204 research outputs found

    Imaging the decay of quantized vortex rings to decipher quantum dissipation

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    Like many quantum fluids, superfluid helium-4 (He II) can be considered as a mixture of two miscible fluid components: an inviscid superfluid and a viscous normal fluid consisting of thermal quasiparticles [1]. A mutual friction between the two fluids can emerge due to quasiparticles scattering off quantized vortex lines in the superfluid [2]. This quantum dissipation mechanism is the key for understanding various fascinating behaviors of the two-fluid system [3,4]. However, due to the lack of experimental data for guidance, modeling the mutual friction between individual vortices and the normal fluid remains an unsettled topic despite decades of research [5-10]. Here we report an experiment where we visualize the motion of quantized vortex rings in He II by decorating them with solidified deuterium tracer particles. By examining how the rings spontaneously shrink and accelerate, we provide unequivocal evidences showing that only a recent theory [9] which accounts for the coupled motion of the two fluids with a self-consistent local friction can reproduce the observed ring dynamics. Our work eliminates long-standing ambiguities in our theoretical description of the vortex dynamics in He II, which will have a far-reaching impact since similar mutual friction concept has been adopted for a wide variety of quantum two-fluid systems, including atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) [11,12], superfluid neutron stars [13-15], and gravity-mapped holographic superfluid [16,17].Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure


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    ABSTRACT * Recently, as handheld information appliances, such as mobile phones, PDAs, have widely spread, the development of these appliances should pay more attention in their ergonomic design. However, the user tests for developing the "ergonomic" appliances are usually done by many real subjects testing a variety of these physical mockups, and the process of these tests usually requires the expensive cost and has to take a long time. So, we propose a software system of an automatic ergonomic assessment system for designing handheld information appliances by integrating the digital hand model with the 3D product model of the appliance. Our system has the following four feature functions for ergonomic assessment: 1) Generation of kinematically and geometrically accurate digital hand models with rich dimensional variation, 2) automatic grasp posture generation and evaluation of the posture stability by estimating the force-closure and the grasp quality, 3) automatic evaluation of ease of the finger motion in operating the user interface, 4) aiding the designers to re-design the housing shapes and user-interfaces in the product model. In this paper we propose a new optimization-based method the 2) of the above functions. As the objective function, we use the number of the contact points, the fit of the specific part of the hand surface for the feature edges of the product surface and the margin for the constraints on the joint angle limits of the figures. The experimental studies on the grasp posture generation for the digital camera indicate that more realistic grasp posture could be generated using the proposed * N14 W9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0814, Japan. Email: [email protected] optimization-based method than the one using our former method
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