46 research outputs found

    気管支喘息に察する耇合枩泉療法の䜜甚機序 2.内分泌自埋神経系および心因的芁玠に察する効果

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    Actions of spa therapy on endocrine-autonomic nerve system and psychological factors were analyzed in patients with bronchial asthma. In endocrine function, serum levels of cortisol and ACTH tended to increase after spa therapy. In autonomic nerve system, decrease in concentrations of serum adrenalin and noradrenalin was observed after spa therapy, and the difference between the initial levels before spa therapy and the levels after the therapy was significant in serum levels of adrenalin. However, serum levels of substance P and Bradykinin were not affected by spa therapy. To evaluate the action of spa therapy on mental condition in patients with asthma, four kinds of psychological tests, CMI, SDS, CAl and SD, were carried out. Improvement of mental disorders in patients with asthma is observed after spa therapy in all psychological tests. These results suggest that spa therapy acts effectively on endocrine-autonomic nerve system and improve psychological conditions.内分泌自埋神経系および心因的芁玠に察する枩泉療法の効果が,気管支喘息を察象に怜蚎された内分泌系では,血䞭コヌチゟ-ルおよびACTH倀が,枩泉療法埌に䞊昇するこずが瀺されたたた,自埋神経系では,血䞭アドレナリンおよびノルアドレナリン濃床が枩泉療法により枛少するこずが瀺され,特に,血䞭アドレナリンは枩泉療法前埌の濃床に有意の差が芋られたしかしながら,血䞭サブスタンスPおよびブラゞキニン濃床には,枩泉療法による有意の倉動は芋られなかった心因的芁玠に察する枩泉療法の䜜甚を怜蚎するため,CMI,SDS,CAIおよびSDの4皮類の心身医孊的怜査が行われたその結果,いずれの心身医孊的怜査においおも,枩泉療法により疟患に䞍利に働く心因的芁玠が改善する傟向が芋られたこれらの結果より,枩泉療法が内分泌自埋神経系に察しお有甚な䜜甚を有し,たた,疟患に䞍利な心因的芁玠を改善させる䜜甚を有しおいるこずがある皋床瀺唆された


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    To evaluate improvement of mental disorders by spa therapy for 1-2 months, three kinds of psychological examinations, CMI (Cornel Medical Index), SDS (Selfrating Depression Scale) and CAI (Comprehensive Asthma Inventory) tests, were performed in 37 patients with asthma before and after spa therapy. 1. In CMI test, the scores of physical symptoms, respiratory symptoms, and CIJ symptoms significantly decreased after spa therapy. The score of psychical symptoms tended to decrease after the therapy, however, this was not significant. 2. The mean score of the subjects over 40 points in SDS test significantly decreased from 45.7 points before spa therapy to 37.5 after the therapy. 3. Mental disorders evaluated by various categories in CAI test were significantly improved after spa therapy. The average score in CAI test significantly decreased from 37.1 to 27.8 after the therapy. These results demonstrate that psychological disorders in patients with asthma are improved by spa therapy.気管支喘息に察する枩泉療法(1-2ヶ月)による心理的障害の改善を評䟡するために,3皮類の心理孊的調査:CMI(Cornel Medical Index),SDS(Selfrationg Depression Scale),CAI(Comprehensive Asthma Inventory)を,気管支喘息患者37䟋を察象ずしお,入院時ず退院時に実斜し比范した①CMIでは,身䜓的自芚症,呌吞噚系症状およびCIJ症状が,枩泉療法埌に有意に改善した②SDS倀が40以䞊の症䟋においお,枩泉療法埌,平均倀は45.7から37.5ぞ有意に枛少した③CAIの皮々の心理孊的項目により評䟡した心理的障害は,枩泉療法埌に有意に改善した各心理項目の平均倀であるCAIスコアは,治療埌,37.1から27.8ぞ有意に䜎䞋したこれらの結果から,気管支喘息患者に芳察される心理的障害は,枩泉療法により改善するこずが瀺唆された

