34 research outputs found

    Evidence of the side jump mechanism in the anomalous Hall effect in paramagnets

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    Persistent confusion has existed between the intrinsic (Berry curvature) and the side jump mechanisms of anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in ferromagnets. We provide unambiguous identification of the side jump mechanism, in addition to the skew scattering contribution in epitaxial paramagnetic Ni34_{34}Cu66_{66} thin films, in which the intrinsic contribution is by definition excluded. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the AHE further reveals that the side jump mechanism is dominated by the elastic scattering

    A New Species of Genus Microhyla (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) from Zhejiang Province, China

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    We described a new species, Microhyla beilunensis sp. nov., from Zhejiang Province of China. Phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial 12S, 16S and CO1 gene sequences suggested that the new taxon was distinctly separated from its congeners and closed to M. mixtura and M. okinavensis. Morphologically, the new species could be identified from its congeners except M. mixtura by several characters: (1) rudimentary webs on toe base; (2) absence of disks and dorsal median longitudinal grooves on finger tips; (3) presence of disks and dorsal median longitudinal grooves on toe tips. As well, the new species could be identified from topotype M. mixtura by the combination of characters: (1) apart from the stripes, bar-shaped and oval-shaped patterns, the rounded spots present on the dorsum of body and legs; (2) the outer metacarpal tubercles prominently larger than the inner one; (3) of males, the ratios of HW, IND, UEW and LAW to SVL of the new species were significantly larger than those of M. mixtura (P < 0.01), and the ratios of SL, IOD, LAHL, HLL, TL, TFL and FL to SVL of the new species were significantly less than those of M. mixtura (P < 0.05)

    Examining the Location Characteristics of Knowledge Industrial Space for Smart Planning and Industry 4.0: A Case Study of Hangzhou, China

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    In the era of Industry 4.0, the knowledge economy is reshaping the global economic structure, which makes the research on the layout of knowledge industries particularly important. This study, using Hangzhou in China as a case, constructs an index system from two dimensions (i.e., business and living amenities), and compares three typical representative knowledge industries. The nearest neighbor index, kernel density, and stepwise regression model were adopted. Results revealed that: (1) The spatial agglomeration intensity of knowledge industries is varied in different classes, with the financial industry being the most agglomerated, scientific research technology service industry the second, and smart manufacturing industry the least agglomerated. (2) The spatial distribution of knowledge industries is agglomerated in the shape of “#”, which is in line with the urban skeleton. (3) For the distribution of the financial industry, parking lots and cafés are strong influencing factors. The scientific research technology service industry locates closer to sports and fitness amenities, colleges and universities, and parks, while the smart manufacturing industry has a strong connection with snacking spots, fast food, and scientific research institutions. The results can provide a decision-making basis for the micro-location selection of urban knowledge industries and the adjustment of future industrial planning in the intelligent era

    Examining the Location Characteristics of Knowledge Industrial Space for Smart Planning and Industry 4.0: A Case Study of Hangzhou, China

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    In the era of Industry 4.0, the knowledge economy is reshaping the global economic structure, which makes the research on the layout of knowledge industries particularly important. This study, using Hangzhou in China as a case, constructs an index system from two dimensions (i.e., business and living amenities), and compares three typical representative knowledge industries. The nearest neighbor index, kernel density, and stepwise regression model were adopted. Results revealed that: (1) The spatial agglomeration intensity of knowledge industries is varied in different classes, with the financial industry being the most agglomerated, scientific research technology service industry the second, and smart manufacturing industry the least agglomerated. (2) The spatial distribution of knowledge industries is agglomerated in the shape of &ldquo;#&rdquo;, which is in line with the urban skeleton. (3) For the distribution of the financial industry, parking lots and caf&eacute;s are strong influencing factors. The scientific research technology service industry locates closer to sports and fitness amenities, colleges and universities, and parks, while the smart manufacturing industry has a strong connection with snacking spots, fast food, and scientific research institutions. The results can provide a decision-making basis for the micro-location selection of urban knowledge industries and the adjustment of future industrial planning in the intelligent era

    The Cell-Specific Role of SHP2 in Regulating Bone Homeostasis and Regeneration Niches

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    Src homology-2 containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP2), encoded by PTPN11, has been proven to participate in bone-related diseases, such as Noonan syndrome (NS), metachondromatosis and osteoarthritis. However, the mechanisms of SHP2 in bone remodeling and homeostasis maintenance are complex and undemonstrated. The abnormal expression of SHP2 can influence the differentiation and maturation of osteoblasts, osteoclasts and chondrocytes. Meanwhile, SHP2 mutations can act on the immune system, vasculature and nervous system, which in turn affect bone development and remodeling. Signaling pathways regulated by SHP2, such as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), Indian hedgehog (IHH) and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (AKT), are also involved in the proliferation, differentiation and migration of bone functioning cells. This review summarizes the recent advances of SHP2 on osteogenesis-related cells and niche cells in the bone marrow microenvironment. The phenotypic features of SHP2 conditional knockout mice and underlying mechanisms are discussed. The prospective applications of the current agonists or inhibitors that target SHP2 in bone-related diseases are also described. Full clarification of the role of SHP2 in bone remodeling will shed new light on potential treatment for bone related diseases

    Experimental Research on Variable Parameter Forming Process for Forming Specimen of TC4 Titanium Alloy by Selective Laser Melting

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    To optimize the microstructure and properties of TC4 specimens formed by selective laser melting (SLM), the test program of formed specimens by the variable parameter forming process (VPFP) was designed based on the quantitative parameter forming process (QPFP). The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of the VPFP on the surface morphology, tensile properties, and microstructure of the specimens. The test results show that the surface morphology and tensile properties of the specimens were better formed by the VPFP. The internal holes of the specimens formed by the VPFP were small in volume and occupied a relatively small proportion, and the density could reach 99.7%. When the laser power was 300 W&ndash;260 W and equally divided into six hierarchies, the tensile strength could reach 1185.214 MPa by VPFP, but the elongation had no obvious change. The number of secondary acicular martensite &alpha;&rsquo; phases was decreased in the microstructure of the specimens formed with VPFP. With the superposition of the hierarchy, the length of the primary acicular martensite &alpha;&rsquo; phase became shorter, the width became larger, and the width of the columnar crystal &beta; phase became smaller. The VPFP is used to change the inherent method of forming specimens with the same parameters, which provides a new idea for SLM-forming structures; the test provides data and yields a theoretical research basis for forming the specimens process method

    The Frequency Control Strategy of a Wind–Storage Combined System Considering Battery SOC

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    The wind power capacity has increased a lot recently and the number of close energy storage systems has also rapidly increased. To enhance the frequency stability support ability of such wind–storage combined systems, this paper proposes a virtual synchronous control strategy for a wind–storage combined system considering the battery state of charge (SOC). The virtual synchronous control is used to make the wind turbine generate more active power when the system is in disturbance. Most importantly, to ensure that the stored energy is used efficiently, the wide-area SOC concept of the energy storage system is considered, which is realized by designing the batteries with additional control that is related to the other batteries’ SOCs. This means that the low-SOC energy storage system’s power shortage can be compensated for by the high-SOC batteries. The above unified control enhances the wind–storage combined system’s frequency supporting ability. According to the simulations, the frequency drop can be suppressed through the help of the virtual synchronous control and the stored energy. Additionally, the instability can also be eliminated when wide-area SOC is considered, such that the proposed efficiency and correctness are finally verified through the simulations