary must issue 530 types of drugs that are not critical and have no use. The smaller number of types of drugs that enter the formulary will facilitate the process of control and storage of inventoryABSTRAK Proses pembuatan formularium Rumah Sakit XYZ oleh Tim Farmasi Terapi (TFT) belum mempertimbangkan tingkat kritis suatu obat bagi pasien. Belum dilaksanakannya penilaian menyebabkan ada pembelian tidak terencanaobat diperlukan segera dan mempengaruhi keselamatan pasien. Metode ABC dapat mengidentifikasi jenis obat yang harus selalu tersedia dan bernilai investasi besar. Belum ada kontrol biaya persediaan obat di Rumah Sakit XYZ karena data nilai investasi obat belum dianalisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan menerapkan metode ABC indeks kritis terhadap data kebutuhan obat tahun 2018. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen perencanaan dan pengadaan obat. Sebesar 82% jenis obat di gudang jarang digunakan, namun 53 diantaranya merupakan obat yang memiliki nilai investasi tinggi yang memerlukan perhatian khusus. Obat yang memiliki 5 (lima) nilai investasi terbesar namun sangat jarang digunakan (kelompok C nilai pemakaian) adalah: Albuminar 25%, Octalbin 25%, Terfacef injeksi, Trijec 1 gram dan Lanmer injeksi. Formularium RS XYZ berikutnya harus mengeluarkan 530 jenis obat yang tidak kritis dan tidak ada pemakaian. Jumlah jenis obat yang masuk ke dalam formularium yang lebih sedikit akan memudahkan proses kontrol dan penyimpanan persediaan ABSTRACT The process of making the XYZ Hospital formulary by the Therapy Pharmacy Team (TFT) has not considered the critical level of a medicine for patients. The failure to carry out the assessment has caused an unplanned purchase of the medicine that needed immediately and affecting patient safety. The ABC method can identify drugs that must always be available and worth a large investment. There is no cost control of drug supplies at XYZ Hospital because data on the value of investment in drugs have not been analyzed. This study uses a qualitative research design by applying the ABC index critical method to data on drug needs in 2018. The research data was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation and review of planning documents and drug procurement. 82% of the drugs in the warehouse are rarely used, but 53 of them are drugs that have high investment value that require special attention. Drugs that have the largest 5 (five) investment values but are very rarely used (group C usage value) are: Albuminar 25%, Octalbin 25%, Terfacef injection, Trijec 1 gram and Lanmer injection.The next XYZ Hospital formulary must issue 530 types of drugs that are not critical and have no use. The smaller number of types of drugs that enter the formulary will facilitate the process of control and storage of inventor

    Benefits of Yin Yoga and Plank Exercise on Weight Loss in Overweight Adolescents

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    Background: Overweight is a physical condition caused by excessive accumulation of fat in the body due to an imbalance between food intake consumed and energy expended during bodily activities. Low physical activity has the potential to lead to obesity, especially when it starts as a child. The activities of children and adolescents are currently more playing gadgets and watching TV so that they have the potential to cause obesity. Overweight is a serious problem in Indonesia. This is because obesity will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease such as enlarged blood vessels, heart failure, stroke, fatty liver and hardening of the liver. Complications that can occur in overweight are heart attack, type II diabetes, stroke, hypertension, sleep apnea and breathing problems. To overcome the problematic consequences of being overweight are yin yoga and plank exercises. Yin yoga is currently one of the exercises that can reduce levels of fat in the body (burn bad calories in the body), relax the mind, and control breathing. Meanwhile, plank exercise is used to increase muscle strength. Plank movements help strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, legs, can also increase stability, and can burn up to 12 kcal of calories per round (healthy). This activity was carried out by physiotherapy students at the Lubuk Pakam Medistra Health Institute in the 2023 program with the aim of introducing the benefits of Yin yoga and plank exercises in overcoming and preventing the incidence of overweight among Physiotherapy students at the Lubuk Pakam Medistra Health Institute in 2023