533 research outputs found

    A Particle Simulation for the Pulsar Magnetosphere: Relationship of Polar Cap, Slot Gap, and Outer Gap

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    To explain the pulsed emission of the rotation powered pulsars from radio to gamma-ray, the polar cap models, the slot gap models, and the outer gap models are proposed. The recent observations suggest that these models are likely to co-exist in the same magnetosphere. If so, their mutual relation is known to be troublesome (Harding 2009) due to the boundary conditions and the direction of the current which are properly assumed in each acceleration models. We performed a particle simulation for the global magnetospheric structure. Based on the simulation, we present a new picture of the global structure of the pulsar magnetosphere. It is found that a new dead zone is formed along the current neutral line which separates the oppositely directed current. We shall call this the current- neutral zone. We suggest that the polar cap accelerators and the slot gaps locate above the current-neutral zone, and the outer gap exist between the current neutral zone and the traditional dead zone. We also give an estimate of the super-rotation region.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in PAS

    Kinetic analysis of fingers during fastball and curveball pitches

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    This study aims to reveal the function of fingers during fastball (FB) and curveball (CB) pitches of a male adult who had played university baseball pitcher by conducting kinetic analysis on throwing motion with a link-segment model including finger segment. There was no apparent difference in the timing of peak finger joint angle between FB and CB pitches. Peak finger adduction toque in CB pitch occurred just More ball release. In addition, there was an apparent difference more than 30 ms in the timing of peak finger flexion and abduction toque between FB and CB pitches. Previous comparisons of kinematic data for shoulder and elbow revealed similarities between FB and CB pitches. These results suggest that skilled pitcher may minimize visible distinguishing characteristics among pitches and generate different amounts of ball spin at release among pitches adjusting the timing of peak finger torque

    Ocular surface ectoderm instigated by WNT inhibition and BMP4

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    We sought to elucidate how and when the ocular surface ectoderm commits to its differentiation into the corneal epithelium in eye development from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) under the influence of WNT signaling and the actions of BMP4. These signals are key drivers ocular surface ectodermal cell fate determination. It was discovered that secreted frizzled related protein-2 (SFRP2) and Dickkopf1 (DKK1), which are expressed in neural ectoderm, are both influential in the differentiation of hiPSCs, where they act as canonical WNT antagonists. BMP4, moreover, was found to simultaneously initiate non-neural ectodermal differentiation into a corneal epithelial lineage. Combined treatment of hiPSCs with exogenous BMP4 aligned to WNT inhibition for the initial four days of differentiation increased the ocular surface ectodermal cell population and induced a corneal epithelial phenotype. Specification of a surface ectodermal lineage and its fate is thus determined by a fine balance of BMP4 exposure and WNT inhibition in the very earliest stages of human eye development

    Leukemia autopsies in Japan

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    For the purpose to know whether the annual increase of leukemia incidence in Japan is due to some leukemogenic factors or due to the increased detection rate, the authors made some statistical survey of autopsy cases in which the diagnosis is reliable and not any type of leukemias escape the detection. The results showed that acute leukemias, which are found mostly in younger age, is actually increasing. In addition, it has been deduced that among the suspected factors the increase in ionizing radiation will be one of the most probable factors for the increase in leukemia incidence</p

    Does reticulocyte synthesize RNA ?

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    As has been well established, reticulocytes (RC) synthesize the species specific protein, globin, actively for about 24 hours or more till the time of their complete maturation1,2,3. This will be possible only in the presence of messenger RNA (m-RNA)4,5. Since the splendid hypothesis of m-RNA proposed by JACOB and MONOD6 for explaining the mechanism of the transfer of genetic information from nucleus to cytoplasm, it has largely been accepted through the numerous observations that followed7,8,9,10. However, the m-RNA hypothesis, which has been deduced by observing the protein synthesis in E. Coli, includes the meaning of labile RNA which is incessantly decomposed and newly synthesized to compensate the rapid degradation. As m-RNA cannot be synthesized in RC which have no detectable DNA, it has been supposed that the m-RNA of RC should be considerably stablell,12,13. Even in the denucleated cells, however, the RNA synthesis might be possible because Borsook reported the positive RNA synthesis of RC14, and this result has recently been reconfirmed by BURNY15.</p

    認知症高齢者に対するイメージと認知症についての知識 : 短期大学女子学生と女性介護職員の比較

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    The purpose of this study are (l) to compare the mental images of the demented elderly held by female care workers and female college students, and (2) to examine the relationship between their images and their knowledge about the demented elderly. Nineteen pairs of adjectives were presented to 128 female subjects (84 college students and 44 care workers). The mean age of the college students was 18.5 years old, and the mean age of the care workers was 41.9 years old. The results showed that care workers have more accurate knowledge about demented elderly than junior college students. Moreover, the results also showed that the images of the demented elderly held by the care workers are significantly more positive than that of the junior college students

    共感特性と他者の心理状態把握との関連 : 短期大学生を対象として

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between empathy and understanding psychological characteristics of a junior high school student as seen by junior college students. For this purpose, subjects (94 junior college students, mean age=18.7) were asked to read a case report of a 12 years old boy and to assess his mental state by two psychological inventories (Children\u27s Depression Inventory and Harter\u27s Self-Perception Profile) putting themselves in his place. And the multidimensional scale of empathy was administered to the subjects. The multidimensional scale of empathy consists of four subscales, i. e. perspective-taking, fantasy, empathic concern, and personal distress. Results showed that there was positive correlation between perspective-taking and athletic competence (one of the subscales of the HSPP) but other relations between the multidimensional scale of empathy and CDI, HSPP were negative correlation. Results indicated that personal distress is different from other subscales of the multidimensional scale of empathy. It was discussed mainly from the validity of multidimensional scale of empathy


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    The purposes of this study are 1. to compare the mental image of female junior college students toward the elderly and that of the demented elderly, 2. to examine the relationship between their image of the elderly and their knowledge about the elderly, and 3. to examine the relationship between their image of the demented elderly and their knowledge about the demented elderly. 20 pairs of adjectives were presented to 76 subjects. The results of the investigation showed that the subjects\u27 images of the demented elderly were significantly more negative than their images of the elderly. The date suggested that some of the adjectives scored about the elderly were found to have significant association with their knowledge of the elderly. The date also suggested the same pattern for the demented elderly. It was implied that the subjects\u27 knowledge of the elderly was related to their positive attitude toward the elderly