189 research outputs found

    High Time-Resolution Monitoring of Free-Tropospheric Sulfur Dioxide and Nitric Acid at the Summit of Mt. Fuji, Japan

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    This is the first paper that describes the atmospheric sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitric acid (HNO3) monitored with a good time-resolution at the summit (3,776 m a.s.l.), which is located in the free troposphere, and southeastern foot (1,284 m a.s.l.) of Mt. Fuji. Japan. During the summer of 2012, two analytical systems consisting mainly of a parallel-plate wet denuder and ion chromatograph operated simultaneously at both the sampling sites. All the samples collected at both the sampling sites contained detectable levels of sulfate from gas-phase SO2 while the nitrate from gas-phase HNO3 was detectable in 97.8% of air samples at the southeastern foot and 88.4% at the summit. The average concentrations of SO2 and HNO3 were, respectively, 0.061 ± 0.071 and 0.031 ± 0.020 ppbv at the summit (n = 672), and 0.347 ± 0.425 and 0.146 ± 0.070 ppbv at the southeastern foot (n = 1344) of Mt. Fuji. Both the acidic gases at the southeastern foot and the HNO3 at the summit showed a diurnal pattern with daytime maxima and nighttime minima. Meanwhile, the SO2 at the summit did not show a distinct shift, which indicates the SO2 concentrations at the summit would be principally controlled by the advection of air parcel in the free troposphere

    Femtoscopic study of coupled-channel baryon-baryon interactions with S=2S=-2

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    Particles and Nuclei International Conference - PANIC2021, 5 - 10 September, 2021, OnlineThe correlation functions of pΞ− and ΛΛ pairs from pp and pA collisions are studied in the coupled-channel framework using the NΞ-ΛΛ coupled-channel baryon-baryon potentials obtained in the lattice QCD calculation at almost physical quark masses. The pΞ− correlation function is calculated to be significantly enhanced from the pure Coulomb case, while the ΛΛ correlation function is slightly enhanced from that of the pure fermion quantum statistics. These features reflect the large and small scattering lengths in the pΞ− and ΛΛ channels in magnitude, and agree with the observed data by the ALICE collaboration. The agreement confirms the S = −2 baryon-baryon potentials from lattice QCD


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    日本教育社会学会第59回大会, 2007年9月(茨城大学), Ⅱ-7部会 大学評

    Prediction Models for BMI and NAFLD

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is closely associated with obesity. Disulfide bond‐forming oxidoreductase A‐like protein (DsbA‐L) is known to be a key molecule in protection against obesity and obesity‐induced inflammation. In the present study, we used a modeling and simulation approach in an attempt to develop body mass index (BMI) and BMI‐based NAFLD prediction models incorporating the DsbA‐L polymorphism to predict the BMI and NAFLD in 341 elderly subjects. A nonlinear mixed‐effect model best represented the sigmoidal relationship between the BMI and the logit function of the probability of NAFLD prevalence. The final models for BMI and NAFLD showed that DsbA‐L rs1917760 polymorphism, age, and gender were associated with the BMI, whereas gender, patatin‐like phospholipase 3 rs738409 polymorphism, HbA1c, and high‐density and low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were associated with the risk of NAFLD. This information may aid in the genetic‐based prevention of obesity and NAFLD in the general elderly population