    気管支喘息に察する耇合枩泉療法の䜜甚機序 3.気道炎症反応ずの関連

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    The degree and characteristic of airway inflammation were evaluated by the proportions of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells. Clinical asthma types such as Ia. simple bronchoconstriction, Ib. bronchoconstriction + hypersecretion, and Ⅱ. bronchiolar obstruction correlate with airway inflammation. The increased proportion BAL neutrophils is characteristic of type Ⅱ asthma, and increase in BAL eosinophil count is often observed in type Ib asthma. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness also correlates with airway inflammation. Action of spa therapy has been speculated to be related to airway inflammation, since the therapy has no action inhibiting IgE-mediated allergic reaction. In fact, spa therapy is more effective in patients with type Ib and type Ⅱ than in those with type Ia showing slight degree of airway inflammation. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness is also improved by spa therapy. From a point of view, the direct action of spa therapy may be to clean airways and improve damaged mucous membrane of the airways, leading to suppression of airway inflammation.気道炎症反応の皋床や特城が,気管支肺胞掗浄液(BAL)䞭の现胞成分によっお評䟡されたIa.単玔性気管支攣瞮型,Ib.気管支攣瞮+過分泌型,Ⅱ.现気管支閉塞型などの各臚床病型は気道炎症反応ず関連しおいるBAL液䞭奜䞭球増倚は,Ⅱ型喘息の特城的所芋であり,たた奜酞球増倚はIb型喘息でしばしば芳察される気道過敏性もたた気道炎症反応ず関連しおいる枩泉療法の䜜甚機序ずしおは,枩泉療法にIgEにmediateされるアレルギヌ反応(液性因子盞)を抑制する䜜甚がないこずから,気道炎症反応(现胞性因子盞)の抑制が掚枬されおいる実際,枩泉療法は,気道炎症反応が軜床なIa型喘息に比べ,Ib型やⅡ型などの明らかに気道炎症反応をずもなう病型に察しおより有効である気道過敏性もたた枩泉療法により改善されるこれらの 結果から,枩泉療法は,気道を枅浄化し,気道粘膜を正垞化するこずによっお,気道炎症反応を抑制しおいくものず考えられる

    気管支喘息に察する耇合枩泉療法の䜜甚機序 1.枩泉療法の評䟡方法ずの関連

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    Action mechanisms of complex spa therapy (swimming training in a hot spring pool, inhalation with iodine salt solution, and fango therapy) were studied in relation to patient age, clinical asthma type, and airway inflammation. Actions of spa therapy were observed by two clinical effects : direct and indirect effects. Improvement of subjective symptoms, ventilatory function, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness was observed as direct effects of spa therapy, and improvement of suppressed function of adrenocortical glands as indirect effects of the therapy. The clinical effects of spa therapy were higher in patients over the age of 40. Regarding clinical asthma type, the effects were larger in patients with type Ib and type II asthma than in those with type Ia. The efficacy of spa therapy was closely related with airway inflammation in patients with type Ib and type II asthma.耇合枩泉療法(枩泉プヌル氎泳蚓緎,ペヌドゟル吞入,鉱泥湿垃療法)の䜜甚機序が,幎霢,臚床病型,気道炎症反応ずの関連のもずに怜蚎された枩泉療法の䜜甚機序は,2皮類の臚床効果,すなわち,盎接効果ず間接効果により芳察された自,他芚症状の改善,換気機胜の改善,そしお,気道過敏性の改善などが,枩泉療法の盎接効果ずしお,たた,副腎皮質機胜の改善が間接効果ずし お芳察された枩泉療法の臚床効果は,40才以䞊の症䟋においおより有効であり,たた,臚床病型別ではIa型に比べ,Ib型およびⅡ型においおより有効であったIb型やⅡ型の気管支喘息では,枩泉療法の䜜甚機序ず気道炎症反応ずの間に密接な関連が認められた

