33 research outputs found


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    トランス脂肪酸の多量摂取は健康に悪影響を与えることから、平均摂取量を一日当りの総エネルギー摂取量の1% 未満とする目標が設定された。日本では菓子類を多く食べる若年女性の摂取量が多く、菓子類の中でも特にパイ中のトランス脂肪酸含有量が高いことが2007年に報告された。日本において規制は行われていないが、これらの食品からトランス脂肪酸を低減する取り組みが各企業で自主的に進められている。そこで今回実際に含有量が減少しているかどうか検証する目的で、2011 年5 ~ 7 月に購入した14 種類の市販パイと、2種のカップ麺のトランス脂肪酸と飽和脂肪酸含有量を測定した。その結果、5 種類(36%)がトランス脂肪酸高含有食品(1.5-9 g/100 g 総脂質)で、トランス脂肪酸高含有食品の数は2007 年の80%に比べ著しく減った。高含有パイのうち1 種は、1 個中に1.8 g 含んでいた。これを1 個食べると、10 歳未満の子供では推定エネルギー必要量の1%を超え、身体活動レベルの低い若年女性では1%に相当する。また、カップ麺の天ぷらと麺はパーム油同様の飽和脂肪酸の多い組成となっていた。これは、トランス脂肪酸の代替品としてパーム油の使用が進み、飽和脂肪酸の摂取量が増加する可能性を示している。含有量表示の義務化と、種々の脂肪酸を含んだバランスの良い食事をとるように啓蒙することが、国民の健康維持につながると思われる。It is reported that the intake of trans fatty acids( TFAs) by young Japanese women who regularly eat sweets exceeds the tolerable upper limits. The TFA content of pies was the highest among sweets in 2007. The efforts of companies seem to reduce industrially produced TFAs from the food supply. In the present study, we analyzed 14 types of pie and two types of pot noodles on the market in 2011 to assess the change in their TFA and saturated fatty acid( SFA) contents. The results showed that five types of pie (36%) contain high amounts of TFAs (1.5-9 g/100 g fat). This percentage was remarkably decreased compared with the percentage in 2007 (80%). However, one type of pie contained 1.8 g TFA per piece, and the intake of TFA per piece is almost the tolerable upper limits of young women. High SFA contents were also observed in pot noodles, indicating that the intake of SFAs may increase. Therefore, a label disclosing the TFA and SFA content should be mandatory on food packaging. A healthy, balanced diet containing several different types of fatty acids is strongly recommended for public health

    A Histone-Like Protein of Mycobacteria Possesses Ferritin Superfamily Protein-Like Activity and Protects against DNA Damage by Fenton Reaction

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    Iron is an essential metal for living organisms but its level must be strictly controlled in cells, because ferrous ion induces toxicity by generating highly active reactive oxygen, hydroxyl radicals, through the Fenton reaction. In addition, ferric ion shows low solubility under physiological conditions. To overcome these obstacles living organisms possess Ferritin superfamily proteins that are distributed in all three domains of life: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. These proteins minimize hydroxyl radical formation by ferroxidase activity that converts Fe2+ into Fe3+ and sequesters iron by storing it as a mineral inside a protein cage. In this study, we discovered that mycobacterial DNA-binding protein 1 (MDP1), a histone-like protein, has similar activity to ferritin superfamily proteins. MDP1 prevented the Fenton reaction and protects DNA by the ferroxidase activity. The Km values of the ferroxidase activity by MDP1 of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG-3007c), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Rv2986c), and Mycobacterium leprae (ML1683; ML-LBP) were 0.292, 0.252, and 0.129 mM, respectively. Furthermore, one MDP1 molecule directly captured 81.4±19.1 iron atoms, suggesting the role of this protein in iron storage. This study describes for the first time a ferroxidase-iron storage protein outside of the ferritin superfamily proteins and the protective role of this bacterial protein from DNA damage

    A Combination of Flow Cytometry and Traditional Screening Using Chemicals to Isolate High Glutathione-Producing Yeast Mutants

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    Chronic Haemolytic Anemia and Splenomegaly in a Patient with an Isolated Adrenocorticotropin Deficiency

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    Herein we describe a case of a 56-years old patient presented with general malaise, anorexia and progressive weight loss for about 5years associated recently with diarrhoea and repeated syncopal attacks for 1month. On admission, he had splenomegaly and his laboratory studies showed macrocytic hyperchromic haemolytic anemia [Hb = 9.4g/dl] and a significant hyponatremia [Na + = 111mmol/l]. Endocrinological evaluation revealed an isolated adrenocorticotropin deficiency (IAD) with a manifest hypoaldosteronism. On treatment with cortisone, both anemia and hyponatremia (but not splenomegaly) were markedly improved. Our case may represent an evidence for the pathogenesis of erythropoietic dysfunction in patients of adrenocortical insufficiency


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    Outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by public location in the public-access defibrillation era.

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    Yukiko Murakami, Taku Iwami, Tetsuhisa Kitamura, Chika Nishiyama, Tatsuya Nishiuchi, Yasuyuki Hayashi, Takashi Kawamura, and the Utstein Osaka Project. Outcomes of Out‐of‐Hospital Cardiac Arrest by Public Location in the Public‐Access Defibrillation Era. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2014; 3