13 research outputs found


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    Technological developments in the digital era, nowadays it is increasingly rapid and sophisticated. These developments make changes to consumer behavior. Business competition is getting tighter as a result of the free market, memaksa para produsen determine the most effective and efficient marketing strategy so that the product can be accepted by the market. The purpose of this research is to knowing the model of consumer behavior in purchasing fashion products via lazada in Bandung. The sampling method in this study done by accidental sampling which is part of the nonprobability sampling technique. This form of sampling based on coincidence, that is, anyone who happens to meet a researcher and considered suitable as a source of data will be the sample of this study. Selected respondents are community of users of the site lazada.co.id who has made a purchase transaction and located in Bandung using a questionnaire. The results of this study state that trust, price and product availability become the main consideration in consumer purchasing decisions. Therefore, elements of trust, price and product availability, make the most important contribution in the consumer's decision to buy fashion products at lazada. Keywords : Consumer Behavior Models, fashion products, online purchas


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    Item is an object or commodity item in each game, especially in Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) genre. Every gamer competes to obtain good items, both in terms of functional and appearance. Various ways are done by the gamers to get items, starting from playing regularly, buying from game publishers, or buying from other players (making transactions). Since the MMOG (online game) era, such as Ragnarok Online (RO) which was firstly popular in Indonesia up to various types of games today, the gamers have already started to transact with other gamers. Hundreds of thousands to tens of millions rupiah flows in every in-game items transaction. Game item transaction tends to be enclosed and mostly done by gamers who know well enough to each other. Direct transactions between gamers are not without risks. Fraud is often happened from the type of item, nominal, and price and money paid. Gamers mostly complained about significant amount of transaction items fraudulent and were presented in various media including social media and game forums, both in official game account as well as community forums and fans. Now, gamers don't need to be afraid to transact items by the presence of an item market called "Itemku". "Itemku" is a game item buy and sale service managed by Five Jack company from South Korea. During the 2017, Five Jack got an injection of an additional 1.2 million dollars investment for the "Itemku" service. While operating from 2016 up to today, "Itemku" already has customers, both sellers and buyers. ā€œItemkuā€ only acts as a mediator in selling game items to maintain transaction security. But actually, ā€œItemkuā€ services are not only in terms of buying and selling items, but also include charging game currency and playing jockey services. However, the most popular service is the items sale and purchase that are more or less the same as items sale and purchase from Steam. The difference is that the items that are bought and sold in Itemku are more diverse both from the game developers or publishers and the type of the games. Indonesian gamers who usually transact manually, were then enthusiastic about the presence of Itemku which has been operating in Indonesia for 3 years. Indonesian gamersā€™ enthusiasm in using Itemku services shows that game items have become important commodities. Shopping for game items is no longer just a hobby, but has become a necessity and culture of gamers in Indonesia. The game has become a market and its items become virtual commodity that are traded with the actual currency. Game items have become a daily necessity for gamers as well as the daily needs of people in general. Virtual commodities or objects such as items that are physically non-existent and can only be felt as virtual benefits sometimes have high value. Various items from various types of games with varied values from thousands to millions are traded on "Itemku". Buying and selling in-game items has become a new popular consumer culture among gamers. The transaction agents are not only limited to the upper class, but also the lower middle class. Along with the diversity of MMOG that entered Indonesia and the growth of gamers, ā€œItemkuā€ can continue to be the market leader in the game item market in Indonesia if it continues to innovate to meet the needs of its users. Itemku is not only a pioneer in the game item market, but also in the creative market among government programs that aim to grow creative industry in Indonesia. Industry without markets will be difficult to be developed, because in fact, the market can trigger a consumer culture that fosters industry, including games. Keywords: consumer culture, gamer, item, marketplac


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    Bandung sudah sangat dikenal sebagai kota penghasil produk kaos yang berkualitas. Mulai dari jasa konveksi kaos Bandung, sampai produk kaos yang memiliki brand atau merk yang berasal dari kota ini. Perkembangan pabrik konvenksi ini meliputi berbagai macam jenis dari skala kecil mulai dari kaos distro sampai yang besar seperti kaos promosi maupun kaos partai dan kaos kampanye. Pangsa pasar yang jelas akan selalu ada membuat bisnis di bidang ini tidak pernah sepi dan banyak orang yang berusaha memaksimalkan potensinya. Berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi kedua pengrajin, maka permasalahan tersebut diidentifikasi berdasarkan permasalahan prioritas. Permasalahan prioritas yang akan ditangani berkaitan dengan peralatan dan pemasaran online yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usaha. Selain itu juga memberikan pemahaman kepada kedua mitra untuk melakukan pembukuan. Hal lain dengan bertambahnya peralatan diharapkan jumlah produktivitas usaha bertambah dan tidak lagi menggunakan jasa orang lain. Selain itu dengan pemasaran on line dapat meningkat dan daerah pasar sasaran dapat merambah lagi ke beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah membantu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pengrajin, dimana diharapkan pengrajin mampu meningkatkan produktivitas usahanya dari tahun ke tahun. Selain itu juga produk yang dihasilkan diharapkan dapat dikenal di beberapa wilayah. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka metode yang digunakan untuk membantu pengrajin adalah dengan menggunakan metode pelatihan dan pendampingan. Pelatihan yang akan disampaikan kepada pengrajin adalah terkait dengan pemasaran on line dimana produk yang dihasilkan wilayah pasar sasarannya lebih luas lagi. Selain itu juga akan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan berkaitan keuangan diharapkan pengrajin mampu mengelola keuangan dengan baik dan mampu untuk memisahkan keuangan keluarga dengan keuangan usaha. Setelah pelatihan dilakukan dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan. Pendampingan akan terus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditetapkan. Diharapkan pengrajin mampu melakukan pemasaran secara online sendiri. Setelah mampu melakukan pemasaran online sendiri diharapkan mitra mampu meningkatkan pasar sasarannya. Kata Kunci : Pemasaran dan Produks