    Ia型(単玔気管支れん瞮型)喘息における気道過敏性に぀いお 幎霢および気管支肺胞掗浄液䞭の现胞成分ずの関連に぀いお

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    Bronchial hyperresponsiveness was examined in relation to age, ventilatory function, and the proportion of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells in 39 patients with type Ia asthma (simple bronchoconstriction) (25 with type Ia-1 and 14 with type Ia-2), classified by clinical symptoms. 1. The proportion of BAL eosinophils was significantly higher in type Ia-2 than that in type Ia-1 asthma patients. 2. Bronchial reactivity to methacholine was not different between type Ia-1 and type Ia-2 asthma patients. 3. Bronchial hyperreactivity tended to decrease as patient age was higher in both types of asthma. Neither ventilatory function (FEV1.0%) nor the proportions of BAL lymphocytes and neutrophils was not correlated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness in both types of asthma. 4. Bronchial reactivity to methacholine more dereased with the increase in the proportion of BAL eosinophils in both type Ia-1 and Ia-2 asthma patients. The results show that bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with type Ia asthma is correlated to patients age and the proportion of BAL eosinophils.気管支喘息患者Ia型(単玔気管支れん瞮型)39人(Ia-1型25人,Ia-2型14人)の気道過敏性を幎霢,呌吞機胜怜査,気管支肺胞掗浄液(BAL)䞭の现胞成分ず関連で怜蚎を行った1.BAL液䞭の奜酞球の比率はIa-1型に比べIa-2型で優䜍に高倀であった2.メサコリンに察しおの過敏性はIa-1型ずIa-2型ずで差を認めなかった3.気道過敏性はどちらの病型においおも幎霢にずもなっお枛匱する傟向にあったが,䞀秒率及びBAL液䞭の奜䞭球,リンパ球の比率ずは盞関しなかった4.メサコリンに察しおの気道過敏性はIa-1型,Ia-2型ずもにBAL液䞭の奜酞球の比率が増加するにしたがっお亢進した以䞊より単玔気管支れん瞮型(Ia型)の気管支喘息患者の気道過敏性はその幎霢,BAL液䞭の奜酞球の比率に盞関するこずが瀺唆された


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    Ventilatory function and inflammatory cells in airways were compared between patients with type Ⅱ (bronchiolar obstruction) asthma and those with obstructive bronchiolitis. 1. Age and age at onset were higher in patients with type Ⅱ asthma than in those with obstructive bronchiolitis. IgE-mediated allergic reaction was observed in patients with type Ⅱ asthma, but not in those with obstructive bronchiolitis. 2. In ventilatory function tests, all ventilatory parameters examined were lower in patients with type Ⅱ asthma compared to those with obstructive bronchiolitis, and the differences were significant in FEV1.0% (p<0.001), % MMF (p<0.02), and V50 (p<0.01). 3. The proportion of BAL neutrophils was very high in type Ⅱ asthma (55.7%) and obstructive bronchiolitis (74.4%), however, this was not significant. 4. Absolute numbers/BAL fluid of total cells, BAL macrophages and BAL neutrophils were significantly higher in patients with obstructive bronchiolitis than in those with type Ⅱ asthma. 5. The results on absolute number/mℓ of BAL cells demonstrated that number of BAL neutrophils markedly larger in patients with obstructive bronchiolitis compared to those with type Ⅱ asthma. These results show that high proportion of BAL neutrophils was observed in the two respiratory diseases, however, the degree of inflammation in airways was markedly greater in obstructive bronchiolitis.Ⅱ型喘息ず閉塞性现気管支炎の臚床的特城に぀いお,換気機胜および気道炎症反応を䞭心に怜蚎を加えた1.幎霢,および発症幎霢ずも閉塞性现気管支炎に比べⅡ型喘息においお高い傟向が芋られたIgE系反応はⅡ型喘息では芳察されたが,閉塞性现気管支炎では芋られなかった2.換気機胜では,枬定された党おの換気パラメヌタヌにおいお,その倀は閉塞性现気管支炎に比べⅡ型喘息でより䜎い倀を瀺し,FEV1.0%,% MMFおよび% V50では有意の差が芋られた3.BAL液䞭奜䞭球頻床は,Ⅱ型喘息(55.7%),閉塞性现気管支炎(74.4%)いずれにおいおも高い倀を瀺したが,䞡者間に有意の差は芋られなかった4.䞀方,BAL液䞭の絶察数では,Ⅱ型喘息に比べ,閉塞性现気管支炎においお,総现胞数,マクロファヌゞおよび奜䞭球数が有意の高倀を瀺した5.たた,lmℓあたりの现胞数の比范でも,閉塞性现気管支炎で奜䞭球数が著明な高倀を瀺したこれらの結果より,この2疟患では気道内奜䞭球増倚は同様に芋られるものの,その気道炎症の皋床は明らかに閉塞性现気管支炎でより高床であるこずが瀺された


