10 research outputs found

    Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Membina Kompetensi Sosial (Pelayanan Prima) Tenaga Administrasi Sekolah

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    A quality service is an important point of administration staff in school. A good service gives more satisfaction to the customers. This study used qualitative approach to explore the stakeholders' competence in school in advising social competence (quality service). This research focused on administration staff that give quality service to the customers. The data were collected through observation and interview. The data analyisis of this research used Miles & Huberman's model. The results revealed that administration staff needs training and educational program to improve the competence

    Urban Tourism Development Through Low Impact Development (LID) Towards Green-Tourism

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    World Tourism Organization (WTO), is one of the global issues on the International scene, because of the impact of tourism activities on the development and improvement of the economic, social, cultural and environmental quality to the green-tourism. It is based with the Surakarta- city as tourism and cultural city towards the eco-city culture.The aim of the research, will focus on urban tourism and build formulation development through low impact development, in the realization of green-tourism. It is based on explorative descriptive method combined with the mapping spatial of potential physical character (layout, building, and environment), included cultural, social and economic effects of tourism. The location of the research is Kauman urban settlement having a valuable unique and local potential and also its activities which are still exist right now.The result of the research, shows that the existence layout and environment of Kauman urban settlement has not been handled optimally. Moreover, it tends to lose its characteristics because it isn't protected. Therefore, structuring a tourist area that emphasizes the use of natural and cultural resources wisely by prioritizing continued existence and local knowledge to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment. The concept is conceived for all parties concerned agreed that the application does not give rise to contradictions between the various interests, useful as a guide to apply sustainable development of urban tourism is paying attention to the environment and local communities.The conclusion, that purposed to fulfill the formulated of urban tourism development policies that are environmentally friendly and sustainable

    Sistem Pakar Pelayanan dan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba

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    Narkoba adalah zat yang dapat menimbulkan pengaruh tertentu bagi mereka yang menggunakannya dengan cara memasukkan obat tersebut ke dalam tubuhnya, pengaruh tersebut berupa pembiasan, hilangnya rasa sakit rangsangan, semangat dan halusinasi. Dengan timbulnya efek halusinasi inilah yang menyebabkan kelompok masyarakat terutama di kalangan remaja ingin menggunakan narkoba meskipun tidak menderita apa-apa. Hal inilah yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penyalahgunaan narkoba. Penyalahgunaan narkoba terutama di kalangan pelajar, pada umumnya dilakukan atau diawali dengan coba-coba, lalu ketagihan. Remaja biasanya mencoba memakai narkoba dengan anggapan. Oleh karena itu, kehadiran alat bantu berbasis pakar yang kita kenal dengan sistem pakar dirasakan perlu mengingat kendala yang mungkin dihadapi dokter atau ahli pakar dalam mengidentifikasi jenis narkoba. Sistem pakar juga mengefisienkan waktu dan kinerja bagi dokter atau ahli pakar dalam menghadapi pasien, dan hambatan yang mungkin dihadapi tadi bisa diminimalisir dengan adanya teknologi seperti ini.Teknologi dapat membantu para ahli pakar dalam melakukan identifikasi jenis narkoba yang digunakan, sehingga pelayanan dalam hal ini menjadi lebih praktis, cepat dan efektif

    Standardization of Pegagan Extract, Centella Asiatica as Hepatoprotectiveherbal Medicine

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    Herbal medicinal products would be affected by the quality of raw materials. In turn, the quality of raw material will also be influenced by various factors such as soil conditions, cultivation, post-harvest processing, and the processing of raw materials into crude drug or extract. Therefore, in order to make good herbal medicines, it is necessary to make standardization of herbal extracts that produced herbal medicines that have the same quality and functions of effectiveness in each process. From preliminary studies that have been done, Centella asiatica is one of the potential plants as a source of hepatoprotective compounds. Test in vivo and in vitro against Centella asiatica extracts have shown very good results. Ethyl acetate extract with 17.5 mg/kg of doses body weight and butanol 228.8 mg/kgof doses body weight has been applied for in vivo test using mice induced by CCl4; theydemonstrated hepatoprotective effects. Ethyl acetate extracts were able to reduce levels of the enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) by 56 % and 44 % respectively while butanol extract can reduce the enzymes AST levels by 3%. Standardizationof Centella asiatica extract performed in this study was the characterization of the extract in the form of non-specific and specific parameters corresponding to the reference of PPOMN (Ministry of health Republic of Indonesia, 2000) such as levels of drying shrinkage, ash content, total plate count microbial contamination, levels of water-soluble compounds, levels of compounds that are soluble in ethanol, phytochemical test, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and the determination of Pb and Cd weight.The results showed that non-specific parameters for the ethanol extract of Centella asiatica were requirements based on Herbal Pharmacopoeia in 2008 which includes parameters such as determination of shrinkage on drying ≤ 10%, ash content ≤ 16.6% and negative microbial contamination. Specific parameters for the ethanol extract of Centella asiatica have met the requirements of Herbal pharmacopeia in 2008

    Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Buah Kurma (Phoenix Dactylifera) dan Ekstrak Buah Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) dari Pemeriksaan SGOT dan SGPT terhadap Tikus yang di Induksi Paracetamol

