632 research outputs found

    Chemical kinetics and modeling of planetary atmospheres

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    A unified overview is presented for chemical kinetics and chemical modeling in planetary atmospheres. The recent major advances in the understanding of the chemistry of the terrestrial atmosphere make the study of planets more interesting and relevant. A deeper understanding suggests that the important chemical cycles have a universal character that connects the different planets and ultimately link together the origin and evolution of the solar system. The completeness (or incompleteness) of the data base for chemical kinetics in planetary atmospheres will always be judged by comparison with that for the terrestrial atmosphere. In the latter case, the chemistry of H, O, N, and Cl species is well understood. S chemistry is poorly understood. In the atmospheres of Jovian planets and Titan, the C-H chemistry of simple species (containing 2 or less C atoms) is fairly well understood. The chemistry of higher hydrocarbons and the C-N, P-N chemistry is much less understood. In the atmosphere of Venus, the dominant chemistry is that of chlorine and sulfur, and very little is known about C1-S coupled chemistry. A new frontier for chemical kinetics both in the Earth and planetary atmospheres is the study of heterogeneous reactions. The formation of the ozone hole on Earth, the ubiquitous photochemical haze on Venus and in the Jovian planets and Titan all testify to the importance of heterogeneous reactions. It remains a challenge to connect the gas phase chemistry to the production of aerosols

    Photochemical production of H2SO4 aerosols on Venus

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    The quantum yields for producing O2(a (1 delta g)) and O2(b(1 sigma g +)) for the reaction, O + ClO yields Cl + O2, are summarized. Also included are results for other simple reactions capable of producing the singlet oxygen states. An episodic injection of SO2 into the upper atmosphere of Venus is considered as a possible explanation for the airglow values

    Photochemical and thermal modeling in the early atmosphere of the earth

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    The simplest carbon compounds, present in the terrestrial and planetary atmospheres, exhibit a wide range of oxidation states, carbon dioxide and methane being the most oxidized and the most reduced form of carbon, respectively. The question arises as to the origin and the interconversion among the carbon species. The chemical pathways for the conversion of CH4 to CO and CO2 are for the most part known. The reverse process, the reduction of CO to CH4 is however, poorly understood. A new reaction is proposed, H2CO + H + M yields CH3O + M, which might play a fundamental role in the reduction of CO or CH4. An update is presented of nitrile photochemistry on Titan

    Attractor Landscapes and Information Processing by Convective Obstacle Flows

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    We present recent results concerning the attractor landscape, memory, hysteresis and computation that can emerge in simple convective obstacle flows. In these systems a single phase fluid is heated from below and cooled from above. Small obstacles (one or two) are placed on the horizontal mid plane of the system and extract some fraction of the fluidā€™s horizontal or vertical momentum. Horizontal momentum sinks tend to attract convection plumes. Vertical momentum sinks are bistable; the obstacle will either align with a convection cell centre or convection plume depending on initial conditions and the history of the system. The resulting attractor landscape can be exploited to produce a single bit memory or even elementary Boolean logic

    Surface Mapping of Earth-like Exoplanets using Single Point Light Curves

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    Spatially resolving exoplanet features from single-point observations is essential for evaluating the potential habitability of exoplanets. The ultimate goal of this protocol is to determine whether these planetary worlds harbor geological features and/or climate systems. We present a method of extracting information from multi-wavelength single-point light curves and retrieving surface maps. It uses singular value decomposition (SVD) to separate sources that contribute to light curve variations and infer the existence of partially cloudy climate systems. Through analysis of the time series obtained from SVD, physical attributions of principal components (PCs) could be inferred without assumptions of any spectral properties. Combining with viewing geometry, it is feasible to reconstruct surface maps if one of the PCs are found to contain surface information. Degeneracy originated from convolution of the pixel geometry and spectrum information determines the quality of reconstructed surface maps, which requires the introduction of regularization. For the purpose of demonstrating the protocol, multi-wavelength light curves of Earth, which serves as a proxy exoplanet, are analyzed. Comparison between the results and the ground truth is presented to show the performance and limitation of the protocol. This work provides a benchmark for future generalization of exoplanet applications