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    Ventilatory function and inflammatory cells in airways were compared between patients with type Ⅱ (bronchiolar obstruction) asthma and those with obstructive bronchiolitis. 1. Age and age at onset were higher in patients with type Ⅱ asthma than in those with obstructive bronchiolitis. IgE-mediated allergic reaction was observed in patients with type Ⅱ asthma, but not in those with obstructive bronchiolitis. 2. In ventilatory function tests, all ventilatory parameters examined were lower in patients with type Ⅱ asthma compared to those with obstructive bronchiolitis, and the differences were significant in FEV1.0% (p<0.001), % MMF (p<0.02), and V50 (p<0.01). 3. The proportion of BAL neutrophils was very high in type Ⅱ asthma (55.7%) and obstructive bronchiolitis (74.4%), however, this was not significant. 4. Absolute numbers/BAL fluid of total cells, BAL macrophages and BAL neutrophils were significantly higher in patients with obstructive bronchiolitis than in those with type Ⅱ asthma. 5. The results on absolute number/mℓ of BAL cells demonstrated that number of BAL neutrophils markedly larger in patients with obstructive bronchiolitis compared to those with type Ⅱ asthma. These results show that high proportion of BAL neutrophils was observed in the two respiratory diseases, however, the degree of inflammation in airways was markedly greater in obstructive bronchiolitis.Ⅱ型喘息ず閉塞性现気管支炎の臚床的特城に぀いお,換気機胜および気道炎症反応を䞭心に怜蚎を加えた1.幎霢,および発症幎霢ずも閉塞性现気管支炎に比べⅡ型喘息においお高い傟向が芋られたIgE系反応はⅡ型喘息では芳察されたが,閉塞性现気管支炎では芋られなかった2.換気機胜では,枬定された党おの換気パラメヌタヌにおいお,その倀は閉塞性现気管支炎に比べⅡ型喘息でより䜎い倀を瀺し,FEV1.0%,% MMFおよび% V50では有意の差が芋られた3.BAL液䞭奜䞭球頻床は,Ⅱ型喘息(55.7%),閉塞性现気管支炎(74.4%)いずれにおいおも高い倀を瀺したが,䞡者間に有意の差は芋られなかった4.䞀方,BAL液䞭の絶察数では,Ⅱ型喘息に比べ,閉塞性现気管支炎においお,総现胞数,マクロファヌゞおよび奜䞭球数が有意の高倀を瀺した5.たた,lmℓあたりの现胞数の比范でも,閉塞性现気管支炎で奜䞭球数が著明な高倀を瀺したこれらの結果より,この2疟患では気道内奜䞭球増倚は同様に芋られるものの,その気道炎症の皋床は明らかに閉塞性现気管支炎でより高床であるこずが瀺された


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    Clinical features of asthma patients with a low % FVC (<75%) were studied in relation to clinical asthma type and disease severity. 1. The value of % FVC was not related to patient age. 2. A significant association between % FVC value and clinical asthma type was found. The value of % FVC was significantly lower in subjects with type Ⅱ asthma (bronchiolar obstruction) than in those with type Ia-1 and type Ia-2 (simple bronchoconstriction) (p<0.001). 3. % FVC value significantly correlated with disease severity. The value in the subjects tended to decrease as their asthma conditions were more severe. 4. The % FVC value in the subjects was improved after treatment (complex spa therapy). These results demonstrate that a significant correlation is present between low % FVC and disease severity in asthma patients with a low % FVC.% 肺掻量が75%以䞋の䜎倀を瀺す気管支喘息に぀いお,その臚床的特城を,臚床病型や重症床ずの関連のもずに怜蚎した1.% 肺掻量ず幎霢ずの間には関連は芋られなかった2.% 肺掻量ず臚床病型ずの問には有意の関連が芋られ,Ⅱ型喘息(现気管支閉塞型)における% 肺掻量は,Ia-1型やIa-2型などの単玔性気管支攣瞮型に比べ,有意に䜎い倀を瀺した3.% 肺掻量はたた喘息の重症床ず有意の関連を瀺したこれらの症䟋では,喘息の重症床が増すに぀れお,% 肺掻量は枛少する傟向が芋られた4.これら症䟋の䜎倀を瀺す% 肺掻量は,治療(耇合枩泉療法)により改善される傟向が芋られた以䞊の結果より,これらの症䟋(% 肺掻量が75%以䞋)では,% 肺掻量ず喘息の重症床ずの間にある皋床の関連があるこずが明らかになった


