270 research outputs found
Evaluasi terhadap Bahan Ajar Matematika Berbasis Pmri di Bandung Raya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh bahan ajar matematika berbasis PMRI diterapkan di Bandung Raya. Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, yang didesain untuk mengukur kualitas bahan ajar berbasis PMRI yang dibuat dan dilaksanakan guru selama ini. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru di Jawa Barat yang telah menerapkan PMRI di sekolahnya masing-masing. Terdapat tiga sekolah yang menjadi subyek penelitian, yaitu MIN I Bandung, SDPN Sabang dan SMPN 12 Bandung sedangkan sampelnya adalah guru Matematika di sekolah-sekolah tersebut yang menerapkan PMRI dalam pembelajarannya.Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data kuesioner guru tentang penerapan PMRI. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar matematika berbasis PMRI telah diterapkan di MIN 1 Bandung, SDPN Sabang dan SMPN 12 Bandung tetapi pelaksananya hanya guru-guru tertentu. Di MIN 1 Bandung terdapat 3 guru yang menerapkan PMRI, di SDPN Sabang terdapat 2 orang guru yang menerapkan PMRI dan di SMPN 12 Bandung juga terdapat 2 orang guru matematika yang menerapkan PMRI. Namun dari keseluruhan, diketahui bahwa hampir 3 tahun terakhir sudah jarang diterapkan serta jarang ada kegiatan-kegiatan PMRI
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Pada Mahasiswa Melalui Pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl)
One main goal of Mathematics learning development from primary to university level is the ability of mathematics communication. The subject that involves this in education mathematics major is the statistic of education mathematics study. The method that meets the caracter of this subject is CTL approach. The goal of this study is to analyze the improvement of mathematics comunication ability of the students who learn CTL approach and those who do not learn the approach. The applied method for this study is experimental control group postest only. The study population was all students of 2011, class a1 and a2. Class a2 as the exsperimental group and a1 as control group. Instrument in this study is a set of problem of mathematic communication. This results of this study and analyze data as quantitative is an increase in mathematics communication ability of students who abtain CTL approach better than the increase in mathematics communication ability of students receiving conventional learning
Borrowing Goods Listed Applications Using Visual Basic 6.0
With advances in both computer hardware and software, especially in Indonesia, it is expected that progress can be helpful in dealing with problems that are still done manually. Rental listing application process is performed in the computer stuff is very helpful, because the program listing of rental items include input data, edit data, display data, and security programs. The program listing applications made to the borrowing of goods can be used easily without the use of manuals. This application is made with the aid of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 softwar
Pengawasan USAha Wisata Hiburan oleh Pemerintah Kota Dumai (Studi Kasus USAha Karaoke)
Karaoke Entertainment is one of the most popular businesses in Dumai city, it can be proved by the many karaoke business in Dumai city. In running the Karaoke business, the business needs to be supervised by Dumai City Government which is regulated in Mayor Regulation of Dumai Number 21 of 2013 on Procedures and Procedures of Granting Business License of Tourism. Like other entertainment, karaoke business has a negative impact on the norms that exist in society. So in running the business, the business must require supervision. The formulation of the problem in this research are: 1. How the Supervision of Entertainment Tour Business by Dumai City Government About Karaoke Business. 2. What are the factors that influence the Monitoring of Entertainment Tour Enterprises by Dumai City Government About Karaoke Enterprises. This research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive data assessment.The concept of the theory used is according brantas is setting standards that will be used as the basis for monitoring, measuring performance or results that have been achieved, take corrective action. This research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive data assessment.The result of the research shows that the supervision of karaoke entertainment business is done by the Tourism Office, Satpol PP, BPTPM Dumai City not according to the procedure specified in the legislation, after the research, the conclusion in this research are: Implementation of karaoke entertainment supervision conducted by Tourism Office, Satpol PP, BPTPM not yet maximal, supervision conducted by Dumai City Government has not done well. There are factors that become obstacles in the implementation of supervision such as lack of human resources, facilities for supervision is not adequate and lack of coordination with relevant agencies in conducting supervision
Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Gelandangan dan Pengemis oleh Dinas Sosial Kota Pekanbaru
Social Service Pekanbaru function is to provide guidance to the Homeless and beggars by providing socialization, skills and decent jobs so that they do not return to beg in the streets, while the types of skills that are given Social Service pekanbaru form, though the skills of food, craft-making skills, the skills to make cakes and skills shoe soles.There are some barriers Social Service Pekanbaru to exercise Homeless and beggars in coaching to guide the Homeless and beggars in because of the limited budget and limited space for development due to the Social Service Pekanbaru not have the permanent place to stop coaching Implementation activities Homeless and beggars.The concept of the theory that researchers use the concept of organizational development coaching goal itself to gain awareness in a person must know himself, herself to be able to change someone better, more advanced, more positive. Without knowing yourself, too difficult or even impossible someone would change himself.This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptive data. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, observation and study of literature. By using key informants and informant as a supplementary source of information.These results indicate that the guidance provided Social Service Pekanbaru is insufficient it can be seen from the number of Homeless and beggars in the city of Pekanbaru lack of permanent shelters for conducting the implementation of the guidance.Keywords: Implementation of coaching Homeless and begga
Efektivitas Pelayanan dalam Pembuatan Akta Kelahiran di Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis
Service is one of the things that really need to get the attention of the government, so that the user community services were satisfied with the service provided. In relation to the above Department of Population and Civil Registration Bukit Batu District is one of the agencies authorized to provide services to the community, which of especially in the areas of service. Birth certificate is a certificate issued by the competent authority, which is related to the birth in order to acquire or obtain legal certainty against someone. Deed made based on reports of births conveyed within the time limit no later than 60 (sixty) working days for the citizen and 10 (ten) working days from the date of birth for foreigners baby. The research to aims identify and analyze of Birth Certificate Child Care Arrangements in the District Of Bukit Batu. The writer used qualitative method and the technique of collecting data are interview, observation and documentation. The interview was conducted by the research informants defined through snowball sampling technique.The theory of Bronoos in Sutupo will be used as reference to analyze and Ädefines the overall area is service a birth certificate there are some good service quality criteria which professionalism and skills, attitudes and behaviors, and trustworthy reliability, accessibility and flexibility, improved. Data collection using the techniques of observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques using qualitative descriptive techniques.The result of showed, Effectiveness a obtaining of certificate service has not running well based on the minimum services standart that have been established in regulations. This matter could be seen from the phenomenon and fact of the implementation of certificate service that occured on the real life. The factors that influenced the implementation of Department of Population and Civil Registration Pekanbaru City regency are : Human resources, infrastructure and leadership.Key words: Care, Birth Certificate, Department of Population and Civil Registratio
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