549 research outputs found

    An investigation into the positive effect of an educated wife on her husband’s earnings: the case of Japan in the period between 2000 and 2003.

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    We analyze the effect of a wife’s human capital on her husband’s earnings, using individual-level data for Japan in the period 2000–2003. We find a positive association between a wife’s education and her husband’s earnings, which can be attributed to the assortative mating effect as well as the positive effect of an educated wife on her husband’s productivity. We divide the sample into those couples with non-working wives and those with working wives, and also employ an estimation strategy proposed by Jepsen (2005), attempting to control for the assortative mating effect. Our regression analysis provides suggestive evidence that educated wives increase their husbands’ productivity and earnings only when they are non-workers and have sufficient time to support their husbands.earnings, human capital, marriage, the family, assortative mating, cross-productivity effect within marriage.

    Human Capital Accumulation through Interaction between a Married Couple: Comparison between a Housewife and a Working Wife

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    Japanese household-level data describing a husband's earnings, his wife's working status, and their schooling levels are used to test the implications of a model proposing a time-consuming process of human capital accumulation within marriages, in which an educated wife is more productive. The empirical results support the model’s predictions: in particular (i) a housewife's schooling has a greater positive effect on her husband's earnings than a working wife’s schooling does; and (ii) the effect of a housewife's schooling increases with the length of marriage, whereas the effect of a working wife’s schooling does not change over the course of marriage.Human Capital, Married Couple,Housewife, Working Wife

    The Relationship Between the Effects of a Wife’s Education on her Husband’s Earnings and her Labor Participation: Japan in the period 2000 -2003

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    In this paper, we explore the relationship between the influence of wives’ human capital on their husbands’ earnings and their labor participation using individual level data for Japan in the period 2000–2003. We found that a wife’s human capital has a positive effect on her husband’s earnings regardless of her work status when the entire sample is used. Furthermore, we focused on couples with an age difference exceeding five years to remove the assortative mating effect. By using this subsample, the positive effect of a wife’s education is observed when a wife is a non-worker, that is she does not work outside the home, but disappears in those who are workers, that is they work outside the home. This suggests that a wife’s labor participation drastically reduces the positive effect of her human capital on her husband’s earnings after controlling for the assortative mating effect. It follows from this that an educated housewife improves her husband’s productivity, consequently increasing his earnings, whereas a working wife appears to not have enough time to do so. These findings are consistent with implications drawn from the situation in the United States (Jepsen 2005).Wife’s education, husband’s earnings, human capital

    Effects of Husband’s Education and Family Structure on Labor Force Participation and Married Japanese Women’s Earnings

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    This paper investigates the effects of a husband’s education, family structure, co-residence with parents or in-laws, and childcare, on labor supply and earnings among married Japanese women between 2000 and 2002. Whereas educated husbands reduce the labor supply of wives, they tend to improve productivity and earnings of the wives once they participate in the labor market. Moreover, our analysis provides evidence of specific division of labor within a household, through which a wife’s mother or mother-in-law helps her participate in the labor market, while her father or father-in-law does not affect her labor participation. ( 95 words)Labor force participation, Women's earnings, Education

