9 research outputs found

    Self-Perception of Co-Assistant Students Regarding The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Background: At the beginning of 2020, the world was shocked by a new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) whose disease was called Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The research aims to determine the self-perception of Co-Assistant students regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: The study was designed cross-sectional, which was conducted via sharing online links. Respondents must Co-Assistant students from a medical faculty in Indonesia and participated in the questionnaire filling between June 2020 and October 2020. This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach and conducted using primary data (online questionnaire Results: One hundred forty-nine students (149) of Co-Assistant students from several medical faculties all over Indonesia met the inclusive criteria. The samples were dominated by female respondents at 103 students (69.1%), while the male respondent accounted for only 46 students (30.9%). The first year of the Co-Assistant program with 94 respondents (63.1%) followed by the second year of the Co-Assistant program with 55 respondents (36.9%). The highest mean score in the fear zone came from the "first year of Co-Assistant program" group and the highest mean score in the learning and growth zone came from the "second year of Co-Assistant program" group. Conclusion: The highest mean score in the fear zone came from the "first year of Co-Assistant program" group and the highest mean score in the learning and growth zone came from the "second year of Co-Assistant program" group


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    ABSTRACT During the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the education sector must adapt by switching from face-to-face teaching and learning activities to online. There are various kinds of learning methods used, Many options are switching from teacher-based learning methods to student-based learning, one of them is the jigsaw method. The jigsaw method is considered to be able to trigger cooperative nature towards others and can increase understanding of the lecture materials or issues raised. To find out how the jigsaw method affects online learning through the Zoom discussion forum. This research is an experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group design in physiology class at Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS with Mann Whitney test. Which will be used to determine the effectiveness of the jigsaw method in online learning through zoom application. Subjects were 180 students with 90 students in Class A (conventional method) and 90 students in Class B (jigsaw method). There was a greater increase in the mean value of pre-test (56.22) and post-test (79.44) in the jigsaw method class, compared to the mean value of pre-test (30.22) and post-test (54.67) in the conventional class. In this study, the results of the pre-test and post-test on the jigsaw class method were considered more effective than the control class on the Mann-Whitney test with p<0.001. The jigsaw method is proven to be more effective when applied to online learning than conventional learning methods.ABSTRAK Dalam masa pandemi Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) sektor pendidikan harus beradaptasi dengan cara beralih dari kegiatan belajar-mengajar luar jaringan (luring) menjadi dalam jaringan (daring). Cara mengatasi ataupun menghindari kejenuhan tersebut ada berbagai macam metode pembelajaran yang digunakan. Banyak fakultas kedokteran yang beralih dari metode pembelajaran berbasis pengajar ke pembelajaran berbasis mahasiswa, salah satunya adalah jigsaw method. Jigsaw method dinilai dapat memicu sifat kooperatif terhadap sesama mahasiswa dan dapat  meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap materi perkuliahan ataupun masalah yang diangkat. Mengetahui efektivitas jigsaw method pada pembelajaran daring melalui forum diskusi Zoom. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian eksperimental. Dengan pre-test post-test control group design pada kuliah fisiologi di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan SPSS dan uji Mann Whitney, yang digunakan untuk mengetahui efektivitas jigsaw method pada pembelajaran daring melalui aplikasi Zoom. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 180 orang dengan Kelas A (metode konvensional) sebanyak 90 orang dan Kelas B (perlakuan jigsaw method) 90 orang. Terdapat peningkatan yang lebih besar dari nilai rerata (mean) pre-test (56.22) dan post-test (79.44) pada kelas jigsaw method dibandingkan nilai rerata pre-test (30.22) dan post-test (54.67) pada kelas kontrol. Hasil ini menunjukkam jigsaw method dinilai lebih efektif dibandingkan kelas kontrol pada uji Mann-Whitney dengan nilai p<0.001. Jigsaw method terbukti lebih efektif jika diterapkan pada pembelajaran daring dibandingkan metode pembelajaran konvensional

    Cryptosporidium Sp. Findings and Its Symptomatology among Immunocompromised Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Cryptosporidium sp. is an apicomplexan protozoa, and it is related to an immunocompromised state. As it develops diverse clinical manifestations, mild to life-threatening conditions, administration of anti-parasitic medication and its management remain problematic. AIM: The study aimed to provide Cryptosporidiosis symptomatology and its prevalence among HIV-infected patients in a tertiary referral hospital, Haji Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, Indonesia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Symptomatology was noted using short-questionnaire, and laboratory findings were obtained from the hospital medical record registry on the same day of admission. We enrolled 24 patients were suffered from HIV infection for a certain period and more than one-week diarrhoea including 18 males and 6 females. Routine faeces examination using wet mount, Kinyoun-gabet, and trichrome staining was performed for all samples in Parasitology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. Numerical data were evaluated using the Mann-Whitney test while Fisher Exact test was used to determine any association between categorical variables. RESULTS: Our study found that 8 of 24 patients were positive with Cryptosporidium sp. while its symptomatology including abdominal cramp (66.7%), nausea and vomiting (70.8%), and fever (62.5%) is prevalent from our study. We obtained significant association between CD4 cell count (p = 0.006), diarrhea duration (p = 0.007), abdominal pain (p = 0.005), and nausea and vomiting (p = 0.021) with cryptosporidiosis. CONCLUSION: High consideration of several symptoms related to cryptosporidiosis leads a clinician to initiate prompt management particularly in a high-risk population


