356 research outputs found

    Effects of Teachers’ Praises on Elementary School Pupils’ Self-Esteem and School Adjustment

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     教師による賞賛が子どもの自尊感情および学校生活への適応に及ぼす影響について検討す るため,小学校5,6年生を対象に,教師からのほめられ経験,自尊感情,学習意欲,学校 生活享受感情の4 種を調査内容とする調査を行った。教師からのほめられ経験については, 学習領域および生活領域の2領域14 項目から成る尺度を新たに作成した。「教師からのほめ られ経験 → 自尊感情 → 学習意欲・学校生活享受感情」を基本的な影響過程とし,収集し たデータに共分散構造分析を適用した。その結果,比較的高い適合度が得られ,教師からの ほめられ経験は,子どもの自尊感情,学習意欲,学校生活享受感情に影響を及ぼすとともに, 自尊感情を媒介して学習意欲および学校生活享受感情に影響を及ぼすことが示唆された。た だし,ほめられ経験の自尊感情への影響に関しては男女差があり,女子においてその影響性 が強いことが示された

    Self-Stabilizing Construction of a Minimal Weakly ST\mathcal{ST}-Reachable Directed Acyclic Graph

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    We propose a self-stabilizing algorithm to construct a minimal weakly ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable directed acyclic graph (DAG), which is suited for routing messages on wireless networks. Given an arbitrary, simple, connected, and undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) and two sets of nodes, senders S(V)\mathcal{S} (\subset V) and targets T(V)\mathcal{T} (\subset V), a directed subgraph G\vec{G} of GG is a weakly ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable DAG on GG, if G\vec{G} is a DAG and every sender can reach at least one target, and every target is reachable from at least one sender in G\vec{G}. We say that a weakly ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable DAG G\vec{G} on GG is minimal if any proper subgraph of G\vec{G} is no longer a weakly ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable DAG. This DAG is a relaxed version of the original (or strongly) ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable DAG, where every target is reachable from every sender. This is because a strongly ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable DAG GG does not always exist; some graph has no strongly ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable DAG even in the case S=T=2|\mathcal{S}|=|\mathcal{T}|=2. On the other hand, the proposed algorithm always constructs a weakly ST\mathcal{ST}-reachable DAG for any S|\mathcal{S}| and T|\mathcal{T}|. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is self-stabilizing; even if the constructed DAG deviates from the reachability requirement by a breakdown or exhausting the battery of a node having an arc in the DAG, this algorithm automatically reconstructs the DAG to satisfy the requirement again. The convergence time of the algorithm is O(D)O(D) asynchronous rounds, where DD is the diameter of a given graph. We conduct small simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The simulation result indicates that its execution time decreases when the number of sender nodes or target nodes is large

    Direct imaging of the disconnection climb mediated point defects absorption by a grain boundary

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    Grain boundaries (GBs) are considered as the effective sinks for point defects, which improve the radiation resistance of materials. However, the fundamental mechanisms of how the GBs absorb and annihilate point defects under irradiation are still not well understood at atomic scale. With the aid of the atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscope, we experimentally investigate the atomistic mechanism of point defects absorption by a ∑31 GB in α-Al2O3 under high energy electron beam irradiation. It is shown that a disconnection pair is formed, during which all the Al atomic columns are tracked. We demonstrate that the formation of the disconnection pair is proceeded with disappearing of atomic columns in the GB core, which suggests that the GB absorbs vacancies. Such point defect absorption is attributed to the nucleation and climb motion of disconnections. These experimental results provide an atomistic understanding of how GBs improve the radiation resistance of materials

    Unmutated Immunoglobulin M Can Protect Mice from Death by Influenza Virus Infection

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    To elucidate the role of class switch recombination (CSR) and somatic hypermutation (SHM) in virus infection, we have investigated the influence of the primary and secondary infections of influenza virus on mice deficient of activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), which is absolutely required for CSR and SHM. In the primary infection, AID deficiency caused no significant difference in mortality but did cause difference in morbidity. In the secondary infection with a lethal dose of influenza virus, both AID−/− and AID+/− mice survived completely. However, AID−/− mice could not completely block replication of the virus and their body weights decreased severely whereas AID+/− mice showed almost complete prevention from the reinfection. Depletion of CD8+ T cells by administration of an anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody caused slightly severer body weight loss but did not alter the survival rate of AID−/− mice in secondary infection. These results indicate that unmutated immunoglobulin (Ig)M alone is capable of protecting mice from death upon primary and secondary infections. Because the titers of virus-neutralizing antibodies were comparable between AID−/− and AID+/− mice at the time of the secondary infection, a defect of AID−/− mice in protection of morbidity might be due to the absence of either other Ig classes such as IgG, high affinity antibodies with SHM, or both

    Partial Gathering of Mobile Agents in Dynamic Tori

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    Gathering of Mobile Robots with Defected Views

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    An autonomous mobile robot system consisting of many mobile computational entities (called robots) attracts much attention of researchers, and it is an emerging issue for a recent couple of decades to clarify the relation between the capabilities of robots and solvability of the problems. Generally, each robot can observe all other robots as long as there are no restrictions on visibility range or obstructions, regardless of the number of robots. In this paper, we provide a new perspective on the observation by robots; a robot cannot necessarily observe all other robots regardless of distances to them. We call this new computational model the defected view model. Under this model, in this paper, we consider the gathering problem that requires all the robots to gather at the same non-predetermined point and propose two algorithms to solve the gathering problem in the adversarial (N,N-2)-defected model for N ? 5 (where each robot observes at most N-2 robots chosen adversarially) and the distance-based (4,2)-defected model (where each robot observes at most two robots closest to itself), respectively, where N is the number of robots. Moreover, we present an impossibility result showing that there is no (deterministic) gathering algorithm in the adversarial or distance-based (3,1)-defected model, and we also show an impossibility result for the gathering in a relaxed (N, N-2)-defected model

    Brief Announcement: Gathering Despite Defected View

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    In this paper, we provide a new perspective on the observation by robots; a robot cannot necessarily observe all other robots regardless of distances to them. We introduce a new computational model with defected views called a (N,k)-defected model where k robots among N-1 other robots can be observed. We propose two gathering algorithms: one in the adversarial (N,N-2)-defected model for N ? 5 (where N is the number of robots) and the other in the distance-based (4,2)-defected model. Moreover, we present two impossibility results for a (3,1)-defected model and a relaxed (N, N-2)-defected model respectively. This announcement is short; the full paper is available at [Yonghwan Kim and others, 2022]