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    Bronchial asthma is often accompanied with allergic rhinitis or chronic sinusitis. Mucosal abnormalities of sinonasal cavity may influence lower respiratory responses in patients with asthma. We experienced a case of 72-year-old woman with asthma, who had dyspnea on exertion and a large volume of expectoration of more than 100mℓ a day. Furthermore she had nasal symptoms (nasal obstruction and rhinorrea) with prominent post-nasal discharge. Computed tomography (CT) scans of sinonasal cavity revealed marked thickness of nasal mucosa. Although her asthma symptoms such as wheezing and dyspnea improved by administration of bronchodialators, antiallergic agent, and beclomethason di isocyanate (BDI) accompanied with spa therapy after admission, the volume of expectoration revealed no decrease and her peak expiratory flow (PEF) didn't increase. The volume of expectoration and the PEF showed marked improvement after starting of intranasal glucocorticoid therapy. It is suggested from her clinical course that treatment with intranasal glucocorticoids is very important in asthmatic patients with mucosal abnormalities of sinonasal cavity.気管支喘息症䟋には,アレルギヌ性錻炎や慢性副錻腔炎の合䜵が認められる錻腔内ぞの吞入ステロむド投䞎が喘息症状を改善したずいう報告も存圚し,錻腔病倉が䞋気道の反応に䜕らかの圱響を及がしおいる可胜性が考えられる今回,気管支喘息にお入院した72才の女性の症䟋を呈瀺する劎䜜性呌吞困難ず倚量の喀痰排出が認められ,入院埌の投薬や枩泉療法にお呌吞困難は改善したが,喀痰排出は枛少せず,ピヌクフロヌ倀も䞊昇が認められなかった明らかな埌錻挏が認められ,CTにお䞡偎錻腔粘膜の著明な肥厚の所芋が芋られたため,錻腔内吞入ステロむド投䞎を開始した開始埌,喀痰排出量,ピヌクフロヌ倀は著明な改善を瀺したこの症䟋のように,錻腔あるいは副 錻腔に察する治療が喘息症状を改善する症䟋が存圚する可胜性が考えられた


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    Body Surface Temperature was observed by thermography. The surface temperature of a healthy person's lower limbs, after being cooled in a water bath, increased in parallel with time. Patients with Diabetes Mellitus had different patterns in the rate of increase of the surface temperature. After cold loading, one patient had a 99% recovery ratio of surface temperature, the same level as healthy volunteers (83%, and 88%), as calculated by a picture processing program with the computerized thermotracer. However, the recovery ratio of other patients was poorer, ranging from 56% to under 6% recovery. This measurement of elevation of body temperature is useful for the estimation of peripheral blood flow in patients with lower limbcirculation failure.健垞人䞊びに糖尿病患者を察象にしお䞋肢の䜓衚面枩床を枬定した枬定にはサヌモグラフィヌを甚い,埗られた画像の数倀化にはコンピュヌタを甚いた画像凊理システムを利甚した健垞人を甚いた実隓では,20℃の氎を甚いた冷氎負荷を5分間行うこずにより,冷氎負荷埌,䞋肢の䜓衚面枩床は時間ずずもに䞊昇しお30分埌に良奜な回埩を埗るこずができた画像凊理により28℃以䞊の䜓衚面枩床を呈した䞋肢の面積を負荷前ず比范したずころ,回埩率は,2名の健垞人に぀いおみるずそれぞれ83%,88%であった27℃で画像凊理を行った堎合には回埩率は93%ずなり過倧評䟡される可胜性があったたた,29℃で画像凊理を行ったずころに,逆に,64%ずなり過少評䟡される可胜性があり,28℃が最も良い条件であったこの様な条件䞋で,糖尿病患者7名に぀いお同様に枬定を行ったずころ,1名は健垞人ず同じく99%の良奜な回埩率を呈したしかし,他の1名は56%であり,残りの,5名は6%以䞋であったこの様に,糖尿病患者では,䞋肢の䜓衚面枩床の冷氎負荷埌の回埩率に顕著な差を認めたこの差は,糖尿病患者における,末梢埪環障害の皋床を反映しおいるものず考えられたこの様にコンピュヌタを甚いた画像凊理システムの応甚によりサヌモグラフィヌの画像は数倀化するこずが出来,枬定結果はより客芳的に据えるこずが可胜ずなった画像凊理されたサヌモグラフィヌは䞋肢の埪環障害を持぀患者の末梢血流量の評䟡に有甚な枬定方法であるず考えられた