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    Abstract. Introduction: Taeniasis is an infection brought on by Taenia sp. Tapeworms, one of which is Taenia solium, whose intermediate host is swine. Adult tapeworms develop in the intestines of the host (human) after consuming infected pork that was not properly prepared. Lawar babi is one of the Balinese dishes that utilises cooked, undercooked, or even uncooked pork. Balinese, including residents of Kerobokan Village, are accustomed to eating pork lawar. Objective: To determine the relationship between the consumption of pork lawar and the incidence of taeniasis in the village of Kerobokan, Badung Regency, Bali. Methods: This is a correlative categorical research with a cross sectional design. The study population is people in Kerobokan Village, Bali Province. Using power of 0.8 strength of linear correlation of 0.25, and additional 10% for incomplete data, we obtain sample size of 128 people who meet inclusion criteria. Data was obtained by filling out a set of validated questionnaire. Results: Sixty-five out of 128 respondents (50.8%) were found to possess a positive inclination towards the consumption of pork lawar, and only 1 (one) respondent (0.08%) had a history of taeniasis. The significance value of the correlation (p) between the habit of eating pork lawar and a history of taeniasis was 0.312. Conclusion: There is a lack of correlation between the practise of consuming pork lawar and the prevalence of taeniasis among the population residing in Kerobokan Village, located in the Badung Regency of Bali. Keywords: Pork lawar, Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, Taeniasi

    The Relationship Between Personal Hygiene Behavior With The Incidence Of Scabies In Pondok Pesantren Modern Darul Hikmah Kota Medan

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    Introduction. Scabies is often found in Indonesia, which is due to its tropical climate. Data showed that the prevalence of scabies Indonesia in 2013 was 6%. Poor personal hygiene, low socioeconomic status, and non-supporting health behavior are also some of the risk factors. Objectives. To identify the relationship between personal hygiene behavior with scabies in Pondok Pesantren Modern Darul Hikmah Kota Medan. Methods. This is an analytical study using cross sectional design. The sample was all the students from grade 7-12. The data was taken cardinal signs of scabies and microscopic examination towards the scrapped skin. The risk factors on personal behavior was taken thru questionnaire and direct observation on the research site. Results. The incidence of scabies in Pondok Pesantren Modern Darul Hikmah Kota Medan is 81 out of 220 respondent (36,8%). There is a strong correlation between personal hygiene behavior with incidence of scabies in Pondok Pesantren Modern Darul Hikmah Kota Medan (p=0,001). The environmental sanitation is categorized poor according to 3 aspects including clean water availability, occupant density, and personal storage availability. Conclusion. There is a strong correlation between personal hygiene behavior with the incidence of scabies in Pondok Pesantren Modern Darul Hikmah Kota Medan

    Overview of Immunological Responses and Immunomodulation Properties of <i>Trichuris</i> sp.: Prospects for Better Understanding Human Trichuriasis

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    Trichuris sp. infection has appeared as a pathological burden in the population, but the immunomodulation features could result in an opportunity to discover novel treatments for diseases with prominent inflammatory responses. Regarding the immunological aspects, the innate immune responses against Trichuris sp. are also responsible for determining subsequent immune responses, including the activation of innate lymphoid cell type 2 (ILC2s), and encouraging the immune cell polarization of the resistant host phenotype. Nevertheless, this parasite can establish a supportive niche for worm survival and finally avoid host immune interference. Trichuris sp. could skew antigen recognition and immune cell activation and proliferation through the generation of specific substances, called excretory/secretory (ESPs) and soluble products (SPs), which mainly mediate its immunomodulation properties. Through this review, we elaborate and discuss innate–adaptive immune responses and immunomodulation aspects, as well as the clinical implications for managing inflammatory-based diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases, allergic, sepsis, and other autoimmune diseases

    Overview of Immunological Responses and Immunomodulation Properties of Trichuris sp.: Prospects for Better Understanding Human Trichuriasis

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    Trichuris sp. infection has appeared as a pathological burden in the population, but the immunomodulation features could result in an opportunity to discover novel treatments for diseases with prominent inflammatory responses. Regarding the immunological aspects, the innate immune responses against Trichuris sp. are also responsible for determining subsequent immune responses, including the activation of innate lymphoid cell type 2 (ILC2s), and encouraging the immune cell polarization of the resistant host phenotype. Nevertheless, this parasite can establish a supportive niche for worm survival and finally avoid host immune interference. Trichuris sp. could skew antigen recognition and immune cell activation and proliferation through the generation of specific substances, called excretory/secretory (ESPs) and soluble products (SPs), which mainly mediate its immunomodulation properties. Through this review, we elaborate and discuss innate–adaptive immune responses and immunomodulation aspects, as well as the clinical implications for managing inflammatory-based diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases, allergic, sepsis, and other autoimmune diseases

    Taeniasis/cysticercosis in Bali, Indonesia

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    Taenia solium and Taenia saginata are found in humans in Bali, Indonesia. During a field survey of 660 people in Bali from 2002-2009 of taeniasis/cysticercosis cases using mitochondrial DNA confirmation of the species, we detected 80 cases of T. saginat