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    Banyak obat yang telah dilaporkan dapat menyebabkan hepatotoksisitas, salah satunya adalah parasetamol.  Hepatotoksisitas dapat dicegah dengan pemberian agen hepatoprotektif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak buah mahkota dewa dan ekstrak buah kurma memiliki efektivitas sebagai hepatoprotektor. Hepatotoksisitas parasetamol pada manusia dapat terjadi setelah penggunaan dosis tunggal 10-15 gram. Mekanisme hepatotoksik parasetamol berkaitan dengan penurunan kadar glutanin hati akibat metabolit parasetamol yaitu N-Acetyl-p-Benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI) yang merupakan metabolit reaktif dari parasetamol yang bersifat toksik pada hati

    Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Industri Tempe di Desa Bandungrejo –Kecamatan Mranggen – Kab. Demak

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    Background : Problems which often appear in small industrial environment especially from the central industry of tempe is lack of awareness of society in management of the environment It is associated with the limited fund to build waste water facility and also its operating expenses. The Central Industry of tempe in Bandungrejo District of Mranggen at this time. The amount of is 26 home industries of tempe product are marketed to the region of Demak and its surroundings, amount to and also to region part of east town of Semarang. For the efficacy of product of tempe, waste also generate problem especially related to contamination of ground water, decrease quality of wells, dig water as the source of clean. Method : To overcome the mentioned hence, it requires a cheap waste water treatment system design, easy to operate and also with economized energy. Result : As conclusion of this research is that source of waste water of tempe industry comes from washing process, poaching of seed process, soaking and resolving of soy husk and seed process, debit/capacities waste water of tempe mean equal to 1,27 m3/day/industry, waste water characteristic of tempe Industry has the character of organic with comparison of BOD/COD = 0,4 - 0,5, the proposed of IPAL design is by using batch system through anaerobic system with USAge of PVC pipe media of wasp den at biofilter process. Suggested from results of this research are the importance of giving knowledge to society of central industry of tempe about tere impacts to the environment by activity making of tempe and also the importance of forming and stabilization of organization management of industrial waste water so that reaching of continuity of operation and maintenance of WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plan)

    Lichen as Bioindicator of Air Quality at Buffer Zone of Banjarbaru Town

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    Air pollution is one of the main issues faced by urban areas. Therefore, morphological characteristic and colony coverage of lichen growing at different scale air-polluted area could become as a bioindicator of their air quality. This research aims to determine the condition of lichen in spots located at near and far from the main road (width ± 29 meter) in urban area at Banjarbaru town. This research used descriptive method with purposive sampling technique. Sample were obtained from 2 plots those were far and near the main road, each plot represented by samples from 5 different trees (densed canopy with minimum DBH at 25 cm). Lichens were taken at 50-150 cm above ground level using 20x20 cm quadrant plastic frame. Observation variables include the number and shape of colonies, color and type of thallus, and percentage of thallus cover. We determined 13 colonies from spots far from the main road (500-600 meter from main road). Lichen dominated by green to bluish color, thallus consist of crustose and foliose, and the average percentage of thallus cover was 28.01%. While from that near the main road (14-250 meter from main road), we determined 14 colonies predominantly consisted of white crustose lichens, and the average percentage of thallus cover was 10.01%. Traffic intensity showed to have significant effect on lichens community. The main difference can be seen from morphology and colony coverage. Based on this result, lichen can be used as bioindicator of air quality, especially air pollution caused by motorized vehicles

    Acute Toxicity Studies of Brucea Javanica Merril Leaves Extract on Mice

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the oral acute toxicity of Brucea javanica Merril extract on both Male and Female DDY-Mice. Brucea javanica leaves have activity as a cytotoxic, anti-diarhhea, etc. Brucea javanica leaves extract was administered orally for first 24 hours at various dose levels (562.5mg/kg bw, 1125 mg/kg bw, 2250 mg/kg bw, and 4500 mg/kg bw) to determine the toxicity effects. The treatment groups were compared to the normal control. Vital organs (liver, heart, lymph, lungs, etc) and body weight were analyzed to study the toxicity. LD50 determined using Reed and Munich formula. Vital organs average weight showed no difference between control group and treatment groups from the lowest dose until the highest dose. In addition, the body weight data showed no difference between control group and treatment groups. LD50 for Brucea javanica extract using Reed and Munich formula was 1003.65 mg/kg bw. The result of the study showed that extract were categorized as lightly toxic

    Training and Assistance of Elderly Exercise in Pakmonti (Poncowati Monument Creative Market) Poncowati, Central of Lampung

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    According to the Ministry of Health, the decline in elderly health is a natural process experienced when a person enters the age of 60 years and over. This decline in fitness can occur due to the lack of complete nutrition consumed and the lack of physical activity carried out. This community service activity aims to determine whether the implementation of elderly gymnastics that is applied to the elderly and carried out regularly can improve the fitness of the elderly in PAKMONTI, Poncowati, Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung. The method used in this activity is to provide exercise training for the elderly. This training is carried out according to the PAKMONTI schedule, namely on Sunday mornings. The implementation of the introduction and training of elderly gymnastics is that the lecturer and students provide examples of light and easy elderly gymnastics for the elderly. The results of these community service activities are that the elderly feel more fit with these activities and feel happy to do gymnastics. Physical movements performed during gymnastics are also very light and adapt to the abilities of the elderly who have limitations for physical activity. In this activity, the elderly looked so happy and happy because at the end of the gymnastics activity, the elderly received prizes from coupons that had been provided by the activity implementation committee. Prize coupons provided by the committee were drawn at random, the forms of prizes given to participants were also varied so that the elderly seemed very happy to participate in this activity to the end. This community service activity in the form of implementing elderly gymnastics is very helpful for the community, especially the elderly in PAKMONTI, Poncowati, Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung in improving their physical fitness