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    Corporate branding is not only required for a company, but also for universities like Binus University. Along with the development of communication technology, today many branding process is done through social media. A wide range of social media is used in the branding process. Online Public Relations Binus University uses social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube for Corporate Branding.The focus of research in this research is how corporate branding Binus University in Social Media. Phenomena to be studied are as follows: 1) How Online Public Relations Binus University using social media for corporate branding; 2) How to model corporate branding of Binus University in Social Media. Researchers use qualitative research methods with a virtual ethnography approach. In addition to virtual ethnography, researchers also used the dragonfly effect model. Virtual etnography is used because of its online research location, while the dragonfly effect model is used to analyze content and message design in social media. The results show that online public relations uses social media as a means of promotion, as a miniature campus environment, as a network of relations, as the existence of the campus, as well as the work and recognition of the world. From the use of social media, researchers make 3 (three) corporate branding model, namely vision model, cultural model, and image model. Keyword : Corporate branding, virtual ethnography, social media, dragonfly effect mode


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    This research was motivated by the emergence of anxiety from parents regarding their children's learning achievements, in connection with the necessity to study at home or referred to as School From Home (SFH) due to the covid-19 pandemic. This practically makes school activities must be carried out at home. Education is one of the sectors affected, problems that arise include children who are used to attending lessons at school, as well as socializing with friends and the school environment, now suddenly have to change and change by doing all activities at home with their parents. So far, SFH activities have not been considered effective, considering that there is no mature readiness for parents and children to interact in learning activities like in schools in general, so that learning does not run optimally. The purpose of this study was to obtain data and analyze how much influence parental interpersonal communication has on children's learning achievement during the School From Home (SFH) period of the covid- 19 pandemic. The research method used is survey research, with the aim of looking at the effect of the independent variable (variable x) on the dependent variable (variable y), namely parental interpersonal communication on children's learning achievement. Data analysis uses a quantitative approach, through path analysis testing. The results showed that there was a significant influence of Parent and Child Interpersonal Communication on Children's Learning Achievement during the School From Home (SFH) Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Learning Achievement, Children's Education, Covid-19, School From Home (SFH


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    Kampung Giri Harja or known as Jelekong village is an art and painting village located in Jelekong Village, Bale Endah District, Bandung Regency. This village was founded by Asep Sunandar Sunarya. Previously, Jelekong Village could be said to be an unknown village, but when Abah Asep Sunandar lived in this village, everything changed. Jelekong village changed its name to Giri Harja Endah Village, then it was known as an art village located in southern Bandung. Because the village of Giri Harja Endah is known as the village of art and painting, many of people are engaged in the arts, especially in the field of wayang golek and in the field of painting. Many residents of Giri Harja Endah are puppeteers and painters and on every street in the village Giri Harja Endah many shops selling paintings and puppets. The problems that have been identified are discussed together by the PKM team (community activity program). In order to be able to provide the best solution, the problem is how the current content creators become qualified so they can help in improving digital media literacy. In this PKM activity, the team will carry out activities based on several methods. The expected output target in this activity is to attract digital media literacy with quality creative content. The approach method used to overcome the problems faced by partners is through socialization, training or counseling and consultation activities. Then an active participatory approach was also carried out between the proposer team and partners on an ongoing basis and played an active role in providing assistance and guidance in the creation of digital creative content. Keywords: Digital Literacy, Painting Village, Jelekon

