68 research outputs found

    The moments evidence in criminal procedural law

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    No processo penal, a valoração da prova é um direito no qual as partes se utilizam para que suas teses defensivas e contrapostas sejam devidamente apreciadas pelo juiz e este, por sua vez, decidirá. Destarte, os momentos probatórios no processo penal têm suma importância para que se tenha um norte traçado e trilhos a serem seguidos ao longo de toda busca e produção de provas. Por essa razão, o presente estudo tem o fito de demonstrar passo a passo esse caminho probatório tão essencial.In criminal proceedings, evidence rules consist in a right by which the parties use their theses opposing defensive and are duly appreciated by the judge and this, in turn, will decide. Thus, evidence in criminal proceedings have paramount importance in order to have a direction and trails to be followed throughout the entire search and evidence. Therefore, the present study has the aim of demonstrating this procedure step by step

    The risk of proportionality in illegal evidences in criminal procedure

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    Trata-se de um estudo com o fito de trazer à tona a discussão acerca do risco da aplicação da proporcionalidade quanto às provas ilícitas no processo penal. Desse modo, a prova, sua importância e a busca da verdade real serão objetos de análise. Explicar-se-á, posteriormente, a proporcionalidade para então adentrar no campo da prova ilícita no processo penal e, assim, correlacionando-os. Por derradeiro, serão expostas críticas sobre os possíveis riscos em aplicar a proporcionalidade em relação às provas ilícitas ferindo o Estado Democrático de Direito, a presunção de inocência e os direitos fundamentais.The aim of this essay is to promote a discussion about the risk of proportionality relative the prohibited evidences in criminal procedure. Thereby, evidence, its importance and the search of the real truth will be objects of analysis, as well as use of proportionality in the domain of illegal evidence in criminal procedure. Finally, it will be exposed reviews about possible risks in the use of proportionality concerning illegal evidences in the Democratic State of Law, the presumption of innocence and fundamental rights

    The Representative Democracy in Brazil

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    The paper is a study based in the History of Brazil, and intends to investigate the evolution of the representative democracy in our country, as well as analyses the crisis of the political parties that, today, in the very Century XXI, do not go beyond mere acronyms, what was proved in the last elections of 2006. It is clear, then, that they do not support an ideology, but just interests of a minority, if not their own, in spite of the will of the coletivity. Concluding, it was included in this research the demonstration of a people in their contention about the collapse of the representative democracy, when we see now the society willing the nule vote, clearly contradicting the fiercely aimed popular vote, in the move called “Diretas-Já” [Directs Now].Trata-se de um estudo baseado na História do Brasil para uma análise da evolução da democracia representativa no País tupiniquim, bem como um exame crítico sobre a crise dos partidos políticos que, hoje, em pleno século XXI, não passam de meras siglas como foi comprovado nas eleições de 2006. Percebe-se, assim, que não defendem uma ideologia, apenas interesses de uma minoria, se não próprios, em detrimento de uma coletividade. Por derradeiro, inclui-se nessa pesquisa a demonstração do povo em sua discórdia quanto ao colapso da democracia representativa, quando vivenciamos a manifestação pelo voto nulo contradizendo claramente o princípio almejado ferozmente no marcante movimento “Diretas-Já”, o voto popular

    Law, Morals and Religion

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    Trata-se de uma pesquisa que se inicia nos conceitos do Direito, como normas postas a fim de conduzir uma sociedade, da Moral, como normas internas psicológicas para a própria conduta do indivíduo, e da Religião, como explicação de muitos fenômenos desconhecidos ou até mesmo caminhos a serem trilhados, a fim de se chegar ao ponto que tais definições se tocam, ou até mesmo ao ponto que se unem como uma unidade. Para isso, será feita um estudo à luz da análise dos pensadores jurídicos, filosóficos e teológicos que tentaram exaustivamente chegar a um consenso único, mas incerto. E ainda, será examinado o direito muçulmano para demonstrar tamanha influência da religião em suas morais, seja na família, seja nas relações comerciais, bem como na elaboração do direito, como forma de conduta do povo islâmico.This text is about a research that starts with the concepts of Law, as a posed norms to lead a society; morals, as internal and psychological norms to the self conduct of individuals; religion, as an explanation of a lot of unknown events or even ways to go ahead, to reach the point that these definitions interrelate, or even to the point that constitute an unity. For this purpose, a study was made according to legal, philosophic and theological thinkers that exhaustively tried to reach to a unique, but uncertain consensus. Furthermore, Muslim Law was analyzed to demonstrate the great influence of religion in morals, family and commercial relations, as well as in the creation of Law as a way of conduct of the Islamic people