    Overview of Forests in Washington State

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    北米大陸を代表する森林地域であるワシントン州の森林の現状と利用の動向とを林業経営の観点から調査した結果を報告する。資料の多くは大学,州天然資源局,アメリカ林野庁等の出版物に基礎を置いているが,現地踏査および林業関係者との討論を通じて得た著者の視点で本論は構成されている。なお,これはワシントン大学における在外研究の一部であり,調査実施,原稿校閲についてProf.Dr.G.F,Schreuderから専門的な助言を受けた。本論は次のような構成になっている。(1)地理・地形・気象をとりあげワシントン州の森林の自然立地を明らかにした。太平洋に接した多雨温暖な州の西側は樹木の生育に絶好の立地を備えている。しかし,カスケード山脈を境にして州の東側には極端な乾燥地帯が広がり森林の生存には厳しく著しく対照的である。(2)森林区分・分布を明らかにした。マクロな植生区分ではこの州は北米大陸の中で太平洋森林帯および内陸砂漠・かん木帯に属しておりカスケード山脈を中心にして,西側にはDouglas fir,western redcedar,western hemlockを主要樹種とする高木針葉樹林が広く分布し,乾燥する東側では疎なponderosa pine林と広葉樹かん木林とが散在する。(3)森林の所有形態は国・公有が60%を占めるが連邦政府林野庁,国立公園局,内務省(インディアン局・土地管理局)およびワシントン州天然資源局に分れて異なった目的で経営されている。私有林の半分は製材工場をも備えた大林業会社:でもっぱら木材生産のために経営されている。森林が経営林と非経営林に明らかに区:分されているのが特微で所有形態・経営目的に合せて人工林割合とその林齢構成に著しい相異が見られる。(4)育林と生長をとりあげ基本的な施業タイプとそれに見合う生長予測とを調べた。施業の集約度により収穫量は大幅に異なり,育林投資と木材生産との経済性に強い関心が向けられている。(5)森林の利用・経営については19世紀の土地開拓・森林開墾時代,1890~1960年代の木材生産時代,1960年代以降の多目的利用という歴史的な変遷に要約される。その流れの中で多目的な森林の利用のための経営の理念と社会的な価値観とが生じて来た。同時に保続収穫の考え方が明らかになってきた。(6)森林計画制度として,国・公有林では国家計画,地域計画そして単位国有林計画の相互調整が行われると同時に,単位国有林ごとに施業計画と環境影響評価について幾つかの代替案が提示され,森林の公共的役割に対する地元住民および広く国民の意向を計画に反映させることが制度化されている。(7)木材収穫予測の試算から今後30年間は現在の水準の木材供給の能力があるが,施業の集約度しだいで森林資源量の将来水準は大きく変化する。(8)この州の森林の持つ社会的機能については野外レクリエーショソ,水保全,魚・野生動物管理,牧草供給,鉱山,原生自然保存の役割が大きく経営の重点が置かれている。この州の森林の経済効用として木材生産が漸減するのに対し,レクリエーショソおよび河川の魚資源(サケ)の比重が高まり,ワシントン州における産業,就労の場として大きな比重を保ち続ける。Article信州大学農学部紀要 23(2): 111-134(1986)departmental bulletin pape

    Notes on the Normalities of Standard Solutions

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    On the Adsorption of Strong Electrolytes

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    How can micro and small enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa become more productive? the impacts of experimental basic managerial training

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    The vast majority of micro and small enterprises in developing countries are located in industrial clusters, and the majority of such clusters have yet to see their growth take off. The performance of micro and small enterprise clusters is especially low in Sub-Saharan Africa. While existing studies often attribute the poor performance to factors outside firms, problems within firms are seldom scrutinized. Entrepreneurs in these clusters are unfamiliar with standard business practices. Based on a randomized experiment in Ghana, this study demonstrates that basic-level management training improves business practices and performance, although the extent of improvement varies considerably among entrepreneurs.Labor Policies,Primary Education,Access&Equity in Basic Education,Education For All,E-Business

    Split luciferase complementation assay to study protein-protein interactions in Arabidopsis protoplasts

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    We developed a split luciferase complementation assay to study protein-protein interactions in Arabidopsis protoplasts. In this assay, the N- and C-terminal fragments of Renilla reniforms luciferase are translationally fused to bait and prey proteins, respectively. When the proteins interact, split luciferase becomes activated and emits luminescence that can be measured by a microplate luminometer. Split luciferase activity was measured by first transforming protoplasts with a DNA vector in a 96-well plate. DNA vector expressing both bait and prey genes was constructed through two independent in vitro DNA recombinant reactions, Gateway and Cre-loxP. As proof of concept, we detected the protein-protein interactions between the nuclear histones 2A and 2B, as well as between membrane proteins SYP (syntaxin of plant) 51 and SYP61, in Arabidopsis protoplasts. © 2007 The Authors