    New Normal' in COVID-19 Era: The Textual Analysis of Jokowi's Speech

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    In the critical discourse analysis, every discourse has three dimensions: it is a written or spoken language text; an interaction between people - which involves the process of production and interpretation of texts (practice of discourse); and is part of a practice or social act. The implication in critical discourse analyses is how this study raises the rules of language and linguistic practices that are implanted together with the relationship of a practice or social act that is often not realized by us so far. This study also criticizes the tendency of language studies to simply use linguistic rules and practices, as objects that are described, in a way that obscures their ideological and political inculcations. In this research, the authors examine the impact of the spread of the virus on the Indonesian economy, as well as the government's response to the public health crisis, as well as the efforts made to overcome the economic crisis that has arisen Covid -19 and 'new normal' based on the textual analysis of Jokowi's Speech. This research was conducted using a qualitative-descriptive type with critical discourse analysis approach. The data was taken from the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia and online media (tempo). The results showed that online media consistently supported the application of the new normal to restore economic conditions. the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia emphasizes its frame using sensational and eye-catching vocabulary


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    Komunikasi efektif akan memberikan dampak positif bagi kemajuan perusahaan atau bisnis yang sedang dilakukan. Setiap komunikasi berpotensi menjadi komunikasi antar budaya, karena perbedaan latar belakang memunculkan adanya perbedaan budaya. Komunikasi dan budaya merupakan suatu hubungan timbal balik, begitupun dalam bisnis, perbedaan budaya mempengaruhi kita dalam melakukan proses komunikasi dengan lawan bicara. Di era globalisasi saat ini, banyak perkembangan bisnis yang dialami oleh negara kita, banyaknya perusahaan-perusahaan asing di Indonesia yang tentunya menuntut kita untuk mengenal komunikasi lintas budaya dan etika bisnis perusahaan asing. Pada kesempatan ini, saya melakukan penelitian tentang etika komunikasi bisnis budaya Italia pada perusahaan Leo Vince di Indonesia. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus, dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi pada subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa orang Italia adalah orang yang sangat menghargai waktu dan menghargai setiap orang, teman kerja, atau kliennya. Budaya yang ada pada perusahaan Leo Vince cabang Indonesia menampilkan budaya kerja yang tertanam dari budaya Italia, namun mereka tidak segan dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi dengan orang Indonesia untuk lebih mengenal bagaimana budaya kerja di Indonesia, sehingga dapat terjalin kerjasama yang baik dan optimal dalam bisnis yang berjalan. Kata kunci : Etika Komunikasi Bisnis, Budaya Itali


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    The economic development and digital marketing provide opportunities as well as challenges for SMEs in Indonesia. This especially provides an opportunity for SMEs to promote at a low cost while penetrating the market by cutting the product distribution channel to the final consumers. The presence of ICTs needs to be coupled with the ability of human resources (HR), in this case SMEs in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency. The digital marketing competence of these SMEs is important in developing small and medium businesses that enable potential customers to obtain information about products as well as transact through the internet. The research method was carried out by means of a survey with data collection techniques through questionnaires, interviews, and secondary data sources. The questionnaire was distributed to SMEs in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency with a sampling technique, and interviews were conducted with informants which were conducted selectively. The results of the study showed that the knowledge, attitude skills of SMEs are competencies that need to be improved. Digital marketing competence of SMEs in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency requires strengthening to encourage increased knowledge, attention to new knowledge through technology and media, making innovation and creativity in running their business through digital marketing skills, so that SMEs can optimally carry out their business by utilizing digital marketing. Digital marketing competence of SMEs in West Bandung Regency, especially in Lembang District does not yet have the level of ability needed to improve business performance, because the ability of adaptation and the ability to take advantage of opportunities, especially in technological development needs to be provided facilitation and retrieval from related parties, such as the government, universities, and other related organizations. Keywords: Competence, Digital Marketing, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME

    Strategi Humas Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam Menangani Krisis Pandemi Covid-19

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    Humas memiliki peran penting dalam menyelesaikan masalah krisis. Di tengah krisis yang diakibatkan Covid-19 Humas pemerintah Kota Bandung perlu menjalankan peran, tugas dan fungsinya untuk menjalankan strategi penanganan krisis Covid-19. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kepustakaan dengan mengumpulkan data atau sumber yang berhubungan dengan topik yang diangkat dalam penelitian, serta melakukan penelaahan terhadap berbagai literatur, baik yang berupa catatan maupun buku. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi komunikasi krisis Humas Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam menangani krisis pandemi Covid- 19, pada tahap awal krisis, adalah membentuk pengetahuan tentang krisis pandemi covid 19 di lingkungan internal organisasi melalui berbagai media komunikasi yang digunakan oleh anggota organisasi atau dalam hal ini ASN dan karyawan Pemerintahan Kota Bandung. Tahap selanjutnya adalah membentuk persepsi masyarakat Kota Bandung dengan memberikan pesan, informasi, dan edukasi tentang Covid-19, serta melakukan sosialisasi kebijakan dan langkah-langkah yang dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam menangani krisis pandemi Covid-19 kepada masyarakat Bandung. Lalu strategi yang terakhir adalah memulihkan citra dan reputasi melalui peningkatan kualitas komunikasi antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, serta menjalankan kegiatan media relations untuk mempublikasikan berita positif tentang penangan covid 19 di Kota Bandung. Kata Kunci: covid-19; humas; manajemen krisi