166 research outputs found

    Empirical Evaluation of Test Coverage for Functional Programs

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    The correlation between test coverage and test effectiveness is important to justify the use of coverage in practice. Existing results on imperative programs mostly show that test coverage predicates effectiveness. However, since functional programs are usually structurally different from imperative ones, it is unclear whether the same result may be derived and coverage can be used as a prediction of effectiveness on functional programs. In this paper we report the first empirical study on the correlation between test coverage and test effectiveness on functional programs. We consider four types of coverage: as input coverages, statement/branch coverage and expression coverage, and as oracle coverages, count of assertions and checked coverage. We also consider two types of effectiveness: raw effectiveness and normalized effectiveness. Our results are twofold. (1) In general the findings on imperative programs still hold on functional programs, warranting the use of coverage in practice. (2) On specific coverage criteria, the results may be unexpected or different from the imperative ones, calling for further studies on functional programs

    Fast Untethered Soft Robotic Crawler with Elastic Instability

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    High-speed locomotion of animals gives them tremendous advantages in exploring, hunting, and escaping from predators in varying environments. Enlightened by the fast-running gait of mammals like cheetahs and wolves, we designed and fabricated a single-servo-driving untethered soft robot that is capable of galloping at a speed of 313 mm/s or 1.56 body length per second (BL/s), 5.2 times and 2.6 times faster than the reported fastest predecessors in mm/s and BL/s, respectively, in literature. An in-plane prestressed hair clip mechanism (HCM) made up of semi-rigid materials like plastic is used as the supporting chassis, the compliant spine, and the muscle force amplifier of the robot at the same time, enabling the robot to be rapid and strong. The influence of factors including actuation frequency, substrates, tethering/untethering, and symmetric/asymmetric actuation is explored with experiments. Based on previous work, this paper further demonstrated the potential of HCM in addressing the speed problem of soft robots

    Learning Discriminative Features with Multiple Granularities for Person Re-Identification

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    The combination of global and partial features has been an essential solution to improve discriminative performances in person re-identification (Re-ID) tasks. Previous part-based methods mainly focus on locating regions with specific pre-defined semantics to learn local representations, which increases learning difficulty but not efficient or robust to scenarios with large variances. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end feature learning strategy integrating discriminative information with various granularities. We carefully design the Multiple Granularity Network (MGN), a multi-branch deep network architecture consisting of one branch for global feature representations and two branches for local feature representations. Instead of learning on semantic regions, we uniformly partition the images into several stripes, and vary the number of parts in different local branches to obtain local feature representations with multiple granularities. Comprehensive experiments implemented on the mainstream evaluation datasets including Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reid and CUHK03 indicate that our method has robustly achieved state-of-the-art performances and outperformed any existing approaches by a large margin. For example, on Market-1501 dataset in single query mode, we achieve a state-of-the-art result of Rank-1/mAP=96.6%/94.2% after re-ranking.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. To appear in ACM Multimedia 201

    Scene Graph Lossless Compression with Adaptive Prediction for Objects and Relations

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    The scene graph is a new data structure describing objects and their pairwise relationship within image scenes. As the size of scene graph in vision applications grows, how to losslessly and efficiently store such data on disks or transmit over the network becomes an inevitable problem. However, the compression of scene graph is seldom studied before because of the complicated data structures and distributions. Existing solutions usually involve general-purpose compressors or graph structure compression methods, which is weak at reducing redundancy for scene graph data. This paper introduces a new lossless compression framework with adaptive predictors for joint compression of objects and relations in scene graph data. The proposed framework consists of a unified prior extractor and specialized element predictors to adapt for different data elements. Furthermore, to exploit the context information within and between graph elements, Graph Context Convolution is proposed to support different graph context modeling schemes for different graph elements. Finally, a learned distribution model is devised to predict numerical data under complicated conditional constraints. Experiments conducted on labeled or generated scene graphs proves the effectiveness of the proposed framework in scene graph lossless compression task
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