    Effects of Atmospheric Absorption of Incoming Radiation on the Radiation Limit of the Troposphere: Reply

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    In response to a comment on their previous note about the Voigt line profile, here the authors clarify relevant statements and numeric algorithms in the original note

    A new astrobiological model of the atmosphere of Titan

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    We present results of an investigation into the formation of nitrogen-bearing molecules in the atmosphere of Titan. We extend a previous model (Li et al. 2015, 2016) to cover the region below the tropopause, so the new model treats the atmosphere from Titan's surface to an altitude of 1500 km. We consider the effects of condensation and sublimation using a continuous, numerically stable method. This is coupled with parameterized treatments of the sedimentation of the aerosols and their condensates, and the formation of haze particles. These processes affect the abundances of heavier species such as the nitrogen-bearing molecules, but have less effect on the abundances of lighter molecules. Removal of molecules to form aerosols also plays a role in determining the mixing ratios, in particular of HNC, HC3N and HCN. We find good agreement with the recently detected mixing ratios of C2H5CN, with condensation playing an important role in determining the abundance of this molecule below 500 km. Of particular interest is the chemistry of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN) which has been suggested by Stevenson et al. (2015) as a molecule that could form biological membranes in an oxygen-deficient environment. With the inclusion of haze formation we find good agreement of our model predictions of acrylonitrile with the available observations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by Ap

    Origin and evolution of planetary atmospheres

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    Spacecraft and groundbased observations of the atmospheres of solar system objects have provided a definition of their present characteristics and have yielded clues about their past history. Table 1 presents a summary of our current knowledge of the atmospheric properties of all the planets, except Pluto, and several satellites. The masses of these atmospheres range from the very miniscule values for the Moon, Mercury, and Io, to the more substantial values for the Earth, Venus, Mars, and Titan, to the very large values for the giant planets, where the atmosphere constitutes a significant fraction of the total planetary mass. The compositions of these atmospheres encompass ones dominated by rare gases (the Moon and Mercury), ones containing highly oxidized compounds of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur (the outer three terrestrial planets and Io), and ones with highly reduced gases (Titan and the giant planets). What factors account for this enormous diversity in properties

    Helium Atmospheres on Warm Neptune- and Sub-Neptune-Sized Exoplanets and Applications to GJ 436 b

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    Warm Neptune- and sub-Neptune-sized exoplanets in orbits smaller than Mercury's are thought to have experienced extensive atmospheric evolution. Here we propose that a potential outcome of this atmospheric evolution is the formation of helium-dominated atmospheres. The hydrodynamic escape rates of Neptune- and sub-Neptune-sized exoplanets are comparable to the diffusion-limited escape rate of hydrogen, and therefore the escape is heavily affected by diffusive separation between hydrogen and helium. A helium atmosphere can thus be formed -- from a primordial hydrogen-helium atmosphere -- via atmospheric hydrodynamic escape from the planet. The helium atmosphere has very different abundances of major carbon and oxygen species from those of a hydrogen atmosphere, leading to distinctive transmission and thermal emission spectral features. In particular, the hypothesis of a helium-dominated atmosphere can explain the thermal emission spectrum of GJ 436 b, a warm Neptune-sized exoplanet, while also consistent with the transmission spectrum. This model atmosphere contains trace amounts of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, with the predominance of CO over CH4 as the main form of carbon. With our atmospheric evolution model, we find that if the mass of the initial atmosphere envelope is 1E-3 planetary mass, hydrodynamic escape can reduce the hydrogen abundance in the atmosphere by several orders of magnitude in ~10 billion years. Observations of exoplanet transits may thus detect signatures of helium atmospheres and probe the evolutionary history of small exoplanets.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Elastic collision in one dimension viewed as a linear transformation

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    The solution for a two-body elastic collision in one dimension is well known. Let u_1, u_2 be the initial velocities and Ī½_1, Ī½_2 be the velocities after collision, where the indices 1 and 2 refer to the particle with mass m_1 and m_2, respectively. The final velocities can be solved in terms of the initial velocities
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