    Legal Anthropology

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a evolução do homem, um “animal político” segundo definição de Aristóteles, desde seu período primitivo e solitário até a formação das grandes civilizações chegando em seu grau máximo de organização social, o Estado. Além disso, poderemos nos aprofundar, após definir a finalidade do Estado, sobre questões como sua real efetividade, para com sua população, quando surgem os Estados Paralelos e ainda questionar a necessidade de um Estado para conduzir uma civilização sendo que ainda existem povos sem tal aparato de organização social.The aim of this research is an analysis of the men´s evolution, a “political animal”, according to Aristoteles, since their solitary and primitive period to the formation of the largest civilizations, reaching their maximum grade of social organization, the State. Moreover, after defining the finality of State, we go deep on questions like the real efectivity of State for the population when appear the Parallel States and yet to question the necessity of a State to lead a civilization, although there are peoples without the support of social organization

    Visible Blood Flow in a Case of Rubeosis Iridis

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    A 72-year-old Japanese woman presented to our hospital with decreased vision. At the initial visit, her best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and intraocular pressure (IOP) in her right eye (OD) were 0.02 and 36 mm Hg, respectively. By slit lamp examination, rubeosis iridis was observed on the iris surface. With higher magnification observation, movement of clustered RBCs were clearly observed; the blood drained into episcleral vessels that were connected with the main trunk of rubeosis iridis. She was diagnosed with the neovascular glaucoma secondary to central retinal vein occlusion OD. She underwent panretinal photocoagulation, intravitreal injection of aflibercept, and Ahmed Glaucoma Valve implantation. At 2 weeks postoperatively, the BCVA and IOP OD were 0.2 and 7 mm Hg, respectively; rubeosis iridis was partially regressed and movement of RBCs was not observed. Acquisition of directional flow by the connection of the main trunk of neovessels with the episcleral vessels and reduction of flow speed by the high IOP could explain the reason for visible blood flow in our case

    A Note on T-duality of Strings in Plane-Wave Backgrounds

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    We show, by direct computations of bosonic string spectra, the O(d,d;Z) (d=1,2) T-duality in the maximally supersymmetric IIB plane-wave background compactified on S^1 and T^2. Only half of the ordinary set of zero modes appear in the Hamiltonian. This "half" Narain lattice is proved to be stabilized by the T-duality group.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX. Discussion on the level-matching condition included. Version to appear in Physics Letters

    Boundary States for the Rolling D-branes in NS5 Background

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    In this paper we construct the time dependent boundary states describing the ``rolling D-brane solutions'' in the NS5 background discovered recently by Kutasov by means of the classical DBI analysis. We first survey some aspects of non-compact branes in the NS5 background based on known boundary states in the N=2 Liouville theory. We consider two types of non-compact branes, one of which is BPS and the other is non-BPS but stable. Then we clarify how to Wick-rotate the non-BPS one appropriately. We show that the Wick-rotated boundary state realizes the correct trajectory of rolling D-brane in the classical limit, and leads to well behaved spectral densities of open strings due to the existence of non-trivial damping factors of energy. We further study the cylinder amplitudes and the emission rates of massive closed string modes.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, v2: typos corrected, reference added, v3: emission rates of closed strings correcte

    カハンガタ カンキョウ シリョウ チュウ ジュウキンゾク ノウド ブンセキケイ ノ コウキノウカ : セレン (IV) ノ マイクロカラム チャクショク ニ モトズク モクシ ケイコウ テイリョウホウ

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    A visible colorimetric sensing device for determination of selenium(VI) is proposed. This method is simply measuring the fluorinated coloration length of a microcolumn to determination Se(IV). The extension of the length of color band was generated by accumulation of a fluorescence reactant (Se-DAN) between Se(VI) and diaminonaphtalene (DAN) on an adsorbent in a micorcolomn. Modification with β-cyclodextrin on octadecyl functional groups (C18)-modified beads as adsorbent of Se-DAN enhanced the florescence. A detection limit of 30 μg L-1 for Se with a linear range up to 150 μg L-1 was obtained. The determination scheme was successfully applied to the analysis of a sample of tap water

    Superstring Vacua of 4-dimensional PP-Waves with Enhanced Supersymmetry

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    We study the superstring vacua constructed from the conformal field theories of the type H_4 x M, where H_4 denotes the super Nappi-Witten model (super WZW model on the 4-dimensional Heisenberg group H_4) and M denotes an arbitrary N=2 rational superconformal field theory with c=9. We define (type II) superstring vacua with 8 supercharges, which are twice as many as those on the backgrounds of H_4 x CY_3. We explicitly construct as physical vertices the space-time SUSY algebra that is a natural extension of H_4 Lie algebra. The spectrum of physical states is classified into two sectors: (1) strings freely propagating along the transverse plane of pp-wave geometry and possessing the integral U(1)_R-charges in M sector, and (2) strings that do not freely propagate along the transverse plane and possess the fractional U(1)_R-charges in M. The former behaves like the string excitations in the usual Calabi-Yau compactification, but the latter defines new sectors without changing the physics in ``bulk'' space. We also analyze the thermal partition functions of these systems, emphasizing the similarity to the DLCQ string theory. As a byproduct we prove the supersymmetric cancellation of conformal blocks in an arbitrary unitary N=2 SCFT of c=12 with the suitable GSO projection.Comment: 37 pages, no figures, v2: typo corrected, references added, v3: minor change