6 research outputs found

    Desain dan Pembuatan Roda Skateboard 2” dari Bahan Komposit Polimer Diperkuat Serbuk Batang Pisang

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    Pada umumnya roda skateboard menggunakan bahan polyurethane yang tidak ramah lingkungan, dan harganya relatif mahal. Oleh kerena itu dalam penelitian ini akan di desain cetakan dan pembuatan roda komposit dengan menggunakan serbuk batang pisang, Bahan baku yang di gunakan adalah serbuk batang pisang yang telah di keringkan. Adapun campuran bahan yang digunakan terdiri dari serbuk batang pisang, Katalis, Resin polyester tak jenuh sebagai matrixnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah desain dan pembuatan cetakan roda skateboard. dan pembuatan roda skateboard berbahan komposit polimer serbuk batang pisang. Pembuatan roda skateboard komposit dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengecoran dan penekanan. Pada cetakan roda komposit bagian atas menggunakan tabung bahan baja ST 37 dengan ketebalan 2 mm dengan diameter 2 ̎, dan tinggi 5,5 cm dan bagian bawah dengan ukuran panjang 12 cm, dan lebar 7,5 cm

    Analisa Variasi Putaran Pada Mesin Roll Pembentuk Plat Profil Terhadap Hasil Pengerolan Plat 1 Mm

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    Plate roll machine is a tool used to make materials into other forms as the basic material for making gutters. To get good rolling quality and in accordance with the basic ingredients for making machines. The question of roll machine rolls is done to analyze the yield and rolling quality. From the observation of 6061-O aluminum plate with 23 rpm (n) rotation, the results of rolling are 8 pieces, 36 rpm (n) rotation, 9 pieces of rolling results, and 44 rpm yield (n) rolling produces a wave of 11 pieces. The results of rolling with a slight wave defect and will be used as the basic material for making gutters

    Proses Pembuatan Mesin Pengiris Bahan Baku Kerupuk dengan Mekanisme Gerak Translasi Menggunakan Pisau Rotasi Vertikal Kapasitas 60 Kg/jam

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    The process of making cracker material slicing machines has the main components that want to be worked on starting from making a shaft, blade plate, inlet, outlet, engine frame, blade shield, pendulum, connecting rod, conveyor rail, and pressure rod. First stage carried out in the manufacturing process, namely identifying machine components, then making the process of making machines with several stages, namely the process of procurement of materials, measurement process, cutting process, turning process, drilling process, welding process, grinding process and workpiece assembly process. The machines used in the process of making these machine parts are cutting grinding machines, lathes, drilling machines / drilling machines, welding machines, and hand grinding machines. The number of components worked is 10 pieces, and the total number of components of the cracker slicer is 23 fruit. The time of making this machine takes 15.7 hour

    Perancangan Mesin Pengaduk Pakan Ternak Sapi dengan Sistem Sirkulasi Vertikal Menggunakan Screw Driver

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    Cows really need quality food, of course, a lot of quality cow feed is obtained from the process of fermentation. For the implementation of cattle feed through the process of fermentation can not be separated from the stirring process or mixing the basic ingredients of feed added with other added ingredients. The purpose of the design: Planning the engine speed and driving power, planning the main components of the machine used, and finally making the draft work plan. The results of the conclusions from the discussion are: Engine rotation 290 (rpm), material density 481 kg / m3 with a capacity of 63 kg. Driving power 1.5 hp, 1450 rpm rotation, voltage = 220 V, frequency 50 Hz, 1 phase. Shaft material S 35 C, with a size of 25 mm. S 30 C peg material, peg size: 18.75 mm long, 8.75 mm wide. Cast iron material, size 3 and 10 inches. Belt material from teteron rubber, measuring 57 inches. Types of single row bearings contack ball bearings, No.7305, inner diameter = 25 mm, with age 32289244 (hours). Deflection occurs, y = 0.000029 mm, the frame is safe to use because the load that occurs is less than the allowable load (13