24 research outputs found

    How did Educational Scholars in Japan Read Neo-Kantian? Bibliographic-Research on Shinohara Library

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     本稿は,「篠原助市教育学の形成過程に関する教育学説史的研究:新カント派受容に着目して」の一環として,京都大学教育学部図書館の篠原助市・陽二文庫の書誌調査から,戦前期日本の教育学者が新カント派のテクストの「どれ」を「いつ」「どのように」読んだのかについて,篠原助市の生涯と彼の著作『教育の本質と教育学』(1930 年)に焦点を当てて検討したものである。書誌調査から,篠原助市文庫のほとんどが陽二のものであることがわかった。篠原は学校に務めていたころにナトルプの解説書から新カント派に出会ったが,本格的にこれに習熟するようになるのは京都帝国大学入学以後であることがわかった。京都帝国大学から東京高等師範学校時代はヴィンデルバント(新カント派のバーデン学派)により重点を置いた読書を重ね,その歴史哲学的指向性を受容するも,その後1923 年から1930 年までの東北帝国大学時代には,博論執筆に向けてナトルプ(マールブルク学派)を深めており,バーデン学派の思想的成熟は『本質』執筆以後の1930 年代に成し遂げられたことがわかった。篠原の『本質』における新カント派受容をナトルプに限定し,その解釈を「補完・敷衍」「憑依・同調」「当馬・対立」という類型で整理した

    Atomic structure and electronic properties of MgO grain boundaries in tunnelling magnetoresistive devices

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    Polycrystalline metal oxides find diverse applications in areas such as nanoelectronics, photovoltaics and catalysis. Although grain boundary defects are ubiquitous their structure and electronic properties are very poorly understood since it is extremely challenging to probe the structure of buried interfaces directly. In this paper we combine novel plan-view high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and first principles calculations to provide atomic level understanding of the structure and properties of grain boundaries in the barrier layer of a magnetic tunnel junction. We show that the highly [001] textured MgO films contain numerous tilt grain boundaries. First principles calculations reveal how these grain boundaries are associated with locally reduced band gaps (by up to 3 eV). Using a simple model we show how shunting a proportion of the tunnelling current through grain boundaries imposes limits on the maximum magnetoresistance that can be achieved in devices

    Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of N-acetylglucosamine-phosphate mutase from Candida albicans

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    Preliminary X-ray diffraction studies on N-acetylglucosamine-phosphate mutase from C. albicans are reported

    NBRP databases: databases of biological resources in Japan

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    The National BioResource Project (NBRP) is a Japanese project that aims to establish a system for collecting, preserving and providing bioresources for use as experimental materials for life science research. It is promoted by 27 core resource facilities, each concerned with a particular group of organisms, and by one information center. The NBRP database is a product of this project. Thirty databases and an integrated database-retrieval system (BioResource World: BRW) have been created and made available through the NBRP home page (http://www.nbrp.jp). The 30 independent databases have individual features which directly reflect the data maintained by each resource facility. The BRW is designed for users who need to search across several resources without moving from one database to another. BRW provides access to a collection of 4.5-million records on bioresources including wild species, inbred lines, mutants, genetically engineered lines, DNA clones and so on. BRW supports summary browsing, keyword searching, and searching by DNA sequences or gene ontology. The results of searches provide links to online requests for distribution of research materials. A circulation system allows users to submit details of papers published on research conducted using NBRP resources

    A narrative Inquiry on Teaching Practice Instruction for School-based Teacher Educators

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    While teaching practice in school for pre-service teachers currently gains more attention by researchers who find positive effects for mentors, it has not been focused yet how teaching practice instruction could be the arena of professional development for school-based teacher educators. To discuss the importance of fostering professional development of school-based teacher educators through teaching practice in school, this paper held an interview with four teacher educators who experienced growth through teaching practice instruction. Through the analysis of their narratives of how they view teaching practice instruction, experience-based learning process to be a teacher educator was found with four key categories. This paper then reconstructed experiential learning model: Those key categories played important roles for proceeding experiential learning cycle that indicates strategies for the professional development